In this example i will use the [BR-DISK]({:target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"} Custom Format the one most people don't want to download anyway and if you do then you probably don't use Radarr, Plex being both don't support it.
In the empty `Custom Format JSON` box (1) you just paste the `JSON` what you got from the [Custom Format Collection]({:target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"} followed by the `Import` button (2).
The Custom Formats in the profiles needs editing on 2 spots.
First we're going to set the scores for the Custom Formats and for this we scroll all the way down.
And then we're going to set a score of `-1000` to the `BR-DISK` to make sure it will be ignored for ever and never going to go over the `Minimum Custom Format Score`.
For Custom Formats you really don't want, set it to something really low like `-1000` and not something like `-10` being when you add a Custom Format what you prefer and you set it to something like `+10` it could happen that the `BR-DISK` will be downloaded (-10)+(+10)=0 and your `Minimum Custom Format Score` is set at `0`.
Make sure you don't check the BR-DISK, The reason why I didn't select the WEB-DL 720p is because you will find hardly any releases that aren't done as 1080p WEB-DL
The following workflow will be applied:
- It will download WEB-DL 1080p for the streaming movies you see more often.
- It will upgrade till Bluray-1080p.
- The downloaded media will be upgraded to any of the added Custom Formats till a score of 150.
!!! info
If you prefer 2160/4K encodes you might consider to enable HDR and set the `Upgrade Until Quality` to Bluray-2160p