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How to setup Quality Profiles French

This guide is created and maintained by Someone said "Nice"?

Cette page est aussi disponible en Français: Guide en Français.

So what is the best way to set up the Custom Formats and which one to use with which scores to get French and English Audio?

Keep in mind that most releases are MULTi (understand DUAL audio, original and French audio) and it can be difficult to only have French audio, unless you are willing to get 720p, or you are only looking for French TVShows.

Regarding quality there isn't a best setup, it depends on your setup (hardware devices) and your own personal preferences.

Some prefer high quality audio (HD Audio), others high quality video. Many prefer both.

TRaSH created a flowchart to make your decision/choices easier. Remember that this chart does not include any of the following Custom Formats and you will still need to read this guide to get MULTi releases.


It is quite important that you follow and understand what is envisioned by Trash's guide:

I am only interested in French subs (VOSTFR)

There is two options:

Using TRaSH's guide and Bazarr

This is the preferred method.

Using the following examples and the VOSTFR Custom Format

  • Continue to read this page.
  • Ignore any mention of MULTi Custom Formats.
  • Add the VOSTFR Custom Format with a score of 1000.


There is two ways of using those French Custom Formats, with and without the Guide's original Group tiers (which can be found there: Collection of Custom Formats). To illustrate this, you will see an "Original mix (optional)" section in each of the examples below. You need to understand that if you add the Custom Formats from this optional section if Sonarr do not find a MULTi you will still have a good scoring for single audio.


If you use the "Original mix (optional)". You need to understand that even if in the beginning the main focus of those French Custom Formats is to work alongside the original ones. You could end up with a single audio release when a MULTi release exists. This is because it was not scored high enough to trump the other scoring.

An example for Anime in MULTi/VOSTFR is also provided at the end: Anime Example

Examples of Quality Profile


All the used scores and combination of Custom Formats in this Guide are tested to get the desired results and prevent download loops as much as possible.

From experience most of the time when people change scores or leave out certain CF that work together they end up with undesired results.

If you're unsure or have questions do not hesitate to ask for help on Discord

Discord chat

French Audio Versions

Those are all optional and only there to rename your release or to prefer a certain type of French Audio. Examples:

  • You prefer VFF (including VFI and VF2) audio, in this case you will put them at 101 instead of 0.
  • You only want VOSTFR, in this case you will ignore any mention of MULTi Custom Formats and give the VOSTFR Custom Format a score of 1000.


It is not really recommended to put any of the VF Custom Formats (VFF, VFQ, VQ, VFB, VFI, VF2) to a negative score. Instead increase the score of your preferred audio.

Explanation - [Click to show/hide]
Acronyms French Explanation English Explanation
TRUEFRENCH or VFF Version Francophone Française (doublage réalisé en France) Full French version (dubbing done in France)
FRENCH or VF[1] Version Francophone (normalement equivalent à la VFQ) French version (normally equivalent to VFQ)
VOF Version Originale Française Original French Version
VFI Version Francophone Internationale International French Version
VFQ Version Francophone Québécoise Canadian French Version
VOQ Version Original Québécoise (ex: Bon Cop, Bad Cop) Quebec Original Version (ex: Bon Cop, Bad Cop)
VQ Version Québécoise (accent Québécois important, ex: Les Simpsons le film) Quebec Version (strong Quebec accent, ex: The Simpsons movie)
VFB Version Francophone Belge Belgian French Version
VF[1-9] or FR[1-9] Indique le nombre de doublage présent (normalement VF2 soit VFF et VFQ) Indicates the number of dubs present (normally VF2 being VFF and VFQ)
VOSTFR[2] Indique que l'audio est dans la langue originale, avec des sous-titres en français. Indicates soundtrack in the original language, with French subtitles
  • [1] VF is included under the VFQ Custom Format, but it should be noted that it was often mismatched with VFF instead of VFQ pre-2022.
  • [2] It should be noted that SUBFRENCH is included in this Custom Format. However, SUB often means that the subtitle was embedded inside the picture (hardcoded). French releases tend to mix the two, leading to some VOSTFR being labelled as SUBFRENCH and SUBFRENCH as VOSTFR.

Indexers renaming in Prowlarr

Some Indexers in Prowlarr can rename MULTi releases to MULTi.TRUEFRENCH or MULTi.FRENCH. It is not recommend to use such a feature along with those Custom Formats as it can lead to false positives from the VFF, VFQ and VQ Custom Formats.

French Audio Versions - [Click to show/hide]
Custom Format Trash ID
VFF 2c29a39a4fdfd6d258799bc4c09731b9
VOF 7ae924ee9b2f39df3283c6c0beb8a2aa
VFI b6816a0e1d4b64bf3550ad3b74b009b6
VF2 34789ec3caa819f087e23bbf9999daf7
VFQ 7a7f4e4f58bd1058440236d033a90b67
VOQ 802dd70b856c423a9b0cb7f34ac42be1
VQ 82085412d9a53ba8d8e46fc624eb701d
VFB 0ce1e39a4676c6692ce47935278dac76
VOSTFR 07a32f77690263bb9fda1842db7e273f

French Speaking Streaming Services

Those are all optional and only there for information and does not have a score attached. This is due to the fact that few releases are tagged with them, so scoring them is difficult. Moreover, streaming services covered by TRaSH's guide are often of better quality than the following.

French Streaming Services - [Click to show/hide]
Custom Format Trash ID
CANAL+ f27d46a831e6b16fa3fee2c4e5d10984
SALTO 0455d6519a550dbf648c97b56e7231d2
RTBF b0d6195c23ae254932da00512db7e8a8
Info - [Click to show/hide]
  • CANAL+/MyCANAL: Canal+ (Canal Plus, sometimes abbreviated C+ or Canal) is a French premium television channel launched in 1984. The channel broadcasts several kinds of programming, mostly encrypted. The channel does not broadcast advertising, except when broadcasting on free-to-air slots. Almost all foreign films and series are broadcast in their original language with French subtitles. MyCANAL is its streaming service.
  • SALTO: Salto (stylized as SⱯLTO) is a French subscription streaming service. A joint venture between France Télévisions, the TF1 Group and the Groupe M6, it was launched on October 20, 2020.
  • RTBF: The Radio-télévision belge de la Communauté française is a public service broadcaster delivering radio and television services to the French-speaking Community of Belgium, in Wallonia and Brussels.

TRaSH recommendations

I suggest to follow the following Guides first.

For this Quality Profile we're going to make use of the following Custom Formats with the scores given in the table.


All the used scores and combination of Custom Formats in this Guide are tested to get the desired results and prevent download loops as much as possible.

From experience most of the time when people change scores or leave out certain CF that work together they end up with undesired results.

If you're unsure or have questions do not hesitate to ask for help on Discord

Discord chat


If you prefer 720p/1080p WEBDL (WEB-1080p)

Multi Audio - [Click to show/hide]
Custom Format Score Trash ID
Multi-Audio 300 2f6e84efc47246ec9071e311e71c4953
French Audio 1 4721382d9ee05f1b4967a25e75072911
Multi-French 0 7982e39789f17864f57b11f1996844f4
Breakdown and Why - [Click to show/hide]
  • Multi-Audio: This is a custom format to help Sonarr recognize MULTi audio releases.


    You can safely replace the original Multi Custom Format from the Guide with it.

  • French Audio: This is a custom format to help Sonarr recognize release with French audio. It is optional and only gives a small boost if the release indeed possesses French audio.

  • Multi-French: This is a custom format that will rename your file with Multi-French.

How it works

When Sonarr finds a release with MULTi, it will allocate a 300 score to it thanks to the Multi-Audio custom format. If the release contains at least both the original audio and French audio, it will be renamed by the Multi-French. Allowing the release to keep the 300 score from the Multi-Audio Custom Format.

Unwanted - [Click to show/hide]
Custom Format Score Trash ID
BR-DISK -10000 85c61753df5da1fb2aab6f2a47426b09
LQ -10000 9c11cd3f07101cdba90a2d81cf0e56b4
FR LQ -10000 3ba797e5dc13af4b8d9bb25e83d90de2
x265 (HD) ⚠ -10000 47435ece6b99a0b477caf360e79ba0bb
Extras -10000 fbcb31d8dabd2a319072b84fc0b7249c

Breakdown and Why

  • BR-DISK : This is a custom format to help Sonarr recognize & ignore BR-DISK (ISO's and Blu-ray folder structure) in addition to the standard BR-DISK quality.
  • LQ: A collection of known Low Quality groups that are often banned from the the top trackers because the lack of quality or other reasons.
  • FR LQ: A collection of known Low Quality French groups that are often banned from the top trackers because the lack of quality or other reasons.
  • x265 (HD): This blocks 720/1080p (HD) releases that are encoded in x265. - More info HERE.

    Don't use this together with x265 (no HDR/DV), Only ever include one of them ⚠

  • Extras: This blocks/ignores extras

Type of FanSubs - [Click to show/hide]

Those Custom Formats are optionals and allow to know which type of FanSubs your releases have. Only the FastSub is not wanted as it is often done too quickly and are often not well done. If you do not want FanSub either you should also score it to -10000.

Custom Format Score Trash ID
FanSUB 0 84f0acbda9c0c9de783894fb66df25aa
FastSUB -10000 ea0bb4b6ba388992fad1092703b5ff7b
Misc - [Click to show/hide]
Custom Format Score Trash ID
Repack/Proper 5 ec8fa7296b64e8cd390a1600981f3923
Repack v2 6 eb3d5cc0a2be0db205fb823640db6a3c
Repack v3 7 44e7c4de10ae50265753082e5dc76047
Proper and Repacks - [Click to show/hide]

I also suggest to change the Propers and Repacks settings in Sonarr

Media Management => File Management to Do Not Prefer and use the Repack/Proper Custom Format.


This way you make sure the Custom Formats preferences will be used and not ignored.

Streaming Services - [Click to show/hide]
Custom Format Score Trash ID
ATVP 100 f67c9ca88f463a48346062e8ad07713f
DSNP 100 89358767a60cc28783cdc3d0be9388a4
MAX 90 81d1fbf600e2540cee87f3a23f9d3c1c
HMAX 80 a880d6abc21e7c16884f3ae393f84179
QIBI 80 3ac5d84fce98bab1b531393e9c82f467
AMZN 70 d660701077794679fd59e8bdf4ce3a29
NF 60 d34870697c9db575f17700212167be23
PCOK 60 1656adc6d7bb2c8cca6acfb6592db421
PMTP 60 c67a75ae4a1715f2bb4d492755ba4195
STAN 60 1efe8da11bfd74fbbcd4d8117ddb9213
CC 50 77a7b25585c18af08f60b1547bb9b4fb
CRAV 50 4e9a630db98d5391aec1368a0256e2fe
DCU 50 36b72f59f4ea20aad9316f475f2d9fbb
HBO 50 7a235133c87f7da4c8cccceca7e3c7a6
HULU 50 f6cce30f1733d5c8194222a7507909bb
iT 50 0ac24a2a68a9700bcb7eeca8e5cd644c
NLZ 50 b2b980877494b560443631eb1f473867
RED 50 c30d2958827d1867c73318a5a2957eb1
SHO 50 ae58039e1319178e6be73caab5c42166
VDL 50 5d2317d99af813b6529c7ebf01c83533
OViD 50 fb1a91cdc0f26f7ca0696e0e95274645
FOD 50 7be9c0572d8cd4f81785dacf7e85985e
TVer 50 d100ea972d1af2150b65b1cffb80f6b5
U-NEXT 50 0e99e7cc719a8a73b2668c3a0c3fe10c
ALL4 50 fcc09418f67ccaddcf3b641a22c5cfd7
4OD 50 bbcaf03147de0f73be2be4a9078dfa03
HQ Source Groups - [Click to show/hide]
Custom Format Score Trash ID
FR WEB Tier 01 1700 ddb8eaa9c85a549c50034d280539d54d
FR WEB Tier 02 1650 a4c51febd4d8b2a0db10a3c974f21d92
FR WEB Tier 03 1600 dbfc0a4b5cb4cbd693311c4482ae9683
FR Scene Groups ⚠ 1500 2f3422339d185eb227a324644a2fbfca


⚠ French Scene groups are included as a fallback if you really want MULTi release despite a potential loss in quality. Either score the CF to 1500 (default) or 0 depending on what you want to achieve.

Original mix (optional)
HQ Source Groups - [Click to show/hide]
Custom Format Score Trash ID
WEB Tier 01 1700 e6258996055b9fbab7e9cb2f75819294
WEB Tier 02 1650 58790d4e2fdcd9733aa7ae68ba2bb503
WEB Tier 03 1600 d84935abd3f8556dcd51d4f27e22d0a6
WEB Scene ❗ 1600 d0c516558625b04b363fa6c5c2c7cfd4


❗ = The reason why this Custom Format gets positively scored is because it's the only quality scene group that exists (up until now). Scene groups don't add a streaming service to their release names, so the score is adjusted to take this into account.

Audio Advanced Custom Formats are not included to the WEB profile, as you will hardly find HD audio with WEB-DL (only newer WEBDL will have Atmos). If you also want HD audio formats it is suggested to go for the Remuxes.

Use the following main settings in your profile.


For some older shows you might want to enable the WEB 720p or even the HDTV 1080p.


The order listed in the profile matters even if a quality is not checked, for example if you have a 1080p version but wanted the SD version, Radarr will reject all SD results because 1080p is listed higher than SD even though 1080p was not checked.

Qualities at the top of the list will appear first in manual searches.

  • Qualities higher in the list are more preferred even if not checked.
  • Qualities within the same group are equal.
  • Only checked qualities are wanted.

This is why it's recommended to move the selected quality to the top of the list.

Source: Wiki Servarr

The following workflow will be applied:

  • It will download WEB-DL 1080p. (If you also enabled WEB 720p and/or HDTV 1080p it will upgrade till Upgrade Until)
  • The downloaded media will be upgraded to any of the added Custom Formats until a score of 10000.


If you prefer 2160p WEBDL (WEB-2160p)

The only deal breaker with 2160p is when you get them with DV/HDR, 2160p without DV/HDR is a minimal profit.

All HDR Formats - [Click to show/hide]

Why would I choose All HDR formats ?

  • You have a 4K/2160p TV and a hardware media player device (such as Roku, AppleTV, Shield, SmartTV App, etc.) that supports several HDR formats (such as Dolby Vision, HDR10, HDR10+, etc.).

    Plex for Apple TV and Plex with Infuse is only capable of playing Dolby Vision profiles 5 and 8 correctly if CMv2.9 is being used.
    This is something that cannot be determined beforehand.
    So whether you are using an Apple TV, with or without Infuse, it will always be hit or miss whether the content is compatible.
    Additionally, it is uncertain whether the Dolby Vision layer will play, fall back to HDR10, or encounter a black screen.

  • You've chosen a profile that includes 4K/2160p releases. You must use all the HDR formats with 4k/2160p profiles.

  • You must add ALL the HDR formats - don't leave any of them out!
Why am I getting purple or green colors? - [Click to show/hide]

Why am I getting purple or green colors?

There are several possible reasons why your TV would show purple or green colors when playing Dolby Vision content.

  1. Unsupported Hardware: Your TV or hardware media player device (Roku, AppleTV, etc) doesn't support Dolby Vision or your hardware media player device doesn't support all the Dolby Vision Profiles. As a result, the device might struggle to produce accurate colors, leading to a purple or green tint.

  2. Incorrect Display Settings: Dolby Vision content often requires specific settings to be enabled on your TV or display device in order to deliver the intended visual experience. If these settings are not configured properly, it can result in the device showing distorted colors (including purple or green hues).

  3. HDMI Compatibility Issues: Sometimes, HDMI cables or ports may not be fully compatible with Dolby Vision. If the media player device is not recognizing the Dolby Vision signal properly, it may fail to process the content correctly, resulting in abnormal color rendering.

To resolve the purple or green color issues when playing Dolby Vision content, you can try the following troubleshooting steps:

  1. Ensure your TV or hardware media player device is Dolby Vision compatible and up-to-date with the latest firmware.
  2. Verify that your TV or display device is set up correctly and has the necessary Dolby Vision settings enabled.
  3. Check the HDMI cables and ensure they are capable of transmitting Dolby Vision signals.
Dolby Vision Profiles - [Click to show/hide]

Dolby Vision Profiles

  • Profile 5 (1) - This is what comes with WEB-DL Dolby Vision releases without HDR10 fallback.
    (Incompatible devices will playback with blown out pinks and greens)
  • Profile 7 (2) - This is what comes with UHD Bluray Remuxes and UHD BluRay releases.
    These files will play on an Nvidia Shield Pro (2019), but on most other players will revert to the HDR10 fallback.
  • Profile 8 (3) - This is what comes with (Hybrid) WEB-DL (HULU), Hybrid UHD Remux, and UHD BluRay releases (all of which have HDR10 fallback).
    This works with several mainstream media players.

Plex for Apple TV and Plex with Infuse is only capable of playing Dolby Vision profiles 5 and 8 correctly if CMv2.9 is being used.
This is something that cannot be determined beforehand.
So whether you are using an Apple TV, with or without Infuse, it will always be hit or miss whether the content is compatible.
Additionally, it is uncertain whether the Dolby Vision layer will play, fall back to HDR10, or encounter a black screen.

  • (1) PLEX for AppleTV and Plex with Infuse will only play profile 5 correctly if CMv2.9 is used
  • (2) Neither Infuse nor PLEX for AppleTV will deliver real Dolby Vision with Profile 7.
  • (3) On PLEX for AppleTV it won't deliver real Dolby Vision with Profile 8, and will only play the HDR10 fallback if CM2.9 is used, otherwise you will end up with a black screen
    “although your TV will incorrectly say that it is playing DV”.
    With infuse it will convert it on the fly to Profile 5, and deliver real Dolby Vision if CMv2.9 is used, otherwise you will end up with a black screen
    “Make sure you set the Extended Dolby Vision settings to Limited (prefer accuracy), Convert P8 to P5 (when possible), and play other P8 as HDR (output will switch to either DoVi or HDR depending on the video)”
Dolby Vision Versions - CMv2.9 and CMv4.0 - [Click to show/hide]

It is too technical to explain in detail, so I'll keep it short with tested facts:
PLEX for AppleTV and Plex with Infuse only support CMv2.9.

There are two versions of Dolby Vision, namely CMv2.9 and CMv4.0. CMv4.0 uses an improved algorithm and a superior tone curve that allows for better mapping and more controls during the Dolby Vision trim pass process.

More info about the different Dolby Vision Versions: Dolby Vision Versions - CMv2.9 vs. CMv4.0

Which HDR Format should I choose? - [Click to show/hide]

!HDR Formats Flowchart

Custom Format Score Trash ID
DV HDR10 1500 7878c33f1963fefb3d6c8657d46c2f0a
DV 1500 6d0d8de7b57e35518ac0308b0ddf404e
DV HLG 1500 1f733af03141f068a540eec352589a89
DV SDR 1500 27954b0a80aab882522a88a4d9eae1cd
HDR10+ 600 a3d82cbef5039f8d295478d28a887159
HDR10 500 3497799d29a085e2ac2df9d468413c94
HDR 500 3e2c4e748b64a1a1118e0ea3f4cf6875
HDR (undefined) 500 bb019e1cd00f304f80971c965de064dc
PQ 500 2a7e3be05d3861d6df7171ec74cad727
HLG 500 17e889ce13117940092308f48b48b45b
Add Custom Format DV (WEBDL) with a score of -10000 - [Click to show/hide]

Why would I add this Custom Format?

  • Not all devices in your chain support Dolby Vision.
  • You share your media library with other family members that don't have Dolby Vision compatible devices.
  • According the flowchart I should add this Custom Format


Custom Format Score Trash ID
DV (WEBDL) -10000 9b27ab6498ec0f31a3353992e19434ca
Add Custom Format HDR10+ Boost with a score of 901- [Click to show/hide]

Why would I add this Custom Format?

  • You have a (Samsung) TV that supports HDR10+.
  • According the flowchart I should add this Custom Format


If you use this Custom Format then 99% of the time you also need to add the following Custom Format DV (WEBDL) with a score of -10000

Custom Format Score Trash ID
HDR10+ Boost 901 0dad0a507451acddd754fe6dc3a7f5e7
Multi Audio - [Click to show/hide]
Custom Format Score Trash ID
Multi-Audio 300 2f6e84efc47246ec9071e311e71c4953
French Audio 1 4721382d9ee05f1b4967a25e75072911
Multi-French 0 7982e39789f17864f57b11f1996844f4
Breakdown and Why - [Click to show/hide]
  • Multi-Audio: This is a custom format to help Sonarr recognize MULTi audio releases.


    You can safely replace the original Multi Custom Format from the Guide with it.

  • French Audio: This is a custom format to help Sonarr recognize release with French audio. It is optional and only gives a small boost if the release indeed possesses French audio.

  • Multi-French: This is a custom format that will rename your file with Multi-French.

How it works

When Sonarr finds a release with MULTi, it will allocate a 300 score to it thanks to the Multi-Audio custom format. If the release contains at least both the original audio and French audio, it will be renamed by the Multi-French. Allowing the release to keep the 300 score from the Multi-Audio Custom Format.

Unwanted - [Click to show/hide]
Custom Format Score Trash ID
BR-DISK -10000 85c61753df5da1fb2aab6f2a47426b09
LQ -10000 9c11cd3f07101cdba90a2d81cf0e56b4
FR LQ -10000 3ba797e5dc13af4b8d9bb25e83d90de2
Extras -10000 fbcb31d8dabd2a319072b84fc0b7249c

Breakdown and Why

  • BR-DISK : This is a custom format to help Sonarr recognize & ignore BR-DISK (ISO's and Blu-ray folder structure) in addition to the standard BR-DISK quality.
  • LQ: A collection of known Low Quality groups that are often banned from the the top trackers because the lack of quality or other reasons.
  • FR LQ: A collection of known Low Quality French groups that are often banned from the top trackers because the lack of quality or other reasons.
  • Extras: This blocks/ignores extras
Type of FanSubs - [Click to show/hide]

Those Custom Formats are optionals and allow to know which type of FanSubs your releases have. Only the FastSub is not wanted as it is often done too quickly and are often not well done. If you do not want FanSub either you should also score it to -10000.

Custom Format Score Trash ID
FanSUB 0 84f0acbda9c0c9de783894fb66df25aa
FastSUB -10000 ea0bb4b6ba388992fad1092703b5ff7b
Optional (UHD) - [Click to show/hide]
Custom Format Score Trash ID
SDR -10000 2016d1676f5ee13a5b7257ff86ac9a93

Breakdown and Why

  • SDR: This will prevent the grabbing of UHD/4K releases that do not contain HDR.
Misc - [Click to show/hide]
Custom Format Score Trash ID
Repack/Proper 5 ec8fa7296b64e8cd390a1600981f3923
Repack v2 6 eb3d5cc0a2be0db205fb823640db6a3c
Repack v3 7 44e7c4de10ae50265753082e5dc76047
Proper and Repacks - [Click to show/hide]

I also suggest to change the Propers and Repacks settings in Sonarr

Media Management => File Management to Do Not Prefer and use the Repack/Proper Custom Format.


This way you make sure the Custom Formats preferences will be used and not ignored.

Streaming Services (UHD) - [Click to show/hide]
Custom Format Score Trash ID
ATVP 100 f67c9ca88f463a48346062e8ad07713f
DSNP 100 89358767a60cc28783cdc3d0be9388a4
MAX 90 81d1fbf600e2540cee87f3a23f9d3c1c
HMAX 80 a880d6abc21e7c16884f3ae393f84179
QIBI 80 3ac5d84fce98bab1b531393e9c82f467
AMZN 70 d660701077794679fd59e8bdf4ce3a29
NF 60 d34870697c9db575f17700212167be23
PCOK 60 1656adc6d7bb2c8cca6acfb6592db421
PMTP 60 c67a75ae4a1715f2bb4d492755ba4195
STAN 60 1efe8da11bfd74fbbcd4d8117ddb9213
CC 50 77a7b25585c18af08f60b1547bb9b4fb
CRAV 50 4e9a630db98d5391aec1368a0256e2fe
DCU 50 36b72f59f4ea20aad9316f475f2d9fbb
HBO 50 7a235133c87f7da4c8cccceca7e3c7a6
HULU 50 f6cce30f1733d5c8194222a7507909bb
iT 50 0ac24a2a68a9700bcb7eeca8e5cd644c
NLZ 50 b2b980877494b560443631eb1f473867
RED 50 c30d2958827d1867c73318a5a2957eb1
SHO 50 ae58039e1319178e6be73caab5c42166
VDL 50 5d2317d99af813b6529c7ebf01c83533
OViD 50 fb1a91cdc0f26f7ca0696e0e95274645
FOD 50 7be9c0572d8cd4f81785dacf7e85985e
TVer 50 d100ea972d1af2150b65b1cffb80f6b5
U-NEXT 50 0e99e7cc719a8a73b2668c3a0c3fe10c
ALL4 50 fcc09418f67ccaddcf3b641a22c5cfd7
4OD 50 bbcaf03147de0f73be2be4a9078dfa03
⚠ UHD Streaming Boost 20 43b3cf48cb385cd3eac608ee6bca7f09
⚠ UHD Streaming Cut -20 d2d299244a92b8a52d4921ce3897a256

UHD Streaming Boost and UHD Streaming Cut Custom Formats

Some streaming services have UHD releases that are generally better or worse than their HD counterparts. The UHD Streaming Boost and UHD Streaming Cut custom formats adjust those streaming services' scores appropriately for UHD releases.

These two custom formats must be included in your profile for UHD releases to be scored correctly.

HQ Source Groups - [Click to show/hide]
Custom Format Score Trash ID
FR WEB Tier 01 1700 ddb8eaa9c85a549c50034d280539d54d
FR WEB Tier 02 1650 a4c51febd4d8b2a0db10a3c974f21d92
FR WEB Tier 03 1600 dbfc0a4b5cb4cbd693311c4482ae9683
FR Scene Groups ⚠ 1500 2f3422339d185eb227a324644a2fbfca


⚠ French Scene groups are included as a fallback if you really want MULTi release despite a potential loss in quality. Either score the CF to 1500 (default) or 0 depending on what you want to achieve.

Original mix (optional)
HQ Source Groups - [Click to show/hide]
Custom Format Score Trash ID
WEB Tier 01 1700 e6258996055b9fbab7e9cb2f75819294
WEB Tier 02 1650 58790d4e2fdcd9733aa7ae68ba2bb503
WEB Tier 03 1600 d84935abd3f8556dcd51d4f27e22d0a6
WEB Scene ❗ 1600 d0c516558625b04b363fa6c5c2c7cfd4


❗ = The reason why this Custom Format gets positively scored is because it's the only quality scene group that exists (up until now). Scene groups don't add a streaming service to their release names, so the score is adjusted to take this into account.

Use the following main settings in your profile.


The reason why WEB 1080p is merged with the 2160p is because some NF releases won't be released as 4k, but DV/HDR releases are still wanted. If you want to do the same make sure you replace x265 (HD) with x265 (no HDR/DV).

The following workflow will be applied:

  • It will download WEB-1080p with HDR/DV.
  • It will upgrade to WEB-2160p when available.
  • The downloaded media will be upgraded to any of the added Custom Formats until a score of 10000.

Anime Example

If you are looking to grab Anime with either French sub or MULTi audio (original + French).


In a first time you should follow the original Anime Guide following sections:

Do not continue before you read those three sections and you followed their instructions.

Original Scoring

Those are the original scoring from the Anime Guide and need to be followed depending what you want to achieve. It will unsure that if a VOSTFR or MULTi releases is not found you will still have a good quality releases:

  • Default Scoring: Default scoring that will insure that you have good English subbed releases at least.
  • Dual Audio: If you want to have Dual Audio releases (original and English audio) in case Sonarr does not find a VOSTFR or MULTi release.
  • Uncensored Scoring: If you prefer uncensored releases.

⚠ Careful to not add the VOSTFR Custom Format with a score of -10000 as stated in the original guide. Otherwise, you will hinder your chance to get "French" releases.

Only want VOSTFR anime

For this example if you prefer VOSTFR over potential MULTi/DUAL (original and French) audio releases, you should score the VOSTFR to 101, and disregard all the Multi and French version Custom Formats.

(Optional) You can also try to set up Bazarr to get French Sub. This is less preferred as fewer anime subs can be found online than from normal TV shows. However, it can be still a great backup.

Multi Audio - [Click to show/hide]
Custom Format Score Trash ID
Multi-Audio 300 2f6e84efc47246ec9071e311e71c4953
French Audio 1 4721382d9ee05f1b4967a25e75072911
Multi-French 0 7982e39789f17864f57b11f1996844f4
Breakdown and Why - [Click to show/hide]
  • Multi-Audio: This is a custom format to help Sonarr recognize MULTi audio releases.


    You can safely replace the original Multi Custom Format from the Guide with it.

  • French Audio: This is a custom format to help Sonarr recognize release with French audio. It is optional and only gives a small boost if the release indeed possesses French audio.

  • Multi-French: This is a custom format that will rename your file with Multi-French.

How it works

When Sonarr finds a release with MULTi, it will allocate a 300 score to it thanks to the Multi-Audio custom format. If the release contains at least both the original audio and French audio, it will be renamed by the Multi-French. Allowing the release to keep the 300 score from the Multi-Audio Custom Format.

Unwanted - [Click to show/hide]
Custom Format Score Trash ID
BR-DISK -10000 85c61753df5da1fb2aab6f2a47426b09
LQ -10000 9c11cd3f07101cdba90a2d81cf0e56b4
FR LQ -10000 3ba797e5dc13af4b8d9bb25e83d90de2
Extras -10000 fbcb31d8dabd2a319072b84fc0b7249c

Breakdown and Why

  • BR-DISK : This is a custom format to help Sonarr recognize & ignore BR-DISK (ISO's and Blu-ray folder structure) in addition to the standard BR-DISK quality.
  • LQ: A collection of known Low Quality groups that are often banned from the the top trackers because the lack of quality or other reasons.
  • FR LQ: A collection of known Low Quality French groups that are often banned from the top trackers because the lack of quality or other reasons.
  • Extras: This blocks/ignores extras
Type of FanSubs - [Click to show/hide]

Those Custom Formats are optionals and allow to know which type of FanSubs your releases have. Only the FastSub is not wanted as it is often done too quickly and are often not well done. If you do not want FanSub either you should also score it to -10000.

Custom Format Score Trash ID
FanSUB 0 84f0acbda9c0c9de783894fb66df25aa
FastSUB -10000 ea0bb4b6ba388992fad1092703b5ff7b
French Anime Streaming Services - [Click to show/hide]
Custom Format Score Trash ID
CR 6 3e0b26604165f463f3e8e192261e7284
DSNP 5 89358767a60cc28783cdc3d0be9388a4
NF 4 d34870697c9db575f17700212167be23
AMZN 3 d660701077794679fd59e8bdf4ce3a29
ADN 3 d54cd2bf1326287275b56bccedb72ee2
VRV 3 44a8ee6403071dd7b8a3a8dd3fe8cb20
FUNi 2 1284d18e693de8efe0fe7d6b3e0b9170
B-Global 0 7dd31f3dee6d2ef8eeaa156e23c3857e
Bilibili 0 4c67ff059210182b59cdd41697b8cb08
HIDIVE 0 570b03b3145a25011bf073274a407259
WKN 0 e5e6405d439dcd1af90962538acd4fe0
Info regarding ADN and WKN (French Streaming Services) - [Click to show/hide]
  • ADN: Animation Digital Network, abbreviated ADN, formerly Anime Digital Network, is a VoD and simulcast platform born from the merger between KZPlay, belonging to Kazé, and Genzai, belonging to Kana Home Video, with the theme of broadcasting series and features Japanese and Franco-Belgian animated films.
  • WKN (or Wakanim): Wakanim was a French subscription video on-demand streaming service owned by U.S.-based Funimation. The service was specialized in the online streaming and simulcasting of Japanese anime series. It was also the first company to offer videos for download without digital rights management on anime series in Europe. The service was consolidated into Crunchyroll in March 2022.
HQ Source Groups - [Click to show/hide]
Custom Format Score Trash ID
FR Anime Tier 01 1650 db13a377f7afb29975ea39470434d2ef
FR Anime Tier 02 1600 4e6134a384dbc0ef166234cc0e45d26d
FR Anime Tier 03 1550 db34d4357937fbfe89b63ba095f22155
FR Scene Groups 1500 2f3422339d185eb227a324644a2fbfca
FR Anime FanSub 1400 or 1000 44b6c964dad997577d793fd004a39224
FR HD Bluray Tier 01 (optional) 1150 d844321db5e126d2e7e46152f0706532
FR WEB Tier 01 (optional) 1100 ddb8eaa9c85a549c50034d280539d54d
FR WEB Tier 02 (optional) 1100 a4c51febd4d8b2a0db10a3c974f21d92
FR WEB Tier 03 (optional) 1100 dbfc0a4b5cb4cbd693311c4482ae9683


French Scene groups are included and should be always added as some of the biggest releaser of French subbed and/or dubbed are from the French Scene.

FanSUB groups can either be scored either 1400 (default) or 1000 depending if you want to prefer FanSUB or SeaDex releases.

Original French Bluray/Web Tiers

They are optional and can be included or not. This is due because some of them tend to release some animes.

HDR Formats

TRaSH provides great guides and explanations about them at the following links:


A FAQ regarding most of the questions you could have is provided by TRaSH: FAQ & Info


  • A big thanks to all the people that helped me to test those profiles and formats (and continue to do so).
  • A special one to MySuperChef, PrL and KoUiGnAmAnN for their time and explanations.
  • A special one to SeiyaGame, TheFrenchNaruto and Maxence which provided all of the Anime information.
  • A special one to Piou and Wikoul who are potentially both now in asylums due to the amount of testing.
  • TRaSH, for granting me a small space on his guide for this, his knowledge, and his friendliness.

Questions or Suggestions?

If you have questions or suggestions click the chat badge to join the Discord Support Channel where you can ask your questions directly and get live support.

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Last update: November 19, 2023 14:35:05