<inputaria-label="Switch to light mode"class="md-option"data-md-color-accent="blue"data-md-color-media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)"data-md-color-primary="indigo"data-md-color-scheme="slate"id="__palette_1"name="__palette"type="radio"/>
<labelclass="md-header__button md-icon"for="__palette_2"hidden=""title="Switch to light mode">
<inputaria-label="Switch to dark mode"class="md-option"data-md-color-accent="blue"data-md-color-media="(prefers-color-scheme: light)"data-md-color-primary="indigo"data-md-color-scheme="default"id="__palette_2"name="__palette"type="radio"/>
<labelclass="md-header__button md-icon"for="__palette_1"hidden=""title="Switch to dark mode">
<aclass="md-content__button md-icon"href="https://github.com/TRaSH-/Guides/edit/master/docs/Radarr/radarr-setup-quality-profiles-french-en.md"title="Edit this page">
<pclass="admonition-title">Cette page est aussi disponible en Français: <ahref="/Radarr/radarr-setup-quality-profiles-french-fr/"rel="noopener noreferrer"target="_blank">Guide en Français</a>.</p>
<p>So what is the best way to set up the Custom Formats and which one to use with which scores to get French and English Audio?</p>
<p>Keep in mind that most releases are MULTi (understand DUAL audio, original and French audio) and it will be difficult to only have French audio, unless you are willing to get 720p, or you are only looking for French movies.</p>
<p>Regarding quality there isn't a best setup, it depends on your setup (hardware devices) and your own personal preferences.</p>
<p>Some prefer high quality audio (HD Audio), others high quality video. Many prefer both.</p>
<p>TRaSH created a <ahref="/Radarr/Radarr-setup-custom-formats/#which-quality-profile-should-you-choose"rel="noopener noreferrer"target="_blank">flowchart</a> to make your decision/choices easier. Remember that this chart does not include any of the following Custom Formats and you will still need to read this guide to get MULTi releases.</p>
<p>It is quite important that you follow and understand what is envisioned by Trash's guide:</p>
<li>Adding Custom Formats, as explained in <ahref="/Radarr/Radarr-import-custom-formats/"rel="noopener noreferrer"target="_blank">How to import Custom Formats</a>.</li>
<li>Setting up a quality Profile to make use of the Custom Formats, as explained in <ahref="/Radarr/radarr-setup-quality-profiles/#basics"rel="noopener noreferrer"target="_blank">How to setup Quality Profiles | Basics section</a>.</li>
<divclass="admonition warning">
<p>The only change that is needed and <strong>mandatory</strong> for French Custom Formats to work is to set the preferred language profile for your releases to <code>Any</code>.</p>
<summary>Screenshot example - [CLICK TO EXPAND]</summary>
<p>We do choose <code>Any</code> for the language profile, as otherwise an English movie identified with French audio in Radarr will not be grabbed and vice-versa.</p>
<h2id="i-am-only-interested-in-french-subs-vostfr">I am only interested in French subs (VOSTFR)<aclass="headerlink"href="#i-am-only-interested-in-french-subs-vostfr"title="Permanent link"></a></h2>
<p>There is two options:</p>
<h3id="using-trashs-guide-and-bazarr">Using TRaSH's guide and Bazarr<aclass="headerlink"href="#using-trashs-guide-and-bazarr"title="Permanent link"></a></h3>
<li>Set up Radarr using <ahref="/Radarr/radarr-setup-quality-profiles/#which-quality-profile-should-you-choose">How to setup Quality Profiles | Which Quality Profile should you choose</a>.</li>
<li>Set up <ahref="/Bazarr/Setup-Guide">Bazarr</a>. It will do an amazing job for getting your subtitle on every movies.</li>
<li>Enjoy your movies with subs.</li>
<li>(Optional) Add the <ahref="/Radarr/Radarr-collection-of-custom-formats/#vostfr">VOSTFR</a> Custom Format with a score of <code>1000</code>.</li>
<h3id="using-the-following-examples-and-the-vostfr-custom-format">Using the following examples and the VOSTFR Custom Format<aclass="headerlink"href="#using-the-following-examples-and-the-vostfr-custom-format"title="Permanent link"></a></h3>
<li>Continue to read this page.</li>
<li>Ignore any mention of <strong>MULTi Custom Formats</strong>.</li>
<li>Add the <ahref="/Radarr/Radarr-collection-of-custom-formats/#vostfr">VOSTFR</a> Custom Format with a score of <code>1000</code>.</li>
<p>There is two ways of using those French Custom Formats, with and without the Guide's original Group tiers (which can be found there: <ahref="/Radarr/Radarr-collection-of-custom-formats/"rel="noopener noreferrer"target="_blank">Collection of Custom Formats</a>).
To illustrate this, you will see an <strong>"Original mix (optional)"</strong> section in each of the examples below. You need to understand that if you add the Custom Formats from this optional section if Radarr do not find a MULTi you will still have a good scoring for single audio.</p>
<divclass="admonition warning">
<p>If you use the <strong>"Original mix (optional)"</strong>. You need to understand that even if in the beginning the main focus of those French Custom Formats is to work alongside the original ones.
You could end up with a single audio release when a MULTi release exists. This is because it was not scored high enough to trump the other scoring.</p>
<p>All the used scores and combination of Custom Formats in this Guide are tested to get the desired results and prevent download loops as much as possible.</p>
<p>From experience most of the time when people change scores or leave out certain CF that work together they end up with undesired results.</p>
<p>If you're unsure or have questions do not hesitate to ask for help on Discord</p>
<p>Those are all optional and only there to rename your release or to avoid a certain type of French Audio. Examples:</p>
<li>You do not want VFQ or VQ audio, in this case you will put them at <code>-10000</code> instead of <code>0</code>.</li>
<li>You only want VOSTFR, in this case you will ignore any mention of <strong>MULTi Custom Formats</strong> and give the <ahref="/Radarr/Radarr-collection-of-custom-formats/#vostfr">VOSTFR</a> Custom Format a score of <code>1000</code>.</li>
<summary>Explanation - [CLICK TO EXPAND]</summary>
<th>French Explanation</th>
<th>English Explanation</th>
<td>TRUEFRENCH or VFF</td>
<td>Version Francophone Française (doublage réalisé en France)</td>
<td>Full French version (dubbing done in France)</td>
<td>FRENCH or VF<sup>[1]</sup></td>
<td>Version Francophone (normalement equivalent à la VFQ)</td>
<td>French version (normally equivalent to VFQ)</td>
<td>Version Originale Française</td>
<td>Original French Version</td>
<td>Version Francophone Internationale</td>
<td>International French Version</td>
<td>Version Francophone Québécoise</td>
<td>Canadian French Version</td>
<td>Version Québécoise (accent Québécois important, ex: Les Simpsons le film)</td>
<td>Quebec Version (strong Quebec accent, ex: The Simpsons movie)</td>
<td>Version Francophone Belge</td>
<td>Belgian French Version</td>
<td>VF[1-9] or FR[1-9]<sup>[2]</sup></td>
<td>Indique le nombre de doublage présent (normalement VF2 soit VFF et VFQ)</td>
<td>Indicates the number of dubs present (normally VF2 being VFF and VFQ)</td>
<td>Indique que l'audio est dans la langue originale, avec des sous-titres en français.</td>
<td>Indicates soundtrack in the original language, with French subtitles</td>
<li><em>[1] VF is included under the VFQ Custom Format, but it should be noted that it was often mismatched with VFF instead of VFQ pre-2022.</em></li>
<li><em>[2] VF[1-9] is included under the VFI Custom Format.</em></li>
<li><em>[3] It should be noted that SUBFRENCH is included in this Custom Format. However, SUB often means that the subtitle was embedded inside the picture (hardcoded). French releases tend to mix the two, leading to some VOSTFR being labelled as SUBFRENCH and SUBFRENCH as VOSTFR.</em></li>
<divclass="admonition tip">
<pclass="admonition-title">Indexers renaming in Prowlarr</p>
<p>Some Indexers in Prowlarr can rename <code>MULTi</code> releases to <code>MULTi.TRUEFRENCH</code> or <code>MULTi.FRENCH</code>. I do not recommend using such a feature along with those Custom Formats as it can lead to false positives from the VFF or VFQ Custom Formats.</p>
<summary>French Audio Versions - [CLICK TO EXPAND]</summary>
<li><strong>BR-DISK :</strong> This is a custom format to help Radarr recognize & ignore BR-DISK (ISO's and Blu-ray folder structure) in addition to the standard BR-DISK quality.</li>
<li><strong>3D:</strong> Is 3D still a thing for home use ?</li>
<li><strong>FR LQ:</strong> A collection of known Low Quality French groups that are often banned from the the top trackers because the lack of quality or other reasons.</li>
<p><strong>x265 (HD):</strong> This blocks/ignores 720/1080p (HD) releases that are encoded in x265. - More info <ahref="/Misc/x265-4k/"rel="noopener noreferrer"target="_blank">HERE</a>.</p>
<p>!!!! Danger "Don't use this together with <ahref="/Radarr/Radarr-collection-of-custom-formats/#x265-no-hdrdv">x265 (no HDR/DV)</a>, only ever include one of them <imgalt="⚠"class="twemoji"src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/twemoji/14.0.2/svg/26a0.svg"title=":warning:"/>"</p>
<p>This includes optional Custom Formats made by Trash for the original guide. Please be sure to understand what those do before adding them. Moreover, it includes two Custom Formats you may use at your own risk if you want MULTi:</p>
<li><ahref="/Radarr/Radarr-collection-of-custom-formats/#bad-dual-groups">Bad Dual Groups</a>, which can be controversial for people looking for MULTi release. I encourage you to not use it.</li>
<li><ahref="/Radarr/Radarr-collection-of-custom-formats/#scene">Scene</a>, it may include Scene groups already in <ahref="/Radarr/Radarr-collection-of-custom-formats/#fr-scene-groups">FR Scene Groups</a> Custom Format. Which is used for fallback to be sure to get a MULTi release.</li>
<!-- BEGIN INCLUDE ../../includes/cf/radarr-optional.md -->
<td><ahref="/Radarr/Radarr-collection-of-custom-formats/#x265-no-hdrdv">x265 (no HDR/DV)</a><imgalt="⚠"class="twemoji"src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/twemoji/14.0.2/svg/26a0.svg"title=":warning:"/></td>
<li><strong>Bad Dual Groups:</strong> [<em>Optional</em>] These groups take the original release, then they add their own preferred language (ex. Portuguese) as the main audio track (AAC 2.0), What results after renaming and FFprobe that the media file will be recognized as Portuguese AAC audio. It's a common rule that you add the best audio as first.
Also they often even rename the release name in to Portuguese.</li>
<p><strong>DV (WEBDL):</strong> This is a special Custom Format that Block WEBDL with Dolby Vision but without HDR10 fallback.</p>
<p>This Custom Format works together with the normal DV Custom Format that you can use to prefer Dolby Vision.</p>
<p>Most WEBDL from Streaming Services don't have the fallback to HDR10, What can results in playback issues like weird colors if you want to play it on a not Dolby Vision compatible setup.</p>
<p>Remuxes and Bluray have a fallback to HDR10.</p>
<divclass="admonition hint">
<p><code>[DV WEBDL]</code> = This custom format you need to score depending of your personal use and setup.</p>
<li>If you only watch your movies on a setup that completely supports Dolby Vision from start to end then give it a score of <code>0</code> or just don't add it.</li>
<li>If you (or family members you share your collection with) have a setup that doesn't support Dolby Vision then you should add this with a score of <code>-10000</code>.</li>
<p><strong>EVO (no WEBDL):</strong> This group is often banned for the low quality Blu-ray releases, but their WEB-DL are okay.</p>
<li><strong>No-RlsGroup:</strong> [<em>Optional</em>] Some indexers strip out the release group what could result in LQ groups getting a higher score. For example a lot of EVO releases end up stripping the group name, so they appear as "upgrades", and they end up getting a decent score if other things match.</li>
<li><strong>Obfuscated:</strong> [<em>Optional</em>] (use these only if you dislike renamed releases)</li>
<li><strong>Retags:</strong> [<em>Optional</em>] (use these only if you dislike retagged releases)</li>
<li><strong>Scene:</strong> [<em>Optional</em>] (use these only if you dislike scene releases)</li>
<p><strong>x265 (no HDR/DV):</strong> This blocks 720/1080p (HD) releases that are encoded in x265. - More info <ahref="/Misc/x265-4k/"rel="noopener noreferrer"target="_blank">HERE</a>.</p>
<p><strong>But it will allow x265 releases if they have HDR and/or DV</strong></p>
<p><em>Being that some NF releases won't be released as 4k, but you want to have DV/HDR releases.</em></p>
<p>In your quality profile use the following score for this Custom Format: <code>-10000</code></p>
<pclass="admonition-title">Don't use this together with <ahref="/Radarr/Radarr-collection-of-custom-formats/#x265-hd">x265 (HD)</a>, Only ever include one of them <imgalt="⚠"class="twemoji"src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/twemoji/14.0.2/svg/26a0.svg"title=":warning:"/></p>
<p>For this Quality Profile we're going to make use of the following Custom Formats with the scores given in the table.</p>
<!-- BEGIN INCLUDE ../../includes/cf/score-attention.md -->
<divclass="admonition attention">
<p>All the used scores and combination of Custom Formats in this Guide are tested to get the desired results and prevent download loops as much as possible.</p>
<p>From experience most of the time when people change scores or leave out certain CF that work together they end up with undesired results.</p>
<p>If you're unsure or have questions do not hesitate to ask for help on Discord</p>
<summary>Breakdown and Why - [CLICK TO EXPAND]</summary>
<p><strong>Multi-Audio:</strong> This is a custom format to help Radarr recognize MULTi audio releases.</p>
<divclass="admonition tip">
<p>You can safely replace the original <ahref="/Radarr/Radarr-collection-of-custom-formats/#multi">Multi</a> Custom Format from the Guide with it.</p>
<p><strong>French Audio:</strong> This is a custom format to help Radarr recognize release with French audio. It is optional and only gives a small boost if the release indeed possesses French audio.</p>
<li><strong>Multi-French:</strong> This is a custom format that will rename your file with <code>Multi-French</code>.</li>
<divclass="admonition question">
<pclass="admonition-title">How it works</p>
<p>When Radarr finds a release with <code>MULTi</code>, it will allocate a 300 score to it thanks to the <strong>Multi-Audio</strong> custom format. If the release contains at least both the original audio and French audio, it will be renamed by the <strong>Multi-French</strong>. Allowing the release to keep the 300 score from the Multi-Audio Custom Format.</p>
<p>French Scene groups are included as a fallback if you really want MULTi release despite a potential loss in quality. Either score the CF to <code>1500</code> (default) or <code>0</code> depending on what you want to achieve.</p>
<summary>Proper and Repacks - [CLICK TO EXPAND]</summary>
<p>I also suggest to change the Propers and Repacks settings in Radarr</p>
<p><code>Media Management</code> =><code>File Management</code> to <code>Do Not Prefer</code> and use the <ahref="/Radarr/Radarr-collection-of-custom-formats/#repackproper">Repack/Proper</a> Custom Format.</p>
<li>These reason why these Custom Formats have a score of <code>0</code> is because they are mainly used for the naming scheme and other variables should decide for movies if a certain release if preferred.</li>
<li><code>MA</code> is the only one with a score because of their higher bitrate and quality compared to other streaming services.</li>
<!-- END INCLUDE -->
<p><code>Audio Advanced</code> Custom Formats are not included to the encodes profile, as you will hardly find HD audio with HD Bluray Encodes. With HD Bluray Encodes it is suggested to go for quality. If you also want HD audio formats you should go for the Remuxes or UHD Encodes.</p>
<p>Use the following main settings in your profile.</p>
<p>The order listed in the profile matters even if a quality is not checked, for example if you have a 1080p version but wanted the SD version, Radarr will reject all SD results because 1080p is listed higher than SD even though 1080p was not checked.</p>
<p>Qualities at the top of the list will appear first in manual searches.</p>
<li>Qualities higher in the list are more preferred even if not checked.</li>
<li>Qualities within the same group are equal.</li>
<p>If you prefer High Quality UHD Encodes (Bluray-2160p)</p>
<li><em>Size: 20-60 GB for a Bluray-2160p depending on the running time.</em></li>
<!-- BEGIN INCLUDE ../../includes/french-guide/radarr-french-advanced-audio-information-en.md -->
<divclass="admonition warning">
<pclass="admonition-title">Information regarding HD audio</p>
<p>It should be noted that many problems can arise from this profile if you use the HD audio Custom Formats, as:</p>
<li>French Scene rules assert that the French audio should be the first (default) audio in a MULTi release.</li>
<li>The rules state that only the best audio (whether original or FR) should be mentioned in the title.</li>
<li>Some movies (and TV shows, mostly from the pre-streaming era) lack an equivalent FR audio track to the original audio's highest one.</li>
<p>Resulting in the following:</p>
<li>The quality of the audio in the release's title could not be the French one.</li>
<li>The French audio could be of lesser quality than the titled one.</li>
<li>Radarr will only score pre-import audio by the release title. Post-import by the release's first (default) audio (after ffprobe).</li>
<li>The final score for the release can be lower than the pre-import.</li>
<divclass="admonition tip">
<p>This is why the Group tiers exist; it tries to get hold of the groups that tend to get the best original and French audio for a release. However, it is not infallible, and, once again, a movie may not have an equivalent FR audio track to the original audio's highest one.</p>
<!-- BEGIN INCLUDE ../../includes/cf/dv-info.md -->
<divclass="admonition info">
<pclass="admonition-title">Dolby Vision is available in several profiles</p>
<li>Profile 5 - This is what comes with WEB-DL Dolby Vision release without HDR10 fallback.<br/> On a AppleTV, these do not reliably play with the Plex app but will work better with the third-party Infuse app. MP4 files tend to work better than MKV files, obviously MKV is preferable because of its support for lossless audio. (<em>Incompatible devices will playback with blown out pinks and greens</em>)</li>
<li>Profile 7 - This is what comes with HD Bluray Remuxes.<br/>These files will play on an Nvidia Shield (2019), but on most other players will revert to the HDR10 fallback.</li>
<li>Profile 8 - This is what comes with (Hybrid) WEB-DL releases (HULU), Hybrid UHD Remux and UHD BluRay releases - all of which have HDR10 fallback.<br/>This works with several mainstream media players,<br/> but the AppleTV can only play the HDR10 fallback. (<em>although your TV will incorrectly say that it is playing DV</em>).</li>
<p><strong>Meaning: Neither Infuse nor PLEX for AppleTV will deliver real Dolby Vision with Profile 7/8.</strong></p>
<p><aclass="glightbox"data-desc-position="bottom"data-description="- The yellow boxes match the Quality Profile on the right side of the Guide.<br>- If the Guide says <b>ALL</b> it means <b>ALL</b>. (<u>Even if you have a TV/Hardware Media Player that can't handle for example DV or HDR10+</u>, else you will limit yourself what you're able to get or get download loops, this also counts for the audio formats).<br><br><b>All the used scores and combination of Custom Formats in this Guide are tested to get the desired results and prevent download loops as much as possible.</b>"data-height="auto"data-title="Follow the flowchart, continue till you hit finished."data-width="100%"href="/Radarr/images/flowchart-hdr-formats.png"><imgalt="!HDR Formats Flowchart"data-description="- The yellow boxes match the Quality Profile on the right side of the Guide.<br>- If the Guide says <b>ALL</b> it means <b>ALL</b>. (<u>Even if you have a TV/Hardware Media Player that can't handle for example DV or HDR10+</u>, else you will limit yourself what you're able to get or get download loops, this also counts for the audio formats).<br><br><b>All the used scores and combination of Custom Formats in this Guide are tested to get the desired results and prevent download loops as much as possible.</b>"data-title="Follow the flowchart, continue till you hit finished."src="/Radarr/images/flowchart-hdr-formats.png"/></a></p>
<p>If you (or family members you share your collection with) have a setup that doesn't support Dolby Vision then it's best to add <strong>ALL</strong> the HDR Formats listed above (including <strong>ALL</strong> the DV ones (with and without HDR in it), It is important to also add the <ahref="/Radarr/Radarr-collection-of-custom-formats/#dv-webdl">DV (WEBDL)</a> Custom Format with a score of -10000</p>
<!-- END INCLUDE -->
<!-- BEGIN INCLUDE ../../includes/french-guide/radarr-french-multi-audio-en.md -->
<summary>Multi audio - [CLICK TO EXPAND]</summary>
<summary>Breakdown and Why - [CLICK TO EXPAND]</summary>
<p><strong>Multi-Audio:</strong> This is a custom format to help Radarr recognize MULTi audio releases.</p>
<divclass="admonition tip">
<p>You can safely replace the original <ahref="/Radarr/Radarr-collection-of-custom-formats/#multi">Multi</a> Custom Format from the Guide with it.</p>
<p><strong>French Audio:</strong> This is a custom format to help Radarr recognize release with French audio. It is optional and only gives a small boost if the release indeed possesses French audio.</p>
<li><strong>Multi-French:</strong> This is a custom format that will rename your file with <code>Multi-French</code>.</li>
<divclass="admonition question">
<pclass="admonition-title">How it works</p>
<p>When Radarr finds a release with <code>MULTi</code>, it will allocate a 300 score to it thanks to the <strong>Multi-Audio</strong> custom format. If the release contains at least both the original audio and French audio, it will be renamed by the <strong>Multi-French</strong>. Allowing the release to keep the 300 score from the Multi-Audio Custom Format.</p>
<p>French Scene groups are included as a fallback if you really want MULTi release despite a potential loss in quality. Either score the CF to <code>1500</code> (default) or <code>0</code> depending on what you want to achieve.</p>
<summary>Proper and Repacks - [CLICK TO EXPAND]</summary>
<p>I also suggest to change the Propers and Repacks settings in Radarr</p>
<p><code>Media Management</code> =><code>File Management</code> to <code>Do Not Prefer</code> and use the <ahref="/Radarr/Radarr-collection-of-custom-formats/#repackproper">Repack/Proper</a> Custom Format.</p>
<li>These reason why these Custom Formats have a score of <code>0</code> is because they are mainly used for the naming scheme and other variables should decide for movies if a certain release if preferred.</li>
<li><code>MA</code> is the only one with a score because of their higher bitrate and quality compared to other streaming services.</li>
<!-- END INCLUDE -->
<p>Use the following main settings in your profile.</p>
<!-- BEGIN INCLUDE ../../includes/starr/move-quality-to-top.md -->
<divclass="admonition tip">
<p>The order listed in the profile matters even if a quality is not checked, for example if you have a 1080p version but wanted the SD version, Radarr will reject all SD results because 1080p is listed higher than SD even though 1080p was not checked.</p>
<p>Qualities at the top of the list will appear first in manual searches.</p>
<li>Qualities higher in the list are more preferred even if not checked.</li>
<li>Qualities within the same group are equal.</li>
<li>Only checked qualities are wanted.</li>
<p>This is why it's recommended to move the selected quality to the top of the list.</p>
<p><ahref="https://wiki.servarr.com/en/radarr/settings#quality-profiles"rel="noopener noreferrer"target="_blank">Source: Wiki Servarr</a></p>
<!-- END INCLUDE -->
<summary>Workflow Logic - [CLICK TO EXPAND]</summary>
<p><strong>Depending what's released first and available the following Workflow Logic will be used:</strong></p>
<h4id="remux-web-1080p">Remux + WEB 1080p<aclass="headerlink"href="#remux-web-1080p"title="Permanent link"></a></h4>
<p>If you prefer 1080p Remuxes (Remux-1080p)</p>
<li><em>Size: 20-40 GB for a Remux-1080p depending on the running time.</em></li>
<!-- BEGIN INCLUDE ../../includes/french-guide/radarr-french-advanced-audio-information-en.md -->
<divclass="admonition warning">
<pclass="admonition-title">Information regarding HD audio</p>
<p>It should be noted that many problems can arise from this profile if you use the HD audio Custom Formats, as:</p>
<li>French Scene rules assert that the French audio should be the first (default) audio in a MULTi release.</li>
<li>The rules state that only the best audio (whether original or FR) should be mentioned in the title.</li>
<li>Some movies (and TV shows, mostly from the pre-streaming era) lack an equivalent FR audio track to the original audio's highest one.</li>
<p>Resulting in the following:</p>
<li>The quality of the audio in the release's title could not be the French one.</li>
<li>The French audio could be of lesser quality than the titled one.</li>
<li>Radarr will only score pre-import audio by the release title. Post-import by the release's first (default) audio (after ffprobe).</li>
<li>The final score for the release can be lower than the pre-import.</li>
<divclass="admonition tip">
<p>This is why the Group tiers exist; it tries to get hold of the groups that tend to get the best original and French audio for a release. However, it is not infallible, and, once again, a movie may not have an equivalent FR audio track to the original audio's highest one.</p>
<!-- END INCLUDE -->
<!-- BEGIN INCLUDE ../../includes/cf/radarr-audio.md -->
<summary>Breakdown and Why - [CLICK TO EXPAND]</summary>
<p><strong>Multi-Audio:</strong> This is a custom format to help Radarr recognize MULTi audio releases.</p>
<divclass="admonition tip">
<p>You can safely replace the original <ahref="/Radarr/Radarr-collection-of-custom-formats/#multi">Multi</a> Custom Format from the Guide with it.</p>
<p><strong>French Audio:</strong> This is a custom format to help Radarr recognize release with French audio. It is optional and only gives a small boost if the release indeed possesses French audio.</p>
<li><strong>Multi-French:</strong> This is a custom format that will rename your file with <code>Multi-French</code>.</li>
<divclass="admonition question">
<pclass="admonition-title">How it works</p>
<p>When Radarr finds a release with <code>MULTi</code>, it will allocate a 300 score to it thanks to the <strong>Multi-Audio</strong> custom format. If the release contains at least both the original audio and French audio, it will be renamed by the <strong>Multi-French</strong>. Allowing the release to keep the 300 score from the Multi-Audio Custom Format.</p>
<!-- END INCLUDE -->
<!-- BEGIN INCLUDE ../../includes/cf/radarr-movie-versions.md -->
<summary>Movie Versions - [CLICK TO EXPAND]</summary>
<td><ahref="/Radarr/Radarr-collection-of-custom-formats/#fr-web-tier-01">FR WEB Tier 01</a></td>
<td><ahref="/Radarr/Radarr-collection-of-custom-formats/#fr-web-tier-02">FR WEB Tier 02</a></td>
<td><ahref="/Radarr/Radarr-collection-of-custom-formats/#fr-scene-groups">FR Scene Groups</a></td>
<divclass="admonition tip">
<p>French Scene groups are included as a fallback if you really want MULTi release despite a potential loss in quality. Either score the CF to <code>1500</code> (default) or <code>0</code> depending on what you want to achieve.</p>
<summary>Original mix (optional)</summary>
<!-- BEGIN INCLUDE ../../includes/cf/radarr-cf-remux-web-scoring.md -->
<summary>HQ Release Groups - [CLICK TO EXPAND]</summary>
<summary>Proper and Repacks - [CLICK TO EXPAND]</summary>
<p>I also suggest to change the Propers and Repacks settings in Radarr</p>
<p><code>Media Management</code> =><code>File Management</code> to <code>Do Not Prefer</code> and use the <ahref="/Radarr/Radarr-collection-of-custom-formats/#repackproper">Repack/Proper</a> Custom Format.</p>
<li>These reason why these Custom Formats have a score of <code>0</code> is because they are mainly used for the naming scheme and other variables should decide for movies if a certain release if preferred.</li>
<li><code>MA</code> is the only one with a score because of their higher bitrate and quality compared to other streaming services.</li>
<p>Use the following main settings in your profile.</p>
<p><aclass="glightbox"data-desc-position="bottom"data-height="auto"data-width="100%"href="../images/french-qp-remux-webdl-1080p.png"><imgalt="Remux + WEB 1080p"src="../images/french-qp-remux-webdl-1080p.png"/></a></p>
<divclass="admonition attention">
<pclass="admonition-title">Make sure you don't check the BR-DISK.</p>
<p>The reason why I didn't select the WEB-DL 720p is because you will hardly find any releases that aren't done as 1080p WEB-DL.</p>
<!-- BEGIN INCLUDE ../../includes/starr/move-quality-to-top.md -->
<p>The order listed in the profile matters even if a quality is not checked, for example if you have a 1080p version but wanted the SD version, Radarr will reject all SD results because 1080p is listed higher than SD even though 1080p was not checked.</p>
<p>Qualities at the top of the list will appear first in manual searches.</p>
<p>It should be noted that many problems can arise from this profile if you use the HD audio Custom Formats, as:</p>
<li>French Scene rules assert that the French audio should be the first (default) audio in a MULTi release.</li>
<li>The rules state that only the best audio (whether original or FR) should be mentioned in the title.</li>
<li>Some movies (and TV shows, mostly from the pre-streaming era) lack an equivalent FR audio track to the original audio's highest one.</li>
<p>Resulting in the following:</p>
<li>The quality of the audio in the release's title could not be the French one.</li>
<li>The French audio could be of lesser quality than the titled one.</li>
<li>Radarr will only score pre-import audio by the release title. Post-import by the release's first (default) audio (after ffprobe).</li>
<li>The final score for the release can be lower than the pre-import.</li>
<divclass="admonition tip">
<p>This is why the Group tiers exist; it tries to get hold of the groups that tend to get the best original and French audio for a release. However, it is not infallible, and, once again, a movie may not have an equivalent FR audio track to the original audio's highest one.</p>
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<divclass="admonition info">
<pclass="admonition-title">Dolby Vision is available in several profiles</p>
<li>Profile 5 - This is what comes with WEB-DL Dolby Vision release without HDR10 fallback.<br/> On a AppleTV, these do not reliably play with the Plex app but will work better with the third-party Infuse app. MP4 files tend to work better than MKV files, obviously MKV is preferable because of its support for lossless audio. (<em>Incompatible devices will playback with blown out pinks and greens</em>)</li>
<li>Profile 7 - This is what comes with HD Bluray Remuxes.<br/>These files will play on an Nvidia Shield (2019), but on most other players will revert to the HDR10 fallback.</li>
<li>Profile 8 - This is what comes with (Hybrid) WEB-DL releases (HULU), Hybrid UHD Remux and UHD BluRay releases - all of which have HDR10 fallback.<br/>This works with several mainstream media players,<br/> but the AppleTV can only play the HDR10 fallback. (<em>although your TV will incorrectly say that it is playing DV</em>).</li>
<p><strong>Meaning: Neither Infuse nor PLEX for AppleTV will deliver real Dolby Vision with Profile 7/8.</strong></p>
<p><aclass="glightbox"data-desc-position="bottom"data-description="- The yellow boxes match the Quality Profile on the right side of the Guide.<br>- If the Guide says <b>ALL</b> it means <b>ALL</b>. (<u>Even if you have a TV/Hardware Media Player that can't handle for example DV or HDR10+</u>, else you will limit yourself what you're able to get or get download loops, this also counts for the audio formats).<br><br><b>All the used scores and combination of Custom Formats in this Guide are tested to get the desired results and prevent download loops as much as possible.</b>"data-height="auto"data-title="Follow the flowchart, continue till you hit finished."data-width="100%"href="/Radarr/images/flowchart-hdr-formats.png"><imgalt="!HDR Formats Flowchart"data-description="- The yellow boxes match the Quality Profile on the right side of the Guide.<br>- If the Guide says <b>ALL</b> it means <b>ALL</b>. (<u>Even if you have a TV/Hardware Media Player that can't handle for example DV or HDR10+</u>, else you will limit yourself what you're able to get or get download loops, this also counts for the audio formats).<br><br><b>All the used scores and combination of Custom Formats in this Guide are tested to get the desired results and prevent download loops as much as possible.</b>"data-title="Follow the flowchart, continue till you hit finished."src="/Radarr/images/flowchart-hdr-formats.png"/></a></p>
<p>If you (or family members you share your collection with) have a setup that doesn't support Dolby Vision then it's best to add <strong>ALL</strong> the HDR Formats listed above (including <strong>ALL</strong> the DV ones (with and without HDR in it), It is important to also add the <ahref="/Radarr/Radarr-collection-of-custom-formats/#dv-webdl">DV (WEBDL)</a> Custom Format with a score of -10000</p>
<summary>Breakdown and Why - [CLICK TO EXPAND]</summary>
<p><strong>Multi-Audio:</strong> This is a custom format to help Radarr recognize MULTi audio releases.</p>
<divclass="admonition tip">
<p>You can safely replace the original <ahref="/Radarr/Radarr-collection-of-custom-formats/#multi">Multi</a> Custom Format from the Guide with it.</p>
<p><strong>French Audio:</strong> This is a custom format to help Radarr recognize release with French audio. It is optional and only gives a small boost if the release indeed possesses French audio.</p>
<li><strong>Multi-French:</strong> This is a custom format that will rename your file with <code>Multi-French</code>.</li>
<divclass="admonition question">
<pclass="admonition-title">How it works</p>
<p>When Radarr finds a release with <code>MULTi</code>, it will allocate a 300 score to it thanks to the <strong>Multi-Audio</strong> custom format. If the release contains at least both the original audio and French audio, it will be renamed by the <strong>Multi-French</strong>. Allowing the release to keep the 300 score from the Multi-Audio Custom Format.</p>
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<summary>Movie Versions - [CLICK TO EXPAND]</summary>
<p>French Scene groups are included as a fallback if you really want MULTi release despite a potential loss in quality. Either score the CF to <code>1500</code> (default) or <code>0</code> depending on what you want to achieve.</p>
<summary>Proper and Repacks - [CLICK TO EXPAND]</summary>
<p>I also suggest to change the Propers and Repacks settings in Radarr</p>
<p><code>Media Management</code> =><code>File Management</code> to <code>Do Not Prefer</code> and use the <ahref="/Radarr/Radarr-collection-of-custom-formats/#repackproper">Repack/Proper</a> Custom Format.</p>
<li>These reason why these Custom Formats have a score of <code>0</code> is because they are mainly used for the naming scheme and other variables should decide for movies if a certain release if preferred.</li>
<li><code>MA</code> is the only one with a score because of their higher bitrate and quality compared to other streaming services.</li>
<!-- END INCLUDE -->
<p>Use the following main settings in your profile.</p>
<p><aclass="glightbox"data-desc-position="bottom"data-height="auto"data-width="100%"href="../images/french-qp-remux-webdl-2160p.png"><imgalt="Remux + WEB 2160p"src="../images/french-qp-remux-webdl-2160p.png"/></a></p>
<!-- BEGIN INCLUDE ../../includes/starr/move-quality-to-top.md -->
<divclass="admonition tip">
<p>The order listed in the profile matters even if a quality is not checked, for example if you have a 1080p version but wanted the SD version, Radarr will reject all SD results because 1080p is listed higher than SD even though 1080p was not checked.</p>
<p>Qualities at the top of the list will appear first in manual searches.</p>
<li>A big thanks to all the people that helped me to test those profiles and formats (and continue to do so).</li>
<li>A special one to MySuperChef and PrL for their time and explanations.</li>
<li>A special one to Piou and Wikoul who are potentially both now in asylums due to the amount of testing.</li>
<li><ahref="https://trash-guides.info/">TRaSH</a>, for granting me a small space on his guide for this, his knowledge, and his friendliness.</li>
<divclass="admonition help">
<pclass="admonition-title">Questions or Suggestions?</p>
<p>If you have questions or suggestions click the chat badge to join the Discord Support Channel where you can ask your questions directly and get live support.</p>
<aaria-label="Previous: How to setup Quality Profiles (Anime)"class="md-footer__link md-footer__link--prev"href="../radarr-setup-quality-profiles-anime/"rel="prev">
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