Added to the FAQ that SQP is for Radarr and not Sonarr

TRaSH 2 years ago
parent e3d19d6594
commit 7f733f7e0a

@ -25,6 +25,11 @@ The Special Quality Profiles are Custom made and tested Quality Profile for spec
**CF** = Custom Formats
??? question "Can I use these SQP with Sonarr? - [Click to show/hide]"
**NO**, SQP are only for Radarr :bangbang:<br>
At the moment their are no specific release groups to create a SQP for Sonarr.<br>
If you're looking for a SQP-1 (xxxxp) then look at the public Sonarr Guide.
??? question "Why don't you add this to the public guide? - [Click to show/hide]"
These SQPs are advanced Quality Profiles tested and created for a specific need, and only interesting for people that are interested in a specific Quality Profile.
