Keep in mind that most releases are MULTi (understand DUAL audio, original and French audio) and it will be difficult to only have French audio, unless you are willing to get 720p, or you are only looking for French movies.
Therefore, you will need a slightly modified MULTi Custom Format than the one find in the original guide. This one also recognize VO and VFF in the name and rename the import. This is important for the score to match before and after the import and to avoid download loop.
- Adding Custom Formats, as explained in [How to import Custom Formats](/Radarr/Radarr-import-custom-formats/){:target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"}.
- Setting up a quality Profile to make use of the Custom Formats, as explained in [How to setup Quality Profiles | Basics section](/Radarr/radarr-setup-quality-profiles/#basics){:target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"}.
The only change that is needed and **mandatory** for French Custom Formats to work is to set the preferred language profile for your releases to `Any`.
- (Optional) Add the [{{ radarr['cf']['french-vostfr']['name'] }}](/Radarr/Radarr-collection-of-custom-formats/#vostfr) Custom Format with a score of `1000`.
There is two ways of using those French Custom Formats, with and without the Guide's original Group tiers (which can be found there: [Collection of Custom Formats](/Radarr/Radarr-collection-of-custom-formats/){:target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"}).
To illustrate this, you will see an **"Original mix (optional)"** section in each of the examples below. You need to understand that if you add the Custom Formats from this optional section if Radarr do not find a MULTi you will still have a good scoring for single audio.
If you use the **"Original mix (optional)"**. You need to understand that even if in the beginning the main focus of those French Custom Formats is to work alongside the original ones.
You could end up with a single audio release when a MULTi release exists. This is because it was not scored high enough to trump the other scoring.
- You only want VOSTFR, in this case you will ignore any mention of **MULTi Custom Formats** and give the [{{ radarr['cf']['french-vostfr']['name'] }}](/Radarr/Radarr-collection-of-custom-formats/#vostfr) Custom Format a score of `1000`.