1. Create a user in your gitlab, name it `gitmirror`
2. Create a user on your linux machine, call it `gitmirror` by running: `sudo adduser gitmirror`
3. Switch to the new user by typing `su - gitmirror` and by default you are, but make sure you are in it's home directory by typing `cd ~`
4. Clone this repo by typing `git clone https://github.com/Facinorous-420/gitmirrors-bs.git`
5. Enter the new directory by typing `cd gitmirrors-bs`
6. Edit setup.conf by typing `nano setup.conf`
7. Give the setup script execute permissions by typing `chmod u+x ./setup`
Be sure to read the config and change all things to your desired specifications. Refer to the comments in that file for info on what everything is.
Do not edit anything under the system variables section, only the user variables. You'll need to generate a Personal Access Token in the user `gitmirror` on gitlab for the config.
**NOTE:** Currently you must create the groups in gitlab using the `gitmirror` user manually. This will be changed in a future update. Once this text is gone, it'll be automatic.
You might find out that gitlab-mirror doesn't actually update that often. Although, if it ever does, you can simply run `./update` to update your project's gitlab-mirror.
Great thanks to the original creator of [gitlab-mirrors](https://github.com/samrocketman/gitlab-mirrors), [samrocketman](https://github.com/samrocketman) obviously as that is the main foundation to these bash scripts.