Added: Optional Series Folder Format for the beta Plex TV Series Scanner

Updated: Sonarr - Recommened naming scheme
- Added: Optional Series Folder Format for the beta Plex TV Series Scanner
TRaSH 3 years ago
parent 9b44ac6ae2
commit a0a598ead4

@ -120,6 +120,24 @@ RESULT:
`The Series Title! (2010)`
#### Optional Series Folder Format for the Plex TV Series Scanner
This naming scheme is made to be compatible with the beta [Plex TV Series Scanner]({:target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"} that now support IMDB and TVDB IDs in file names.
{Series TitleYear} [imdb-{ImdbId}]
`The Series Title! (2010) [imdb-tt1520211]`
!!! note
The officially supported format is `{imdb-{ImdbId}}` but plex should also support `(imdb-{ImdbId})` or `[imdb-{ImdbId}]`, though the above should work for now. IMDb IDs are going to be very accurate and rarely change, TVDB/TMDB IDs, on the other hand, do change or are removed more frequently.
!!! info
It's actually not needed to add a ID to the folder or filename to use the beta Plex TV Series Scanner.
### Season Folder Format
