# SABnzbd - Paths and Categories
{! include-markdown "../../../includes/downloaders/path.md" !}
<!-- - - 8< - - "includes/downloaders/path.md" -->
`SABnzbd config` => `Folders`
![!sabnzbd-folders ](/Hardlinks/images/sabnzbd-folders.png )
`SABnzbd config` => `Categories`
![!sabnzbd-categories ](/Hardlinks/images/sabnzbd-categories.png )
You don't need to add the full path under `Folder/Path` , it will use the `Relative folders are based on:` path you see on the top of the screenshot, that you setup as `Completed Download Folder` .
{! include-markdown "../../../includes/downloaders/warning-path-location.md" !}
<!-- - - 8< - - "includes/downloaders/warning - path - location.md" -->
## Paths and Categories Breakdown
![!SABnzbd - Paths and Categories Breakdown ](images/sabnzbd-category-breakdown.png )
{! include-markdown "../../../includes/support.md" !}
<!-- - - 8< - - "includes/support.md" -->