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{"config":{"lang":["en"],"separator":"[\\s\\-]+","pipeline":["stopWordFilter"]},"docs":[{"location":"","title":"TRaSH-Guides","text":"<p>TRaSH Guides, Guides that aren't trash.</p> <p>Here you will find guides mainly for Sonarr/Radarr/Bazarr and everything related to it.</p>"},{"location":"#how-this-all-started","title":"How this all started","text":"<p>When I started using Sonarr/Radarr, I noticed that it didn't grab the releases that I wanted (I'm a bit picky about which releases and what quality I prefer). I decided to fine-tune my quality profile settings to try and get the releases and qualities I preferred. While on Discord, I noticed that others ran into the same issue, so I explained how I managed to solve this. Once I started having to explain more often, I decided to write it down and make it public so I could easily link to it when needed. After a while, I also decided to create guides for frequently asked questions and started to collect all kinds of information gathered from various sources. I try to make my guides as easy as possible for everyone to understand and, in my opinion, pictures often explain more than just some text.</p>"},{"location":"#support","title":"Support","text":"<ul> <li>If you have questions or suggestions, click the button below to join our Discord server.</li> <li>If you want to contribute, feel free to create a PR (Pull Request).</li> <li>If you found an actual issue related to the guide you can open a Github issue.</li> </ul> <p> Click For Support </p>"},{"location":"#disclaimer","title":"DISCLAIMER","text":"<p>The information provided in the guides has been gathered from different sources such as support forums, Reddit, Discord, or the development teams themselves, and has been developed based on user input. I have tested and tuned most things with the ultimate goal being to have them in line with my, and sometimes others', needs.</p> <p>All of the information provided in these guides, as well as in Discord or any guides-related mediums, is to be used at your own risk. I am not responsible if something happens to your setup or collection!</p>"},{"location":"#special-thanks","title":"Special Thanks","text":"<ul> <li>iXNyNe aka nemchik for introducing me to the world of dockers with DockSTARTer, and helping me to learn the basics for it.</li> <li>Roxedus for helping me with the transfer/conversion of my Github guides to MkDocs and making everything look great.</li> </ul>"},{"location":"#contributors","title":"Contributors","text":"TRaSH- yammes08 FonduemangVI nuxencs NiceTSY bakerboy448 Visorask bokkoman nemchik rg9400 zakkarry sadstan owine rcdailey kantjer01 quorn23 4l3-X ItsME6969 austinwbest userdocs SeiyaGame calvinbui doob187 thatbritguy Roxedus keliansb jasonla foux 8a8al00ey brettpetch Davo1624 fabricionaweb jsatk Kuredant Opt6 mizz141 saltydk voltron4lyfe KnifeFed kdbruin Getn67 Feramance Appoxo mvanbaak thezoggy mrhotio mirolm antwanchild aljohn92 AN1MATEK andrew-kennedy appiekap653 mkatsevVR MattSidney Drapersniper lucasreiners nmcc1212 OneRadRedDad patrick-5546 ehippy Paulobox pdcamilleri Plancke qsuicide Qstick ryanwalder ToXinE bobokun datcactus cynicalgeek f0e garypiner TESTPERSONAL lundwall p5nbTgip0r sdaqo snowballramen s0up4200 wheat4714 2fst4u nickavem AvAars BernCarney Brandoskey briandipalma rangzen ChaseBro ColinHebert dako98 dctr NooNameR DiscDuck fryfrog Seros Barophobia washedszn JackGameer jalmansor jwoodhouse jonasgeiler KaitoKid kaiserbh maximuskowalski <p>Contributors</p>"},{"location":"thnx/","title":"Thanks for the Coffee","text":""},{"location":"Bazarr/","title":"Bazarr","text":""},{"location":"Bazarr/#basic-guides","title":"Basic guides","text":"<p>For Installation and the basics of Bazarr, please check the official Bazarr Wiki.</p> <p>For Support specific related to Bazarr we suggest you join their official Discord Support server.</p>"},{"location":"Bazarr/#current-versions","title":"Current Versions","text":""},{"location":"Bazarr/#available-guides","title":"Available guides","text":"<p>Some of these guides were started by us and are now maintaine