- Changed: Complete overhaul/cleanup.
- Added: New easier to use docker-compose.yml.
- Added: .env file for the use with the new docker-compose.yml.
- Added: New template Repository for Synology section of this Guide.
- Added: Breakdown of the Folder Structure.
- Added: docker-compose commands cheat sheet.
- Added: line breaks to make it more readable.
- Removed: docker-compose-collection.yml.
- Changed: Complete overhaul/cleanup.
- Fixed: Some formatting.
- Added: Suggestion to use DockSTARTer.
- Added: line breaks to make it more readable.
- Removed: docker-compose.yml
- Removed: docker-compose-collection.yml
- Added: noopener noreferrer to external URL redirects (others pages will follow soon)
- Info: Tabnabbing, sometimes called reverse tabnabbing, is an exploit that uses the browser's default behavior with target="_blank" to gain partial access to your page through the window.object API.
With tabnabbing, a page that you link to could cause your page to redirect to a fake login page. This would be hard for most users to notice because the focus would be on the tab that just opened – not the original tab with your page.
- Updated: the Unraid section with:
- Matched the examples with the screenshots
- Updated: the Synology section with:
- Added direct link to Synology Docker Compose Collection
- Updated: the Docker section with:
- Added direct link to Docker Compose Collection
Updated: Discord Notifier Setup Guide
- Changed: Complete redo to match the recent changes
- Renamed: all the images for easier changes later
- Updated: screenshots to match recent changes
- Updated: the Synology section with:
- Added link to a docker-compose-collection
- Added copy/paste option for adding the media sub folders
- Updated: the Docker section with:
- Added link to a docker-compose-collection
- Added copy/paste option for adding the data+media sub folders
- Added permissions settings
- Updated: Bare Metal - native section with:
- Added copy/paste option for adding the data+media sub folders
- Added permissions settings
Updated: How To Set Up Hardlinks and Atomic-Moves
- Removed: The expanded docker-compose.yml example (just download the docker-compose.yml directly)
- Added: Direct download link to the docker-compose.yml
- Updated: the Synology section with:
- Added copy/paste option for adding the appdata sub folders
- Added extra forgotten steps
- Added warning not to use the GUI