using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using System.Net.Http; using System.Net.Http.Headers; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Text.Json; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using DiscordChatExporter.Core.Discord.Data; using DiscordChatExporter.Core.Exceptions; using DiscordChatExporter.Core.Utils; using DiscordChatExporter.Core.Utils.Extensions; using JsonExtensions.Http; using JsonExtensions.Reading; namespace DiscordChatExporter.Core.Discord; public class DiscordClient { private readonly string _token; private readonly Uri _baseUri = new("", UriKind.Absolute); private TokenKind _tokenKind = TokenKind.Unknown; public DiscordClient(string token) => _token = token; private async ValueTask GetResponseAsync( string url, bool isBot, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { using var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, new Uri(_baseUri, url)); request.Headers.Authorization = isBot ? new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bot", _token) : new AuthenticationHeaderValue(_token); return await Http.Client.SendAsync( request, HttpCompletionOption.ResponseHeadersRead, cancellationToken ); } private async ValueTask GetResponseAsync( string url, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { return await Http.ResponsePolicy.ExecuteAsync(async innerCancellationToken => { if (_tokenKind == TokenKind.User) return await GetResponseAsync(url, false, innerCancellationToken); if (_tokenKind == TokenKind.Bot) return await GetResponseAsync(url, true, innerCancellationToken); // Try to authenticate as user var userResponse = await GetResponseAsync(url, false, innerCancellationToken); if (userResponse.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) { _tokenKind = TokenKind.User; return userResponse; } userResponse.Dispose(); // Otherwise, try to authenticate as bot var botResponse = await GetResponseAsync(url, true, innerCancellationToken); if (botResponse.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) { _tokenKind = TokenKind.Bot; return botResponse; } // The token is probably invalid altogether. // Return the last response anyway, upstream should handle the error. return botResponse; }, cancellationToken); } private async ValueTask GetJsonResponseAsync( string url, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { using var response = await GetResponseAsync(url, cancellationToken); if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { throw response.StatusCode switch { HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized => DiscordChatExporterException.Unauthorized(), HttpStatusCode.Forbidden => DiscordChatExporterException.Forbidden(), HttpStatusCode.NotFound => DiscordChatExporterException.NotFound(url), _ => DiscordChatExporterException.FailedHttpRequest(response) }; } return await response.Content.ReadAsJsonAsync(cancellationToken); } private async ValueTask TryGetJsonResponseAsync( string url, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { using var response = await GetResponseAsync(url, cancellationToken); return response.IsSuccessStatusCode ? await response.Content.ReadAsJsonAsync(cancellationToken) : null; } public async IAsyncEnumerable GetUserGuildsAsync( [EnumeratorCancellation] CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { yield return Guild.DirectMessages; var currentAfter = Snowflake.Zero; while (true) { var url = new UrlBuilder() .SetPath("users/@me/guilds") .SetQueryParameter("limit", "100") .SetQueryParameter("after", currentAfter.ToString()) .Build(); var response = await GetJsonResponseAsync(url, cancellationToken); var isEmpty = true; foreach (var guild in response.EnumerateArray().Select(Guild.Parse)) { yield return guild; currentAfter = guild.Id; isEmpty = false; } if (isEmpty) yield break; } } public async ValueTask GetGuildAsync( Snowflake guildId, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { if (guildId == Guild.DirectMessages.Id) return Guild.DirectMessages; var response = await GetJsonResponseAsync($"guilds/{guildId}", cancellationToken); return Guild.Parse(response); } public async IAsyncEnumerable GetGuildChannelsAsync( Snowflake guildId, [EnumeratorCancellation] CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { if (guildId == Guild.DirectMessages.Id) { var response = await GetJsonResponseAsync("users/@me/channels", cancellationToken); foreach (var channelJson in response.EnumerateArray()) yield return Channel.Parse(channelJson); } else { var response = await GetJsonResponseAsync($"guilds/{guildId}/channels", cancellationToken); var responseOrdered = response .EnumerateArray() .OrderBy(j => j.GetProperty("position").GetInt32()) .ThenBy(j => j.GetProperty("id").GetNonWhiteSpaceString().Pipe(Snowflake.Parse)) .ToArray(); var categories = responseOrdered .Where(j => j.GetProperty("type").GetInt32() == (int) ChannelKind.GuildCategory) .Select((j, index) => ChannelCategory.Parse(j, index + 1)) .ToDictionary(j => j.Id.ToString(), StringComparer.Ordinal); var position = 0; foreach (var channelJson in responseOrdered) { var parentId = channelJson.GetPropertyOrNull("parent_id")?.GetNonWhiteSpaceStringOrNull(); var category = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(parentId) ? categories.GetValueOrDefault(parentId) : null; var channel = Channel.Parse(channelJson, category, position); position++; yield return channel; } } } public async IAsyncEnumerable GetGuildRolesAsync( Snowflake guildId, [EnumeratorCancellation] CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { if (guildId == Guild.DirectMessages.Id) yield break; var response = await GetJsonResponseAsync($"guilds/{guildId}/roles", cancellationToken); foreach (var roleJson in response.EnumerateArray()) yield return Role.Parse(roleJson); } public async ValueTask GetGuildMemberAsync( Snowflake guildId, User user, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { if (guildId == Guild.DirectMessages.Id) return Member.CreateForUser(user); var response = await TryGetJsonResponseAsync($"guilds/{guildId}/members/{user.Id}", cancellationToken); return response?.Pipe(Member.Parse) ?? Member.CreateForUser(user); } public async ValueTask GetChannelCategoryAsync( Snowflake channelId, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { try { var response = await GetJsonResponseAsync($"channels/{channelId}", cancellationToken); return ChannelCategory.Parse(response); } // In some cases, the Discord API returns an empty body when requesting channel category. // Instead, we use an empty channel category as a fallback. catch (DiscordChatExporterException) { return ChannelCategory.Unknown; } } public async ValueTask GetChannelAsync( Snowflake channelId, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { var response = await GetJsonResponseAsync($"channels/{channelId}", cancellationToken); var parentId = response.GetPropertyOrNull("parent_id")?.GetNonWhiteSpaceStringOrNull()?.Pipe(Snowflake.Parse); var category = parentId is not null ? await GetChannelCategoryAsync(parentId.Value, cancellationToken) : null; return Channel.Parse(response, category); } private async ValueTask TryGetLastMessageAsync( Snowflake channelId, Snowflake? before = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { var url = new UrlBuilder() .SetPath($"channels/{channelId}/messages") .SetQueryParameter("limit", "1") .SetQueryParameter("before", before?.ToString()) .Build(); var response = await GetJsonResponseAsync(url, cancellationToken); return response.EnumerateArray().Select(Message.Parse).LastOrDefault(); } public async IAsyncEnumerable GetMessagesAsync( Snowflake channelId, Snowflake? after = null, Snowflake? before = null, IProgress? progress = null, [EnumeratorCancellation] CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { // Get the last message in the specified range. // This snapshots the boundaries, which means that messages posted after the export started // will not appear in the output. // Additionally, it provides the date of the last message, which is used to calculate progress. var lastMessage = await TryGetLastMessageAsync(channelId, before, cancellationToken); if (lastMessage is null || lastMessage.Timestamp < after?.ToDate()) yield break; // Keep track of first message in range in order to calculate progress var firstMessage = default(Message); var currentAfter = after ?? Snowflake.Zero; while (true) { var url = new UrlBuilder() .SetPath($"channels/{channelId}/messages") .SetQueryParameter("limit", "100") .SetQueryParameter("after", currentAfter.ToString()) .Build(); var response = await GetJsonResponseAsync(url, cancellationToken); var messages = response .EnumerateArray() .Select(Message.Parse) .Reverse() // reverse because messages appear newest first .ToArray(); // Break if there are no messages (can happen if messages are deleted during execution) if (!messages.Any()) yield break; foreach (var message in messages) { firstMessage ??= message; // Ensure messages are in range (take into account that last message could have been deleted) if (message.Timestamp > lastMessage.Timestamp) yield break; // Report progress based on the duration of exported messages divided by total if (progress is not null) { var exportedDuration = (message.Timestamp - firstMessage.Timestamp).Duration(); var totalDuration = (lastMessage.Timestamp - firstMessage.Timestamp).Duration(); if (totalDuration > TimeSpan.Zero) { progress.Report(exportedDuration / totalDuration); } // Avoid division by zero if all messages have the exact same timestamp // (which may be the case if there's only one message in the channel) else { progress.Report(1); } } yield return message; currentAfter = message.Id; } } } }