--- site_name: TRaSH Guides site_description: Here you will find a collection of Setup Guides, Tips and Scripts that I've made/collected. site_author: TRaSH site_url: https://trash-guides.info/ repo_url: https://github.com/TRaSH-/Guides repo_name: TRaSH-/Guides copyright: Copyright © 2020 TRaSH extra: manifest: manifest.webmanifest markdown_extensions: - admonition - attr_list - pymdownx.details - pymdownx.keys - pymdownx.snippets - pymdownx.superfences - pymdownx.tabbed - toc: permalink: true plugins: - search - macros: j2_block_start_string: "[[%" j2_block_end_string: "%]]" j2_variable_start_string: "[[" j2_variable_end_string: "]]" theme: name: material features: - navigation.instant - navigation.tabs language: en palette: primary: indigo accent: red scheme: slate font: code: "Fira Code" favicon: img/favicon.png