# Quality Settings (File Size)

I often get the question what's the best Quality Settings to use,
Well it's actually personal preference so I will show you a recommended Quality Settings.
But before you continue to read, as with all my guides:

!!! error ""
    **If you don't care about quality then stop reading and see if the other tutorials are helpful for you.**

This Quality Settings has been created and tested with info I got from others, and release comparisons from different sources.

I only do WEB-DL my self for TV shows because in my opinion WEB-DL is the sweet spot between Quality and Size and you often don't see big difference anyway for TV shows. (Except for shows like GOT, Vikings, etc)

??? question "FAQ"

    ## FAQ

    **Q: Why do you only show starting from HDTV720p?**

    A: With the big screens these days anything lower doesn't look watchable

    **Q: Why do you have some sized set so high?**

    A: You probably didn't read the bold text above, I also need to keep in mind usenet releases that are often bigger then torrent releases.

    **Q: You noticed that some episodes don't grab because of these settings.**

    A: If you notice that some episodes won't be grabbed because of these size settings you can provide me a proof with a screenshot and the error it shows you when you do a interactive search (non redacted except the indexer/tracker if you want to).

    - I will only accept changes that are International releases no multi, or dubbed language releases.
    - I won't accept mislabeled source releases like from MeGusta, etc (they should learn to name their stuff decent first).
    - I won't accept changes for micro sized releases.
    - Documentaries and cartoons are often much smaller so I probably won't edit those either.


## Sonarr Quality Definitions

| Quality            | Minimum | Maximum |
| ------------------ | ------- | ------- |
| HDTV-720p          | 10      | 67.5    |
| HDTV-1080p         | 15      | 137.3   |
| WEBRip-720p        | 10      | 137.3   |
| WEBDL-720p         | 10      | 137.3   |
| Bluray-720p        | 17.1    | 137.3   |
| WEBRip-1080p       | 15      | 137.3   |
| WEBDL-1080p        | 15      | 137.3   |
| Bluray-1080p       | 50.4    | 227     |
| Bluray-1080p Remux | 69.1    | 400     |
| HDTV-2160p         | 69.1    | 350     |
| WEBRip-2160p       | 69.1    | 350     |
| WEBDL-2160p        | 69.1    | 350     |
| Bluray-2160p       | 94.6    | 400     |
| Bluray-2160p Remux | 204.4   | 400     |


### Sonarr Quality Definitions - Anime (Work in Progress)

| Quality            | Minimum | Maximum |
| ------------------ | ------- | ------- |
| HDTV-720p          | 2.3     | 51.4    |
| HDTV-1080p         | 2.3     | 100     |
| WEBRip-720p        | 4.3     | 100     |
| WEBDL-720p         | 4.3     | 51.4    |
| Bluray-720p        | 4.3     | 102.2   |
| WEBRip-1080p       | 4.5     | 257.4   |
| WEBDL-1080p        | 4.3     | 253.6   |
| Bluray-1080p       | 4.3     | 258.1   |
| Bluray-1080p Remux | 0       | 400     |
| HDTV-2160p         | 69.1    | 350     |
| WEBRip-2160p       | 69.1    | 350     |
| WEBDL-2160p        | 69.1    | 350     |
| Bluray-2160p       | 94.6    | 400     |
| Bluray-2160p Remux | 204.4   | 400     |

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