!!! info "Add the audio custom formats only if"

    - You have an audio setup that supports **ALL** HD Audio (TrueHD, DTS-X, DTS-HD, etc). *If you have a setup that only supports a few audio formats or doesn't support certain audio formats (or using only your TV speakers), it's recommended not to add any audio custom formats; else, you will limit yourself too much in what you're able to grab. Audio transcoding has a low impact on your server. If your server can't handle audio transcoding, you might consider choosing another quality profile*.
    - You have a media player (hardware devices) that can passthrough HD audio.
    - You don't have a AppleTV (Being it can't passthrough untouched audio).

??? question "Which audio formats do I choose?"

    ![!Audio Flowchart](/Radarr/images/flowchart-audio.png)