If you want to support me, please use the following [referral link](https://torguard.net/aff.php?aff=5575){:target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"} and use one of the following codes:

### Create a user account
First we're going to create a [User Account](https://torguard.net/clientarea.php?action=changepw){:target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"} for your VPN so we won't need to use your main account that you use to login to your account on the Torguard site.
Now it's time to get the IP of your VPN server you're going to use from the [Global VPN Network](https://torguard.net/network/){:target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"}, From your Client Area.
Normally it doesn't take more then a few seconds/minutes to get the ports approved if it takes longer or you get `PENDING` I suggest to ping the server again (or choose another sever) and you often get a new IP and retry it again with the new IP.
Normally it doesn't take more then a few seconds/minutes to get the ports approved if it takes longer or you get `PENDING` I suggest to ping the server again (or choose another sever) and you often get a new IP and retry it again with the new IP.
This section will consist of 2 parts depending if you want to use OVPN or WireGuard so make sure you choose your preferred VPN Tunnel type.
From your Client Area go to your [Config Generator](https://torguard.net/tgconf.php?action=vpn-openvpnconfig){:target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"}.
Then you will need to create a bash script in your `/config/wireguard` of your torrent client appdata folder named `torguard.sh` (*This script will get executed just before starting WireGuard*) with the following info it depending which images you're using.
##### Hotio's VPN Containers
??? example "Hotio's VPN Containers"
pubkey=$(grep PrivateKey "${CONFIG_DIR}/wireguard/wg0.conf" | awk '{print $3}' | wg pubkey)
You will also have to add the additional environment variables `TORGUARD_USER` and `TORGUARD_PASS` or fill them in into the script directly (see curl command). These credentials are the ones we created [HERE](#create-a-user-account).
You will also have to add the additional environment variables `VPN_USER` and `VPN_PASS or fill them in into the script directly (see curl command). These credentials are the ones we created [HERE](#create-a-user-account).