* (feat) Update anime table to match the new version of NiceTSY
* (feat) Add repack for sonarr anime
Multiple time found certain tracker tag a release as repack/proper
instead of v1, v2 etc
They follow the scene naming scheme
* (fix) Remove the optional text for Original French Tier
* (fix) missing sonarr french scoring for streaming services
* (fix) Error to retrieved VOSTFR scoring
* (fix) MULTI to MULTI.VO to match the update of the french guide
* (fix) Profile VOSTFR for anime
VOSTFR profile must not be upgraded to MULTI
Allows download of VOSTFR version only
* (feat) TIP for VOSTFR Profile Score
Explain that we can set Language Original + French to a score of 0
to also accept MULTI releases when no VOSTFR release is available
* (feat) Header sentence missing
* (feat) Add TIP for those who prefer FanSub Release
* fixed: table formatting centered scores to be consistent
Co-authored-by: TRaSH <trash-pm@protonmail.ch>
??? tip "Proper and Repacks - [Click to show/hide]"
We also suggest changing the Propers and Repacks settings in Sonarr.
`Media Management` => `File Management` to `Do Not Prefer` and use the [Repack/Proper](/Sonarr/sonarr-collection-of-custom-formats/#repackproper) Custom Format.
They are optional and can be included or not. This is because some of them tend to release some anime.
!!! tip "VOSTFR Profile Score"
If you want the VOSTFR profile to also accept MULTI releases when no VOSTFR release is available, you need to set the value of [{{ sonarr['cf']['language-original-french']['name'] }}](/sonarr/sonarr-collection-of-custom-formats/#language-original-french) to `0` instead of `{{ sonarr['cf']['language-original-french']['trash_scores']['french-anime-vostfr'] }}`
!!! tip "Prefer the FanSub version to others"
For this example, if you prefer FanSub to any FR Anime Tiers, you should score the [{{ sonarr['cf']['french-anime-fansub']['name'] }}](/Sonarr/sonarr-collection-of-custom-formats/#fr-anime-fansub) to `1700` instead of `{{ sonarr['cf']['french-anime-fansub']['trash_scores']['default'] }}`
Ils sont optionnels et peuvent être inclus ou non. Cela est dû au fait que certains d'entre eux ont tendance à publier des anime.
!!! tip "Score Profile VOSTFR"
Si vous voulez que le profil `VOSTFR` prenne aussi les release MULTI dans le cas ou aucune release VOSTFR n'est disponible, il faut donc mettre la valeur de [{{ sonarr['cf']['language-original-french']['name'] }}](/sonarr/sonarr-collection-of-custom-formats/#language-original-french) à `0` au lieu de `{{ sonarr['cf']['language-original-french']['trash_scores']['french-anime-vostfr'] }}`
!!! tip "Préférer la version FanSub aux autres"
Si vous préférez les release FanSub à n'importe quelle version des Tiers FR Anime, il faut donc mettre [{{ sonarr['cf']['french-anime-fansub']['name'] }}](/Sonarr/sonarr-collection-of-custom-formats/#fr-anime-fansub) à `1700` au lieu de `{{ sonarr['cf']['french-anime-fansub']['trash_scores']['default'] }}`
For this example if you prefer VOSTFR over potential MULTi/DUAL (original and French) audio releases, you should score the [{{ sonarr['cf']['french-vostfr']['name'] }}](/Sonarr/sonarr-collection-of-custom-formats/#vostfr) to `{{ sonarr['cf']['french-vostfr']['trash_scores']['french-anime'] }}`.
For this example if you prefer VOSTFR over potential MULTi/DUAL (original and French) audio releases, you should score the [{{ sonarr['cf']['french-vostfr']['name'] }}](/Sonarr/sonarr-collection-of-custom-formats/#vostfr) to `{{ sonarr['cf']['french-vostfr']['trash_scores']['french-anime-vostfr'] }}`.
*(Optional) You can also try to set up [Bazarr](/Bazarr/Setup-Guide){:target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"} to get French Sub. This is less preferred as fewer anime subs can be found online than from normal TV shows. However, it can be still a great backup.*
Dans cet exemple, si vous préférez la VOSTFR à d'éventuelles releases MULTi/DUAL (audio original et français), vous devez donner un score de `{{ sonarr['cf']['french-vostfr']['trash_scores']['french-anime'] }}` pour le Format Personnalisés [{{ sonarr['cf']['french-vostfr']['name'] }}](/Sonarr/sonarr-collection-of-custom-formats/#vostfr).
Dans cet exemple, si vous préférez la VOSTFR à d'éventuelles releases MULTi/DUAL (audio original et français), vous devez donner un score de `{{ sonarr['cf']['french-vostfr']['trash_scores']['french-anime-vostfr'] }}` pour le Format Personnalisés [{{ sonarr['cf']['french-vostfr']['name'] }}](/Sonarr/sonarr-collection-of-custom-formats/#vostfr).
(Optionnel) Vous pouvez également essayer de configurer [Bazarr](/Bazarr/Setup-Guide){:target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"} (*en anglais*) pour obtenir les sous-titres français de vos animes. Cette option est toute fois moins recommandée, car on trouve moins de sous-titres pour les animes en ligne que pour les séries habituelles. Cependant, cela peut être une alternative intéressante.