On the [Radarr Discord](https://discord.gg/u3x3Kp8){:target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"} people often ask, "What's the recommended/best way to
On the [Radarr Discord](https://radarr.video/discord){:target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"} people often ask, "What's the recommended/best way to
name your files?" First off, it's personal preference, but it's often recommended to add non-recoverable info.
@ -67,7 +67,9 @@ For Jellyfin/Emby:
## Original Title vs Original Filename
Another option is to use `{Original Title}` rather than the recommeneded naming scheme outlined above. `{Original Title}` will use the title of the release which will contain all of the information included in the release itself. The benefit of this naming scheme is to prevent download loops which can occur on import when there is a discrepancy in the release title compared to the contents of the file itself (for example, if the release title says DTS-ES but the contents are actually DTS). The downside is less flexibility with how the files are named.
### Original Title
Another option is to use `{Original Title}` rather than the recommended naming scheme outlined above. `{Original Title}` will use the title of the release which will contain all of the information included in the release itself. The benefit of this naming scheme is to prevent download loops which can occur on import when there is a discrepancy in the release title compared to the contents of the file itself (for example, if the release title says DTS-ES but the contents are actually DTS). The downside is less flexibility with how the files are named.
If using this alternate naming scheme I suggest using `{Original Title}` over `{Original Filename}`
@ -85,7 +87,7 @@ The filename can be Obscured where the Release naming isn't, especially when you
!!! danger ""
**Please note that folder names are created (in the database) whenever the movie is added to Radarr, and it may be missing or incorrect at that time and your folder would have a blank ID!!!**
**Please note that folder names are created (in the database) whenever the movie is added to Radarr, and it may be missing or incorrect at that time and your folder would have a blank ID!!!**
If you instead add it in the filename, the IMDb ID will be freshly pulled for any download or upgrade.
Another option is to use `{Original Title}` rather than the recommeneded naming scheme outlined above. `{Original Title}` will use the title of the release which will contain all of the information included in the release itself. The benefit of this naming scheme is to prevent download loops which can occur on import when there is a discrepancy in the release title compared to the contents of the file itself (for example, if the release title says DTS-ES but the contents are actually DTS). The downside is less flexibility with how the files are named.
### Original Title
Another option is to use `{Original Title}` rather than the recommended naming scheme outlined above. `{Original Title}` will use the title of the release which will contain all of the information included in the release itself. The benefit of this naming scheme is to prevent download loops which can occur on import when there is a discrepancy in the release title compared to the contents of the file itself (for example, if the release title says DTS-ES but the contents are actually DTS). The downside is less flexibility with how the files are named.
If using this alternate naming scheme I suggest using `{Original Title}` over `{Original Filename}`
- [Starr-FR] Added French Sonarr 2160p Recyclarr configs
- [Starr-FR] Added French Radarr Recyclarr configs to the templates
- [Radarr] Add 'Vinegar Syndrome' to Radarr movie version includes
- [Guide - SQP-1] Improved readability.
- [Guide - Starr Naming scheme] Added extra placeholder for the original title.
- [Guide - Starr] Removed old reference to `HQ-xxx` in the `How to setup Quality Profiles`.
- [Guide - Starr] Updated DV info for the ATV.
- [Guide-FR] Updated wording on how to score VF audio CFs depending on preferences
- [Starr-FR] Updated groups CF to avoid double scoring
- [Starr-FR] Updated the Recyclarr configs to follow new changes around VF audio
- [Starr-FR] Added the `Vinegar Syndrome` CF to the Recyclarr configs
- [Sonarr-Anime-FR] Added `Aoi-Project` to FR Anime Tier 2
- [Sonarr-Anime-FR] Added `Nagutos` to FR Anime Tier 2
- [Radarr] Fix double groups (e.g. KiNGS-BTW) matching both CFs - Changed group spec condition regex for most CFs that use it, to be more restrictive..
- [Guide] Fixed several typo's and formatting.
- [Guide] Fixed Radarr discord link.
- [Guide] Fixed superscript consistent.
- [Starr-FR] Updated Recyclarr configs to support new system for v5
- [Starr-FR] Update Recyclarr configs with missing SDR CF in Unwanted section
- [Sonarr-Anime-FR] Fixed Groupe Tier specification from `ReleaseGroupSpecification` to `ReleaseTitleSpecification` as anime naming is weird
- [Sonarr-Anime-FR] Fixed `Natsumi` naming to `Natsumi-no-Sekai` in FR Anime FanSUB
- [Recyclarr] Add `Pathe` streaming service to Radarr recyclarr configs
- [Recyclarr] Add missing `x265 (HD)` CF from some Radarr recyclarr configs
- **Profile 7**<sup>(*2*)</sup> - This is what comes with UHD Bluray Remuxes and UHD BluRay releases.<br>*These files will play on an Nvidia Shield Pro (2019), but on most other players will revert to the HDR10 fallback.*
- **Profile 8**<sup>(*3*)</sup> - This is what comes with (Hybrid) WEB-DL releases (HULU), Hybrid UHD Remux and UHD BluRay releases all of which have HDR10 fallback.<br>*This works with several mainstream media players.*<br>
- <sup>(*1*) *On an AppleTV, these do not reliably play with the Plex app but will work better with the third-party Infuse app. MP4 files tend to work better than MKV files, obviously MKV is preferable because of its support for lossless audio.*<br>**It has been confirmed that with the latest beta build of Plex, Profile 5 MKV files now play correctly ! on an AppleTV 4K 1st gen, files are direct streamed (not transcoded) to an MP4 container and play using the native AVPlayer instead of Plex’s MPV.**</sup>
- <sup>(*2*) *Neither Infuse nor PLEX for AppleTV will deliver real Dolby Vision with Profile 7/8.*</sup>
- <sup>(*3*) *Neither Infuse nor PLEX for AppleTV will deliver real Dolby Vision with Profile 7/8, And will only play the HDR10 fallback.* (*although your TV will incorrectly say that it is playing DV*)</sup>
- <sup>(*1*) *On PLEX for AppleTV, It has been confirmed that with the latest build of Plex, Profile 5 MKV files now play correctly!*<br>*On an AppleTV 4K 1st gen and up, files are direct streamed (not transcoded) to an MP4 container and play using the native AVPlayer instead of Plex’s MPV.*</sup>
- <sup>(*2*) *Neither Infuse nor PLEX for AppleTV will deliver real Dolby Vision with Profile 7.*</sup>
- <sup>(*3*) *On PLEX for AppleTV it won't deliver real Dolby Vision with Profile 8, And will only play the HDR10 fallback.*<br>***“although your TV will incorrectly say that it is playing DV”***.<br>*With infuse it will convert it on the fly to Profile 5 and deliver real Dolby Vision.*<br>***“Make sure you set the Extended Dolby Vision settings to Limited (prefer accuracy) - Convert P8 to P5 (when possible), and play other P8 as HDR (output will switch to either DoVi or HDR depending on the video)”***</sup>
{ data-title="Follow the flowchart, continue till you hit finished." data-description="- The yellow boxes match the Quality Profile on the right side of the Guide.<br>- If the Guide says <b>ALL</b> it means <b>ALL</b>. (<u>Even if you have a TV/Hardware Media Player that can't handle for example DV or HDR10+</u>, else you will limit yourself what you're able to get or get download loops, this also counts for the audio formats).<br><br><b>All the used scores and combination of Custom Formats in this Guide are tested to get the desired results and prevent download loops as much as possible.</b>" }
{ data-title="Follow the flowchart, continue till you hit finished." data-description="- The yellow boxes match the Quality Profile on the right side of the Guide.<br>- If the Guide says <b>ALL</b> it means <b>ALL</b>. (<u>Even if you have a TV/Hardware Media Player that can't handle for example DV or HDR10+</u>, else you will limit yourself what you're able to get or get download loops, this also counts for the audio formats).<br><br><b>All the used scores and combination of Custom Formats in this Guide are tested to get the desired results and prevent download loops as much as possible.</b>" }
- **Minimum Custom Format Score:**`1000`<sup>(*1*)</sup>
- **Upgrade Until Custom Format Score:**`10000`
!!! info "<sup>(*1*)</sup> If you're limited to public indexers or, not have access to the top tier indexers you might want to lower the `Minimum Custom Format Score` to 10."