Your ROOT_URL in app.ini is but you are visiting
You should set ROOT_URL correctly, otherwise the web may not work correctly.
#!/usr/bin/python3 -OO
### SABnzbd - Replace underscores with dots ##
## ##
## NOTE: This script requires Python 3 ##
## ##
## Author: miker ##
## ##
## Install: ##
## 1. Copy script to sabnzbd's script folder ##
## 2. run: sudo chmod +x ##
## 3. in SABnzbd go to Config > Categories ##
## 4. Assign to the required category ##
import sys
import os
import os . path
try :
( scriptname , directory , orgnzbname , jobname , reportnumber , category , group , postprocstatus , url ) = sys . argv
except :
print ( " No commandline parameters found " )
sys . exit ( 1 ) # exit with 1 causes SABnzbd to ignore the output of this script
files = os . listdir ( directory )
for src in files :
if src . find ( " _ " ) != - 1 :
dst = src . replace ( ' _ ' , ' . ' )
os . rename ( os . path . join ( directory , src ) , os . path . join ( directory , dst ) )
print ( src , " renamed to " , dst )
print ( )
print ( )
print ( )
print ( )
# 0 means OK
sys . exit ( 0 )