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Quick Start

Here we're going to explain the basic setup for Notifiarr to get it working with Sonarr, Radarr, Bazarr.

If you want to make use of the other options I suggest to looking at the Notifiarr Wiki.


First we're going to visit the Notifiarr site, if you don't have an account yet, click the link to signup.


  1. Your Email address you used during signup.
  2. Your Password you created during signup.
  3. Login to the site and setup.
  4. Password reset if you forgot your password.
  5. Signup if you don't have an account.
  6. Link to Notifiarr Discord support channel.


After you have logged in, you will be redirected to your profile screen.


  1. Click on Generate API Key (This needs to be done)
  2. Select your Country
  3. Select your Timezone
  4. Change your Time Format to your liking
  5. Select your Site Theme
  6. Select your Notification Language
  7. If you decide to delete your account, check the box
  8. Don't forget to Save your changes

Integration Setup

  • Enable the integrations you want to use
  • Setup your discord server (required), invite the bot (required) and reactions (optional).

Integration Settings


First, click on Manage Integrations so you can enable what you want to receive notifications for.


A screen will popup and here you're able to select from which application/services you receive a notification.

When you enabled the ones you want click on Save

Setup which notifications you want to to receive from each option.


  1. Cog wheel, this opens the integration settings
  2. External link, this opens the website for the integration
  3. WIKI link, this opens any extra wiki information available for the integration
  4. Triggers, this enables/disables a specific trigger for the integration
  5. Channels, this sets the channel in your server to post to for the integration

Discord Settings

Here we will cover the following

  • Setup the server & shared error channel
  • Invite the bot into your server
  • Setup reactions
  • Setup indexer reactions

Create the channels

First thing to do is create a few channels (in your discord server) where you receive your notifications.


I won't be explaining how to setup a discord channel, that's up to you but google has plenty of references.

You can do it all from one channel or separate the notifications (granular) for each trigger if you want.

Simple channel setup

#media => All the *arr notifications you setup in Integration Settings.

#errors => Health checks, network errors, etc.

#plex => Play, resume, etc. for Plex.

After you create the needed channels, it's time to add them to the Setup the channels

First we need to get the server ID

Open your User Settings -> Appearance -> Enable Developer Mode.


Right click on your server name and select "Copy ID"

Example right click - [CLICK TO EXPAND]


Paste the server ID in box [1]


  1. Add your server ID
  2. Select the channel for the #errors channel.

Invite the bot

It's time to invite the bot in to your Server/Channels by clicking on the following link.


You will get a screen that looks like the following screenshot.


  1. Select the server the bot should join.
  2. Click on Continue to approve.


Check Discord Permissions for information which permissions the bot needs.


Here we will setup the Notifiarr reactions(emoji's) that will be shown during a playback in plex, or during a download/import in Sonarr/Radarr.


This section exist of 2 parts.

  1. *arr state (grab/failed) and play state of plex.
  2. The Trackers/Indexers.

First we're going to download the emoji's and you can do that in 2 ways.

  1. 1 at a time - Right click -> Save As... - for these emoji images to some location on your computer.
  2. Pack Download - Click here to download a zip of all the current reaction images.


To download the Emoji Pack from the link in this Guide you will need to be logged in to Notifiarr site !!!

Else you can find it on the main Notifiarr site in the Integration Setup Category at the bottom right


For this example, we will be using Pack Download. You'll need download the file and then unpack it somewhere on your computer. After which, you can then add the emoji's to your Discord Server easily.

How to add your own Emoji's => LINK

After you've added them to your Discord Server it's time to get the ID's from your emoji's, to do this go in to one of your channels and type:



What results in to.


So your ID would be :grab:706535455876710461.

Paste the ID results from your channel in to the corresponding boxes.


Do this for all the other boxes also including your Trackers/Indexers.

Trackers and Indexers


  1. Paste here the the emoji ID.
  2. The actual indexer name you're using in Sonarr/Radarr.


What will result in to.


If you use a different name in Sonarr and Radarr just add them with a comma BeyondHD - Jackett,BHD.

Don't forget to click on Save Changes !!!


After pasting the Emoji's ID in to the box you will notice that the leading colon will disappear nothing to worry about that's per design

How to add notifiarr to your applications

Here we will explain how to we add notifiarr to your *arr and Plex.

When you click on the cogwheel of the enabled Integration you will see on the top Instructions


It will show you a short description where and how to add what.

??? example "Example" - [CLICK TO EXPAND]


Radarr, Readarr and Lidarr

Radarr, Readarr and Lidarr supports Notifiarr natively so that's an easy one to add.

Settings => Connect => click on the dn-arr-add-plus.png plus icon and select Notifiarr add your API key and you're done.

Radarr Example - [CLICK TO EXPAND]

In Radarr go to Settings => Connect => Click on the dn-arr-add-plus plus icon and select notifiarr.


Then add the following info.


  1. The name you want to use for the notification.
  2. Enable On Grab, On Import, On Upgrade, On Health Issue & Include Health Warnings.
  3. Add here you API key from Notifiarr.
  4. Click on Test to see if it works.
  5. If everything is correct click on Save


Sonarr doesn't have native support & will not get one per their devs. That's why we're going to use the webhook method.


Settings => Connect > Click on the dn-arr-add-plus plus icon and select Webhook.

Add the following info:

Name: Notifiarr

Enable: On Grab, On Import, On Upgrade, On Health Issue & Include Health Warnings.

URL: The URL that you can copy/paste from the integrations page.

Click Save

Sonarr Example - [CLICK TO EXPAND]

Settings => Connect > Click on the dn-arr-add-plus.png plus icon and select Webhook.


Add the following info.


  1. The name you want to use for the notification.
  2. Enable On Grab, On Import, On Upgrade, On Health Issue & Include Health Warnings.
  3. Add the URL that you can copy/paste from the integrations page.
  4. Make sure this is on POST.
  5. Click on Test to see if it works.
  6. If everything is correct click on Save


For Bazarr you need to make use of JSON method.


Settings => Notifications => and selectJSON

On the top click on the dn-bazarr-edit-icon Edit icon and Enable the notification type.

Add the JSON URL that you copy/pasted from the integrations page.

Scroll up and save

Bazarr Example - [CLICK TO EXPAND]

Settings => Notifications => and selectJSON


On the top click on the dn-bazarr-edit-icon Edit icon and Enable the notification type.

Add the following info.


  1. Enable the JSON Notification.
  2. Add the JSON URL that you copy/pasted from the integrations page.
  3. Click on Test to see if it works.
  4. If everything is correct click on Ok

Don't forget to click on Save on the top of the Bazarr screen.




Settings => Webhooks => click on ADD WEBHOOK and add the URL that you can copy/paste from the integrations page and click on SAVE CHANGES

Plex Example - [CLICK TO EXPAND]

Settings => Webhooks => click on ADD WEBHOOK

On the top right click on the dn-plex-settings-icon Settings icon, and on the left sidebar select Webhooks Click on the middle of the screen on dn-plex-webhook-icon and add the following info.


  1. Add the URL that you can copy/paste from the integrations page.
  2. Click on SAVE CHANGES

If you want to show more advanced info like Transcode, CPU & Ram take a look at Plex Integration


If there is still an issue, try asking in the Notifiarr discord channel for additional support.

Last update: September 12, 2021 08:02:51
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