If you want to support me, please use this [referral link](https://torguard.net/aff.php?aff=5575){:target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"} and enter the following discount code:
!!! bug "As of 13 March 2022 Torguard Settles Piracy Lawsuit and has agreed to use commercially reasonable efforts to block BitTorrent traffic on its servers in the US using firewall technology. :bangbang:<br><br>I Talked to several people and they are still able to use Torguard for Torrents, Perhaps because the connection is encrypted. And others just selected a server in another country.<br>- [Source Torguard](https://torguard.net/blog/why-torguard-is-blocking-bittorrent-on-us-servers/){:target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"}.<br>- [Source Torrentfreak](https://torrentfreak.com/torguard-settles-piracy-lawsuit-and-agrees-to-block-torrent-traffic-on-u-s-servers-220314/){:target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"}."
First we're going to create a [User Account](https://torguard.net/clientarea.php?action=changepw){:target="\_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"} for your VPN so we won't need to use your main account that you use to login to your account on the Torguard site.
Now it's time to get the IP of your VPN server you're going to use from the [Global VPN Network](https://torguard.net/network/){:target="\_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"}, From your Client Area.
From your `Client Area` dashboard, go to [`My Services`](https://torguard.net/clientarea.php?action=products){:target="\_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"}.
!!! Note "Normally it takes only a short while for the ports to be approved, if it takes longer or you get `PENDING` I suggest pinging the server again (or choose another server) to attempt to get a new IP. You can then retry the process with the new IP."
From your `Client Area` dashboard, go to your [`Config Generator`](https://torguard.net/tgconf.php?action=vpn-openvpnconfig){:target="\_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"}.