// DOM Ready Function function ready(fn) { if (document.readyState != 'loading') { fn(); } else { document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', fn); } } // DOM Ready Called ready(function () { const tabAdmin = document.getElementsByClassName('tabAdmin'); const changeTabAdmin = document.getElementsByClassName('changeTabAdmin'); // Tabs Admin Event function fireTabsAdmin() { //Dynamic tabs with loops const loop = [ { id: 1, contains: 1, remove: 1, add: 0 }, { id: 2, contains: 0, remove: 0, add: 1 } ] var currentTab = [] //index 0 is for tab app-setting and 1 is users loop.forEach((e, index) => { tabAdmin[index].addEventListener('click', () => { if (tabAdmin[e.contains].classList.contains('border-b-2', 'border-accent', 'font-semibold')) { tabAdmin[e.remove].classList.remove('border-b-2', 'border-accent', 'font-semibold'); tabAdmin[e.add].classList.add('border-b-2', 'border-accent', 'font-semibold'); } currentTab.push(tabAdmin[index].dataset.id) if(currentTab.slice(-2)[0] != tabAdmin[index].dataset.id || (currentTab.length <= 1 && tabAdmin[index].dataset.id == 2)){ for (let idx = 0; idx < changeTabAdmin.length; idx++) { if (changeTabAdmin[idx].classList.contains('flex-1')) { changeTabAdmin[idx].classList.remove('flex-1'); changeTabAdmin[idx].classList.add('hidden'); } else { changeTabAdmin[idx].classList.remove('hidden'); changeTabAdmin[idx].classList.add('flex-1'); } } } }); }) } fireTabsAdmin(); });