# Quality Settings (File Size)
I often get the question what's the best Quality Settings to use,
Well it's actually person preference so I will show you a recommended Quality Settings.
But before you continue to read, as with all my guides:
!!! question ""
**If you don't care about quality then stop reading and see if the other tutorials are helpful for you.**
This Quality Settings has been created and tested with info I got from others and release comparisons from different sources.
## Q&A
Q: Why do you only show starting from HDTV720p?
A: With the big screens these days anything lower doesn't look watchable
Q: Why do you have some sized set to max?
A: You probably didn't read the bold text above
Q: When I set Bluray to MAX size I get often ISO's/ Bluray folder structure.
A: You probable have configured your Quality Profiles wrong and enabled BR-DISK and didn't add the recommended Custom Profile to help Radarr to block/ignore it. [BR-DISK ](Collection-of-Custom-Formats-for-RadarrV3.md#br-disk )
!!! note
Image is clickable, it will open in a new window or tab for a bigger/better quality.