#!/usr/bin/python3 -OO
### SABnzbd - Clean NZB Renamer ##
## NOTE: This script is considered ALPHA! ##
## ##
## Removes the suffixes from NZB name used by bots: ##
## examples: NZBgeek / Obfuscated / BUYMORE / Scrambled, etc.. ##
## ##
## NOTE: This script requires Python 3 ##
## ##
## Install: ##
## 1. Copy script to sabnzbd's script folder ##
## 2. run: sudo chmod +x Clean.py ##
## 3. in SABnzbd go to Config > Switches ##
## 4. Change Pre-queue user script and select: Clean.py ##
import sys
import re
# normalize argv to scriptname and just first 8 arguments to maintain compatibility
sys.argv = sys.argv[:9]
# Parse the input variables for SABnzbd version >= 4.2.0
(scriptname, nzbname, postprocflags, category, script, prio, downloadsize, grouplist) = sys.argv
sys.exit(1) # exit with 1 causes SABnzbd to ignore the output of this script
fwp = nzbname
fwp = re.sub('(?i)-4P$', '', fwp)
fwp = re.sub('(?i)-4Planet$', '', fwp)
fwp = re.sub('(?i)-AlternativeToRequested$', '', fwp)
fwp = re.sub('(?i)-AlteZachen$', '', fwp)
fwp = re.sub('(?i)-AsRequested$', '', fwp)
fwp = re.sub('(?i)-AsRequested-xpost$', '', fwp)
fwp = re.sub('(?i)-BUYMORE$', '', fwp)
fwp = re.sub('(?i)-Chamele0n$', '', fwp)
fwp = re.sub('(?i)-GEROV$', '', fwp)
fwp = re.sub('(?i)-iNC0GNiTO$', '', fwp)
fwp = re.sub('(?i)-NZBGeek$', '', fwp)
fwp = re.sub('(?i)-Obfuscated$', '', fwp)
fwp = re.sub('(?i)-Obfuscation$', '', fwp)
fwp = re.sub('(?i)-postbot$', '', fwp)
fwp = re.sub('(?i)-Rakuv[a-z0-9]*$', '', fwp)
fwp = re.sub('(?i)-RePACKPOST$', '', fwp)
fwp = re.sub('(?i)-Scrambled$', '', fwp)
fwp = re.sub('(?i)-WhiteRev$', '', fwp)
fwp = re.sub('(?i)-WRTEAM$', '', fwp)
fwp = re.sub('(?i)-CAPTCHA$', '', fwp)
fwp = re.sub('(?i)-Z0iDS3N$', '', fwp)
fwp = re.sub('(?i)\[eztv([ ._-]re)?\]$', '', fwp)
fwp = re.sub('(?i)\[TGx\]$', '', fwp)
fwp = re.sub('(?i)\[ettv\]$', '', fwp)
fwp = re.sub('(?i)\[TGx\]-xpost$', '', fwp)
fwp = re.sub('(?i).mkv-xpost$', '', fwp)
fwp = re.sub('(?i)-xpost$', '', fwp)
fwp = re.sub(r'(?i)(-D-Z0N3|\-[^-.\n]*)(\-.{4})?$', r'\1', fwp)
print("1") # Accept
# 0 means OK