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Special Quality Profiles

The Special Quality Profiles are Custom made and tested Quality Profile for specific needs or preferences.


  • Anything here is for private use only. It is prohibited to share anything related to SQP, such as setup information or links to the guide, in any public locations.‼
  • I expect users who received the link to this page to honor this rule.‼
  • Any questions about SQP should be asked in the related discord, not in the main channel or any other public places.‼
  • Yes, you can mention in the public channels that you are using a specific SQP.
  • If others are interested, they can join by accepting the rules in the access-to-sqp channel.

The Following SQP are available



SQP = Special Quality Profile

CF = Custom Formats

Can I use these SQP with Sonarr? - [Click to show/hide]

NO, SQP are only for Radarr ‼
At the moment their are no specific release groups to create a SQP for Sonarr.
If you're looking for a SQP-1 (xxxxp) then look at the public Sonarr Guide.

Why don't you add this to the public guide? - [Click to show/hide]

These SQPs are advanced Quality Profiles tested and created for a specific need, and only interesting for people that are interested in a specific Quality Profile.

I see CFs that aren't in the main guide - [Click to show/hide]

Some SQPs have/need specific CFs to work.

Some CFs in your instructions have a score of 0. Should I follow the scores from the main guide? - [Click to show/hide]

No, you should always follow the scores of the SQP.


  • Look for the SQP you want to use. If you're unsure which one will fit your needs, ask in the dedicated channel.
  • If you got any questions or need extra info about an SQP, please use the dedicated channel of that SQP to ask, so we know which SQP you're using.
  • Follow the setup instructions and don't skip steps.

Questions or Suggestions?

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