#### Custom Formats and scores --8<-- "includes/cf/audio.md" --8<-- "includes/cf/hdr-metadata.md" --8<-- "includes/cf/movie-versions-imaxe.md" ??? summary "HQ Source Groups - [CLICK TO EXPAND]" | Custom Format | Score | LINK | | -------------------- | ----- | ---- | | HQ-Remux | 1900 | [:octicons-link-external-16:](/Radarr/Radarr-collection-of-custom-formats/#hq-remux){: .header-icons target=_blank rel="noopener noreferrer" } | | Flights (no IMAX) | 1850 | [:octicons-link-external-16:](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TRaSH-/Guides/master/docs/json/radarr/flights-no-imax.json){: .header-icons target=_blank rel="noopener noreferrer" } | | HQ-WEBDL | 1750 | [:octicons-link-external-16:](/Radarr/Radarr-collection-of-custom-formats/#hq-webdl){: .header-icons target=_blank rel="noopener noreferrer" } | | HQ | 0 | [:octicons-link-external-16:](/Radarr/Radarr-collection-of-custom-formats/#hq){: .header-icons target=_blank rel="noopener noreferrer" } | --8<-- "includes/cf/hq4k.md" --8<-- "includes/cf/misc.md" --8<-- "includes/cf/unwanted.md" ### Quality Size `Settings` => `Quality` | Quality | Min | Preferred | Max | | -------------- | ----- | --------- | --- | | WEBDL-2160p | 50.8 | 399 | 400 | | WEBRip-2160p | 50.8 | 399 | 400 | | Bluray-2160p | 102 | 399 | 400 | | Remux-2160p | 187.4 | 399 | 400 | ??? check "example - [CLICK TO EXPAND]"  !!! attention These screenshots are just examples to show you how it should look and where you need to place the data that you need to add, they aren't always a 100% reflection of the actual data and not always 100% up to date with the actual data you need to add. - Always follow the data described in the guide. - If you got any questions or aren't sure just click the chat badge to join the Discord Channel where you can ask your questions directly.