Your ROOT_URL in app.ini is but you are visiting
You should set ROOT_URL correctly, otherwise the web may not work correctly.
- Updated: CF [LQ] added `PTNK` to the `Nominated Unwanted Groups` condition. (Using different sources like EVO releases, BLUR hardcoded subs, and also strips out all other subs)
- NEW: CF `[Flights (no IMAX)]` New Hybrid Remux group, had some complains about their imax releases being off, so they got a own CF (SQP).
- NEW: CF `[SiC]` HQ WEBDL Hybrid group that does DV + HDR10 give it a score of `51` to give it a higher score (SQP).
- Updated: CF `[FreeLeech]` Scoring from `5` to `1` to give proper/repack preference.
- Updated: CF `[Repack/Proper]` Scoring from `1` to `5` to give proper/repack preference.
- NEW: CF `[UHD (SPHD)]` HQ 4k Encoding Group that does `DV HDR10` and HD Audio with a recommended score of `2250`.
- Updated: CF `[LQ]` added `PATOMiEL` to the `Nominated Unwanted Groups` condition because of their bad naming.
-# 2022-03-20
Maintenance Release 20220320
- Updated: CF `[IMAX Enhanced]` Scoring from `750` to `800` to make sure it scores better against `DV HDR10`.
- Updated: CF `[FraMeSToR]` Scoring from `1` to `51` to make sure it scors better against `DV HDR10`.
Misc - How to set Torguard for port forwarding.
- Added: Note `As of 13 March Torguard Settles Piracy Lawsuit and has agreed to use commercially reasonable efforts to block BitTorrent traffic on its servers in the US using firewall technology`
Updated: Handle Exception Release Groups that don't follow -RlsGrp; Manual List
- First Group is groups whose releases end with RlsGroup) or RlsGroup] second group (entries after `(?=\]|\))|`) is name only...BE VERY CAREFUL WITH THIS, HIGH CHANCE OF FALSE POSITIVES