@ -9,74 +9,92 @@ namespace DiscordChatExporter.Domain.Markdown
// The following parsing logic is meant to replicate Discord's markdown grammar as close as possible
internal static partial class MarkdownParser
private const RegexOptions DefaultRegexOptions = RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.CultureInvariant | RegexOptions.Multiline;
private const RegexOptions DefaultRegexOptions =
RegexOptions.Compiled |
RegexOptions.CultureInvariant |
/* Formatting */
// Capture any character until the earliest double asterisk not followed by an asterisk
private static readonly IMatcher<MarkdownNode> BoldFormattedNodeMatcher = new RegexMatcher<MarkdownNode>(
new Regex("\\*\\*(.+?)\\*\\*(?!\\*)", DefaultRegexOptions | RegexOptions.Singleline),
(p, m) => new FormattedNode(TextFormatting.Bold, Parse(p.Slice(m.Groups[1]))));
(p, m) => new FormattedNode(TextFormatting.Bold, Parse(p.Slice(m.Groups[1])))
// Capture any character until the earliest single asterisk not preceded or followed by an asterisk
// Opening asterisk must not be followed by whitespace
// Closing asterisk must not be preceded by whitespace
private static readonly IMatcher<MarkdownNode> ItalicFormattedNodeMatcher = new RegexMatcher<MarkdownNode>(
new Regex("\\*(?!\\s)(.+?)(?<!\\s|\\*)\\*(?!\\*)", DefaultRegexOptions | RegexOptions.Singleline),
(p, m) => new FormattedNode(TextFormatting.Italic, Parse(p.Slice(m.Groups[1]))));
(p, m) => new FormattedNode(TextFormatting.Italic, Parse(p.Slice(m.Groups[1])))
// Capture any character until the earliest triple asterisk not followed by an asterisk
private static readonly IMatcher<MarkdownNode> ItalicBoldFormattedNodeMatcher = new RegexMatcher<MarkdownNode>(
new Regex("\\*(\\*\\*.+?\\*\\*)\\*(?!\\*)", DefaultRegexOptions | RegexOptions.Singleline),
(p, m) => new FormattedNode(TextFormatting.Italic, Parse(p.Slice(m.Groups[1]), BoldFormattedNodeMatcher)));
(p, m) => new FormattedNode(TextFormatting.Italic, Parse(p.Slice(m.Groups[1]), BoldFormattedNodeMatcher))
// Capture any character except underscore until an underscore
// Closing underscore must not be followed by a word character
private static readonly IMatcher<MarkdownNode> ItalicAltFormattedNodeMatcher = new RegexMatcher<MarkdownNode>(
new Regex("_([^_]+)_(?!\\w)", DefaultRegexOptions | RegexOptions.Singleline),
(p, m) => new FormattedNode(TextFormatting.Italic, Parse(p.Slice(m.Groups[1]))));
(p, m) => new FormattedNode(TextFormatting.Italic, Parse(p.Slice(m.Groups[1])))
// Capture any character until the earliest double underscore not followed by an underscore
private static readonly IMatcher<MarkdownNode> UnderlineFormattedNodeMatcher = new RegexMatcher<MarkdownNode>(
new Regex("__(.+?)__(?!_)", DefaultRegexOptions | RegexOptions.Singleline),
(p, m) => new FormattedNode(TextFormatting.Underline, Parse(p.Slice(m.Groups[1]))));
(p, m) => new FormattedNode(TextFormatting.Underline, Parse(p.Slice(m.Groups[1])))
// Capture any character until the earliest triple underscore not followed by an underscore
private static readonly IMatcher<MarkdownNode> ItalicUnderlineFormattedNodeMatcher = new RegexMatcher<MarkdownNode>(
new Regex("_(__.+?__)_(?!_)", DefaultRegexOptions | RegexOptions.Singleline),
(p, m) => new FormattedNode(TextFormatting.Italic, Parse(p.Slice(m.Groups[1]), UnderlineFormattedNodeMatcher)));
private static readonly IMatcher<MarkdownNode> ItalicUnderlineFormattedNodeMatcher =
new RegexMatcher<MarkdownNode>(
new Regex("_(__.+?__)_(?!_)", DefaultRegexOptions | RegexOptions.Singleline),
(p, m) => new FormattedNode(TextFormatting.Italic,
Parse(p.Slice(m.Groups[1]), UnderlineFormattedNodeMatcher))
// Capture any character until the earliest double tilde
private static readonly IMatcher<MarkdownNode> StrikethroughFormattedNodeMatcher = new RegexMatcher<MarkdownNode>(
new Regex("~~(.+?)~~", DefaultRegexOptions | RegexOptions.Singleline),
(p, m) => new FormattedNode(TextFormatting.Strikethrough, Parse(p.Slice(m.Groups[1]))));
private static readonly IMatcher<MarkdownNode> StrikethroughFormattedNodeMatcher =
new RegexMatcher<MarkdownNode>(
new Regex("~~(.+?)~~", DefaultRegexOptions | RegexOptions.Singleline),
(p, m) => new FormattedNode(TextFormatting.Strikethrough, Parse(p.Slice(m.Groups[1])))
// Capture any character until the earliest double pipe
private static readonly IMatcher<MarkdownNode> SpoilerFormattedNodeMatcher = new RegexMatcher<MarkdownNode>(
new Regex("\\|\\|(.+?)\\|\\|", DefaultRegexOptions | RegexOptions.Singleline),
(p, m) => new FormattedNode(TextFormatting.Spoiler, Parse(p.Slice(m.Groups[1]))));
(p, m) => new FormattedNode(TextFormatting.Spoiler, Parse(p.Slice(m.Groups[1])))
// Capture any character until the end of the line
// Opening 'greater than' character must be followed by whitespace
private static readonly IMatcher<MarkdownNode> SingleLineQuoteNodeMatcher = new RegexMatcher<MarkdownNode>(
new Regex("^>\\s(.+\n?)", DefaultRegexOptions),
(p, m) => new FormattedNode(TextFormatting.Quote, Parse(p.Slice(m.Groups[1]))));
(p, m) => new FormattedNode(TextFormatting.Quote, Parse(p.Slice(m.Groups[1])))
// Repeatedly capture any character until the end of the line
// This one is tricky as it ends up producing multiple separate captures which need to be joined
private static readonly IMatcher<MarkdownNode> RepeatedSingleLineQuoteNodeMatcher = new RegexMatcher<MarkdownNode>(
new Regex("(?:^>\\s(.+\n?)){2,}", DefaultRegexOptions),
(p, m) =>
var content = string.Concat(m.Groups[1].Captures.Select(c => c.Value));
return new FormattedNode(TextFormatting.Quote, Parse(content));
private static readonly IMatcher<MarkdownNode> RepeatedSingleLineQuoteNodeMatcher =
new RegexMatcher<MarkdownNode>(
new Regex("(?:^>\\s(.+\n?)){2,}", DefaultRegexOptions),
(_, m) =>
var content = string.Concat(m.Groups[1].Captures.Select(c => c.Value));
return new FormattedNode(TextFormatting.Quote, Parse(content));
// Capture any character until the end of the input
// Opening 'greater than' characters must be followed by whitespace
private static readonly IMatcher<MarkdownNode> MultiLineQuoteNodeMatcher = new RegexMatcher<MarkdownNode>(
new Regex("^>>>\\s(.+)", DefaultRegexOptions | RegexOptions.Singleline),
(p, m) => new FormattedNode(TextFormatting.Quote, Parse(p.Slice(m.Groups[1]))));
(p, m) => new FormattedNode(TextFormatting.Quote, Parse(p.Slice(m.Groups[1])))
/* Code blocks */
@ -85,41 +103,48 @@ namespace DiscordChatExporter.Domain.Markdown
// There can be either one or two backticks, but equal number on both sides
private static readonly IMatcher<MarkdownNode> InlineCodeBlockNodeMatcher = new RegexMatcher<MarkdownNode>(
new Regex("(`{1,2})([^`]+)\\1", DefaultRegexOptions | RegexOptions.Singleline),
m => new InlineCodeBlockNode(m.Groups[2].Value.Trim('\r', '\n')));
m => new InlineCodeBlockNode(m.Groups[2].Value.Trim('\r', '\n'))
// Capture language identifier and then any character until the earliest triple backtick
// Language identifier is one word immediately after opening backticks, followed immediately by newline
// Blank lines at the beginning and end of content are trimmed
private static readonly IMatcher<MarkdownNode> MultiLineCodeBlockNodeMatcher = new RegexMatcher<MarkdownNode>(
new Regex("```(?:(\\w*)\\n)?(.+?)```", DefaultRegexOptions | RegexOptions.Singleline),
m => new MultiLineCodeBlockNode(m.Groups[1].Value, m.Groups[2].Value.Trim('\r', '\n')));
m => new MultiLineCodeBlockNode(m.Groups[1].Value, m.Groups[2].Value.Trim('\r', '\n'))
/* Mentions */
// Capture @everyone
private static readonly IMatcher<MarkdownNode> EveryoneMentionNodeMatcher = new StringMatcher<MarkdownNode>(
p => new MentionNode("everyone", MentionType.Meta));
_ => new MentionNode("everyone", MentionType.Meta)
// Capture @here
private static readonly IMatcher<MarkdownNode> HereMentionNodeMatcher = new StringMatcher<MarkdownNode>(
p => new MentionNode("here", MentionType.Meta));
_ => new MentionNode("here", MentionType.Meta)
// Capture <@123456> or <@!123456>
private static readonly IMatcher<MarkdownNode> UserMentionNodeMatcher = new RegexMatcher<MarkdownNode>(
new Regex("<@!?(\\d+)>", DefaultRegexOptions),
m => new MentionNode(m.Groups[1].Value, MentionType.User));
m => new MentionNode(m.Groups[1].Value, MentionType.User)
// Capture <#123456>
private static readonly IMatcher<MarkdownNode> ChannelMentionNodeMatcher = new RegexMatcher<MarkdownNode>(
new Regex("<#(\\d+)>", DefaultRegexOptions),
m => new MentionNode(m.Groups[1].Value, MentionType.Channel));
m => new MentionNode(m.Groups[1].Value, MentionType.Channel)
// Capture <@&123456>
private static readonly IMatcher<MarkdownNode> RoleMentionNodeMatcher = new RegexMatcher<MarkdownNode>(
new Regex("<@&(\\d+)>", DefaultRegexOptions),
m => new MentionNode(m.Groups[1].Value, MentionType.Role));
m => new MentionNode(m.Groups[1].Value, MentionType.Role)
/* Emojis */
@ -129,30 +154,36 @@ namespace DiscordChatExporter.Domain.Markdown
// ... or digit followed by enclosing mark
// (this does not match all emojis in Discord but it's reasonably accurate enough)
private static readonly IMatcher<MarkdownNode> StandardEmojiNodeMatcher = new RegexMatcher<MarkdownNode>(
new Regex("((?:[\\uD83C][\\uDDE6-\\uDDFF]){2}|[\\u2600-\\u26FF]|\\p{Cs}{2}|\\d\\p{Me})", DefaultRegexOptions),
m => new EmojiNode(m.Groups[1].Value));
new Regex("((?:[\\uD83C][\\uDDE6-\\uDDFF]){2}|[\\u2600-\\u26FF]|\\p{Cs}{2}|\\d\\p{Me})",
m => new EmojiNode(m.Groups[1].Value)
// Capture <:lul:123456> or <a:lul:123456>
private static readonly IMatcher<MarkdownNode> CustomEmojiNodeMatcher = new RegexMatcher<MarkdownNode>(
new Regex("<(a)?:(.+?):(\\d+?)>", DefaultRegexOptions),
m => new EmojiNode(m.Groups[3].Value, m.Groups[2].Value, !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(m.Groups[1].Value)));
m => new EmojiNode(m.Groups[3].Value, m.Groups[2].Value, !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(m.Groups[1].Value))
/* Links */
// Capture [title](link)
private static readonly IMatcher<MarkdownNode> TitledLinkNodeMatcher = new RegexMatcher<MarkdownNode>(
new Regex("\\[(.+?)\\]\\((.+?)\\)", DefaultRegexOptions),
m => new LinkNode(m.Groups[2].Value, m.Groups[1].Value));
m => new LinkNode(m.Groups[2].Value, m.Groups[1].Value)
// Capture any non-whitespace character after http:// or https:// until the last punctuation character or whitespace
private static readonly IMatcher<MarkdownNode> AutoLinkNodeMatcher = new RegexMatcher<MarkdownNode>(
new Regex("(https?://\\S*[^\\.,:;\"\'\\s])", DefaultRegexOptions),
m => new LinkNode(m.Groups[1].Value));
m => new LinkNode(m.Groups[1].Value)
// Same as auto link but also surrounded by angular brackets
private static readonly IMatcher<MarkdownNode> HiddenLinkNodeMatcher = new RegexMatcher<MarkdownNode>(
new Regex("<(https?://\\S*[^\\.,:;\"\'\\s])>", DefaultRegexOptions),
m => new LinkNode(m.Groups[1].Value));
m => new LinkNode(m.Groups[1].Value)
/* Text */
@ -160,25 +191,29 @@ namespace DiscordChatExporter.Domain.Markdown
// This escapes it from matching for formatting
private static readonly IMatcher<MarkdownNode> ShrugTextNodeMatcher = new StringMatcher<MarkdownNode>(
p => new TextNode(p.ToString()));
p => new TextNode(p.ToString())
// Capture some specific emojis that don't get rendered
// This escapes it from matching for emoji
private static readonly IMatcher<MarkdownNode> IgnoredEmojiTextNodeMatcher = new RegexMatcher<MarkdownNode>(
new Regex("(\\u26A7|\\u2640|\\u2642|\\u2695|\\u267E|\\u00A9|\\u00AE|\\u2122)", DefaultRegexOptions),
m => new TextNode(m.Groups[1].Value));
m => new TextNode(m.Groups[1].Value)
// Capture any "symbol/other" character or surrogate pair preceded by a backslash
// This escapes it from matching for emoji
private static readonly IMatcher<MarkdownNode> EscapedSymbolTextNodeMatcher = new RegexMatcher<MarkdownNode>(
new Regex("\\\\(\\p{So}|\\p{Cs}{2})", DefaultRegexOptions),
m => new TextNode(m.Groups[1].Value));
m => new TextNode(m.Groups[1].Value)
// Capture any non-whitespace, non latin alphanumeric character preceded by a backslash
// This escapes it from matching for formatting or other tokens
private static readonly IMatcher<MarkdownNode> EscapedCharacterTextNodeMatcher = new RegexMatcher<MarkdownNode>(
new Regex("\\\\([^a-zA-Z0-9\\s])", DefaultRegexOptions),
m => new TextNode(m.Groups[1].Value));
m => new TextNode(m.Groups[1].Value)
// Combine all matchers into one
// Matchers that have similar patterns are ordered from most specific to least specific