Here you will find a collection of 3r Party tools and other related links for qBittorrent.
## qBit Manage
This is a program used to manage your qBittorrent instance such as:
- Tag torrents based on tracker URL and set seed goals/limit upload speed by tag (only tag torrents that have no tags)
- Update categories based on save directory
- Remove unregistered torrents (delete data & torrent if it is not being cross-seeded, otherwise it will just remove the torrent)
- Automatically add cross-seed torrents in paused state. *Note: cross-seed now allows for torrent injections directly to qBit, making this feature obsolete.*
- Recheck paused torrents sorted by lowest size and resume if completed
- Remove orphaned files from your root directory that are not referenced by qBittorrent
- Tag any torrents that have no hard links and allows optional cleanup to delete these torrents and contents based on maximum ratio and/or time seeded
- RecycleBin function to move files into a RecycleBin folder instead of deleting the data directly when deleting a torrent
- Built-in scheduler to run the script every x minutes. (Can use --run command to run without the scheduler)
- Webhook notifications with Notifiarr and Apprise API integration.