{ data-title="Follow the flowchart, continue till you hit finished." data-description="- The yellow boxes match the Quality Profile on the right side of the Guide.<br>- If the Guide says <b>ALL</b> it means <b>ALL</b>. (<u>Even if you have a TV/Hardware Media Player that can't handle for example DV or HDR10+</u>,else you will limit yourself what you're able to get or get download loops, this also counts for the audio formats).<br><br><b>All the used scores and combination of Custom Formats in this Guide are tested to get the desired results and prevent download loops as much as possible.</b>" }
If you (or family members you share your collection with) have a setup that doesn't support Dolby Vision then it's best to add **ALL** the HDR Formats listed above (including **ALL** the DV ones (with and without HDR in it), It is important to also add the [{{ sonarr['cf']['dv-webdl']['name'] }}](/Sonarr/sonarr-collection-of-custom-formats/#dv-webdl) Custom Format with a score of {{ sonarr['cf']['dv-webdl']['trash_score'] }}