## Collection of Custom Formats for Radarr V3 (Aphrodite)
Here I will try to collect a collection of most needed/used Custom Formats.
That I've found on discord or created myself with the help of others.
> Keep in mind Custom Formats are made to fine tune your Quality Profile !!!
> Meaning: Quality Profile trumps Custom Formats !!!
With the coming of Radarr v3 the Custom Formats is much more advanced/powerful then with v0.2 this also means it's much more complicated to setup.
So I decided to use more screenshots for the basic setups to make it as easy as possible.
| Audio | Video | Misc |
| :--------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------- | --------------------------------------- |
| [Dolby TrueHD/ATMOS ](#dolby-truehdatmos ) | [Single Layer DV ](#single-layer-dv ) | [BR-DISK ](#br-disk ) |
| [DTS-HD/DTS:X ](#dts-hd-dts-x ) | | [EVO except WEB-DL ](#evo-except-web-dl ) |
| [DDP (non-Atmos) ](#ddp-non-atmos ) | | [Special Edition ](#special-edition ) |
This is a custom format to help Radarr to recognize & ignore BR-DISK (ISO's and Blu-ray folder structure).
You will need to add the following to your new Custom Format when created in your Quality Profile (`Setting` => `Profiles` ) and then set the score to `-1000`
![image-20200823155946642 ](images/image-20200823155946642.png )
![image-20200823160216479 ](images/image-20200823160216479.png )
![image-20200823160329429 ](images/image-20200823160329429.png )
![image-20200823160419447 ](images/image-20200823160419447.png )
![image-20200823160456561 ](images/image-20200823160456561.png )
#### **NOTE:**
> Depending on your rename scheme it could happen that it will match renamed files after download as BR-DISK,
> This is a cosmetic annoyance till I come up for another way to solve this,
> being that this Custom Format is used to not download BR-DISK it does it purpose as intended.
> Several reasons why this is happening:
> - Blame the often wrongly used naming of x265 encodes.
> - Radarr v3 uses dynamic custom formats
### EVO except WEB-DL
This group is often banned for the low quality Blu-ray releases but their WEB-DL are okay.
![image-20200823160627512 ](images/image-20200823160627512.png )
![image-20200823160801588 ](images/image-20200823160801588.png )
![image-20200823162547299 ](images/image-20200823162547299.png )
### Dolby TrueHD/ATMOS
If you prefer TrueHD|Atmos audio tracks.
![image-20200823144556484 ](images/image-20200823144556484.png )
![image-20200823144701236 ](images/image-20200823144701236.png )
If you prefer DTS-HD/DTS:X audio tracks.
![image-20200823151557625 ](images/image-20200823151557625.png )
![image-20200823151639099 ](images/image-20200823151639099.png )
### Single Layer DV
Custom Format for Single Layer Dolby Vision releases.
![image-20200823152059999 ](images/image-20200823152059999.png )
![image-20200823152225653 ](images/image-20200823152225653.png )
![image-20200823152302737 ](images/image-20200823152302737.png )
### Special Edition
Custom format for several Special Editions
![image-20200904212829258 ](images/image-20200904212829258.png )
![image-20200904212930373 ](images/image-20200904212930373.png )
### DDP (non-Atmos)