Here you will find a collection of Sonarr guides we've made.
Sonarr is a PVR for Usenet and BitTorrent users. It can monitor multiple RSS feeds for new episodes of your favorite shows and will grab, sort and rename them. It can also be configured to automatically upgrade the quality of files already downloaded when a better quality format becomes available.
For Installation and Quick Start Guide please check the official WikiArr
(Default/Stable): This has been tested by users on nightly (develop
) branch and it's not known to have any major issues. This branch should be used by the majority of users. On GitHub, this is the main
(Alpha/Unstable) : This is the bleeding edge for Sonarr v4 Beta. It is released as soon as code is committed and passes all automated tests. This build may have not been used by us or other users yet. There is no guarantee that it will even run in some cases. This branch is only recommended for advanced users. Issues and self investigation are expected in this branch. On GitHub, this is the develop branch.
Warning: You may not be able to go back to main
after switching to this branch. On GitHub, this is the develop
How do I update Sonarr
External link to the official WikiArr.