For a more detailed few of all the setting check the following [LINK]({:target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"}.
1. Enter the hostname or the IP address of the computer running your Sonarr instance.
!!! info
**Be aware that when using Bazarr in docker, you cannot reach another container on the same Docker host using the loopback address (ex.: or localhost). Loopback address refer to the Bazarr Docker container, not the Docker host.**
1. Enter the TCP port of your Sonarr instance. Default is 8989.
1. Sonarr uses the Base URL *ONLY* if used with a "Reverse Proxy" (ex: Nginx Proxy Manager or SWAG) and MUST have a leading slash if it is needed (ex: /sonarr).
1. Select the minimum score (in percentage) required for a subtitles file to be downloaded.
!!! info
**Are your subs often out of sync or just bad? Raise the score!**
1. Episodes from series with those tags (case sensitive) in Sonarr will be excluded from automatic download of Subtitles. In Sonarr you add a custom tag to a show, in this case the shows with these tags will be ignored by Bazarr.
1. Episodes from series with these types in Sonarr will be excluded from automatic download of Subtitles.
Options: `Standard`, `Anime`, `Daily`
1. Automatic download of Subtitles will only happen for monitored shows/episodes in Sonarr.
### Path Mappings
!!! note
You should only use this section if Sonarr and Bazarr use a different path to access the same files.
(for example if you run Sonarr on a different device then Bazarr or have a Synology and mix packages with Docker.)
*If everything runs on Docker you normally don't need to use this except if you got messed up paths and then it would be smarter to fix those first to have consistent and well planned paths.*
Please take a look at TRaSH's Hardlink Tutorial <>
!!! danger "Don't forget to Save your settings !!!"
1. Enter the hostname or the IP address of the computer running your Sonarr instance.
!!! info
**Be aware that when using Bazarr in docker, you cannot reach another container on the same Docker host using the loopback address (ex.: or localhost). Loopback address refer to the Bazarr Docker container, not the Docker host.**
1. Enter the TCP port of your Radarr instance. Default is 7878.
1. Radarr uses the Base URL *ONLY* if used with a "Reverse Proxy" (ex: Nginx Proxy Manager or SWAG) and MUST have a leading slash if it is needed (ex: /radarr).
*If everything runs on Docker you normally don't need to use this except if you got messed up paths and then it would be smarter to fix those first to have consistent and well planned paths.*
Please take a look at TRaSH's Hardlink Tutorial <>
!!! danger "Don't forget to Save your settings !!!"

## Languages
Here we're going to configure which subtitle languages you prefer/want.
**We don't recommend enabling `Single Language` option unless absolutely required (ie: media player not supporting language code in subtitles filename). Results may vary.
Be aware the language code (ex.: en) is not going to be included in the subtitles file name when enabling this.**
1. Select the subtitles providers you would like to enable. it is best to select multiple providers and create/use a account with them especially when you got allot of wanted subtitles. Some subtitle providers requires a extra paid Anti-Captcha Service.
1. Your enabled providers.
!!! tip
If possible don't forget to support them for their free service
!!! danger "Don't forget to Save your settings !!!"

## Subtitles
Here we will configure some extra settings for your subtitles
[Why (or) do I need the Anti-Captcha ?]({:target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"}
1. If you want to use the embedded subtitles in the media files [More Info]({:target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"}
If you still have questions please check the [Troubleshooting]({:target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"} section in the wiki.
For more info about the other settings check the [Settings]({:target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"} wiki.