Here you'll learn how to use every **DiscordChatExporter** (DCE for short) feature.
For other things you can do with DCE, check out the [Guides]( section.
If you still have unanswered questions after reading this page or if you have encountered a problem, please visit our [FAQ & Troubleshooting]( section.
The information presented on this page is valid for **all** platforms.
- **Command-line Interface** (**CLI**) - offers greater flexibility and more features for advanced users, such as export scheduling, ID lists, and more specific date ranges.
[**macOS**](, [**Linux**]( and [**Docker**]( users can only use the CLI version.
**(Skip to [Using the CLI]( or [File Formats](**
3. DCE will display your Direct Messages and a sidebar with your server list. Select the channel you would like to export, then click the  button to continue.
- **Export format** - HTML (Dark), HTML (Light), TXT, CSV and JSON
Click the menu button (☰) to see more options:
- **Date range (after/before)** (Optional) - If set, only messages sent in the provided date range will be exported. Only one value (either after or before) is required if you want to use this option.
> Please note that the time defaults to **12:00 AM** (midnight/00:00). This means that if you choose to export between Sep 17th and Sep 18th, messages from Sep 18th won't be exported.
- **Filter** (Optional) - Special notation for filtering the messages that get included in the export. See [Message filters]( for more info.
- **Messages per partition** (Optional) - Split output into partitions, each limited to this number of messages (e.g. 100) or file size (e.g. 10mb). For example, a channel with 36 messages set to be partitioned every 10 messages will output 4 files.
- **Download assets** (Optional) - If this option is set, the export will include additional files such as user avatars, attached files, images, etc.
Only files that are referenced by the export are downloaded, which means that, for example, user avatars will not be downloaded when using the plain text (TXT) export format.
A folder containing the assets will be created along with the exported chat. They must be kept together.
> Make sure you have [.NET Core installed]( before attempting to run the commands below.
> **Docker** users, please refer to the [Docker usage instructions](
| [export]( | Exports a channel |
| [exportdm]( | Exports all direct message channels |
| [exportguild]( | Exports all channels within the specified server |
| [exportall]( | Exports all accessible channels |
| [channels]( | Outputs the list of channels in the given server |
| [dm]( | Outputs the list of direct message channels |
| [guilds]( | Outputs the list of accessible servers |
| [guide]( | Explains how to obtain token, guild, and channel ID |
To use the commands, you'll need a token. For the instructions on how to get a token, please refer to [this page](, or run `dotnet DiscordChatExporter.Cli.dll guide`.
| | [--after]( | Only include messages sent after this date |
| | [--before]( | Only include messages sent before this date |
| | [-p]( | Split output into partitions, each limited to this number of messages (e.g. 100) or file size (e.g. 10mb) |
| | [--filter]( | Special notation for filtering the messages that get included in the export |
| | [--media]( | Download assets referenced by the export (user avatars, attached files, embedded images, etc.). Default: false |
| | [--dateformat]( | Format used when writing dates. |
Assuming you are exporting a channel named `"my-channel"` in the `"Text channels"` category from a server called `"My server"`, you will get the following output file path: `C:\Discord Exports\My server\Text channels\my-channel.html`
Here is the full list of supported template tokens:
If this option is set, the export will include additional files such as user avatars, attached files, images, etc.
Only files that are referenced by the export are downloaded, which means that, for example, user avatars will not be downloaded when using the plain text (TXT) export format.
A folder containing the assets will be created along with the exported chat. They must be kept together.
Previously downloaded assets can be reused to skip redundant downloads as long as the chat is always exported to the same folder. Using this option can speed up future exports. This option requires the `--media` option.
Use `--before` and `--after` to export messages sent during the provided date range. E.g. messages sent between September 17th, 2019 11:34 PM and September 18th:
| | --parallel | Limits how many channels can be exported in parallel. Try to keep this number low so that your account doesn't get flagged. Default: 1 |
| | [-o]( | Output file or directory path |
| | [--after]( | Only include messages sent after this date |
| | [--before]( | Only include messages sent before this date |
| | [-p]( | Split output into partitions, each limited to this number of messages (e.g. 100) or file size (e.g. 10mb) |
| | [--filter]( | Special notation for filtering the messages that get included in the export |
| | [--media]( | Download assets referenced by the export (user avatars, attached files, embedded images, etc.). Default: false |
| | --parallel | Limits how many channels can be exported in parallel. Try to keep this number low so that your account doesn't get flagged. Default: 1 |
| | [-o]( | Output file or directory path |
| | [--after]( | Only include messages sent after this date |
| | [--before]( | Only include messages sent before this date |
| | [-p]( | Split output into partitions, each limited to this number of messages (e.g. 100) or file size (e.g. 10mb) |
| | [--filter]( | Special notation for filtering the messages that get included in the export |
| | [--media]( | Download assets referenced by the export (user avatars, attached files, embedded images, etc.). Default: false |
| | --include-dm | Include direct message channels. Default: true |
| | --parallel | Limits how many channels can be exported in parallel. Try to keep this number low so that your account doesn't get flagged. Default: 1 |
| | [-o]( | Output file or directory path |
| | [--after]( | Only include messages sent after this date |
| | [--before]( | Only include messages sent before this date |
| | [-p]( | Split output into partitions, each limited to this number of messages (e.g. 100) or file size (e.g. 10mb) |
| | [--filter]( | Special notation for filtering the messages that get included in the export |
| | [--media]( | Download assets referenced by the export (user avatars, attached files, embedded images, etc.). Default: false |
This command explains [how to get your token, guild, and channel IDs](