using System; using System.Reflection; using DiscordChatExporter.Core.Models; using Fclp; namespace DiscordChatExporter.Cli { public static class Program { private static readonly Container Container = new Container(); private static void ShowHelp() { var version = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version; Console.WriteLine($"=== Discord Chat Exporter (Command Line Interface) v{version} ==="); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("[-t] [--token] Discord authorization token."); Console.WriteLine("[-c] [--channel] Discord channel ID."); Console.WriteLine("[-f] [--format] Export format (PlainText/HtmlDark/HtmlLight). Optional."); Console.WriteLine("[-o] [--output] Output file path. Optional."); Console.WriteLine(" [--datefrom] Limit to messages after this date. Optional."); Console.WriteLine(" [--dateto] Limit to messages before this date. Optional."); Console.WriteLine(" [--dateformat] Date format. Optional."); Console.WriteLine(" [--grouplimit] Message group limit. Optional."); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("# To get authorization token:"); Console.WriteLine(" - Open Discord app"); Console.WriteLine(" - Log in if you haven't"); Console.WriteLine(" - Press Ctrl+Shift+I"); Console.WriteLine(" - Navigate to Application tab"); Console.WriteLine(" - Expand Storage > Local Storage >"); Console.WriteLine(" - Find \"token\" under key and copy the value"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("# To get channel ID:"); Console.WriteLine(" - Open Discord app"); Console.WriteLine(" - Log in if you haven't"); Console.WriteLine(" - Go to any channel you want to export"); Console.WriteLine(" - Press Ctrl+Shift+I"); Console.WriteLine(" - Navigate to Console tab"); Console.WriteLine(" - Type \"document.URL\" and press Enter"); Console.WriteLine(" - Copy the long sequence of numbers after last slash"); } private static CliOptions ParseOptions(string[] args) { var argsParser = new FluentCommandLineParser(); var settings = Container.SettingsService; argsParser.Setup(o => o.Token).As('t', "token").Required(); argsParser.Setup(o => o.ChannelId).As('c', "channel").Required(); argsParser.Setup(o => o.ExportFormat).As('f', "format").SetDefault(ExportFormat.HtmlDark); argsParser.Setup(o => o.FilePath).As('o', "output").SetDefault(null); argsParser.Setup(o => o.From).As("datefrom").SetDefault(null); argsParser.Setup(o => o.To).As("dateto").SetDefault(null); argsParser.Setup(o => o.DateFormat).As("dateformat").SetDefault(settings.DateFormat); argsParser.Setup(o => o.MessageGroupLimit).As("grouplimit").SetDefault(settings.MessageGroupLimit); var parsed = argsParser.Parse(args); // Show help if no arguments if (parsed.EmptyArgs) { ShowHelp(); Environment.Exit(0); } // Show error if there are any else if (parsed.HasErrors) { Console.Error.Write(parsed.ErrorText); Environment.Exit(-1); } return argsParser.Object; } public static void Main(string[] args) { // Init container Container.Init(); // Parse options var options = ParseOptions(args); // Inject some settings var settings = Container.SettingsService; settings.DateFormat = options.DateFormat; settings.MessageGroupLimit = options.MessageGroupLimit; // Export var vm = Container.MainViewModel; vm.ExportAsync( options.Token, options.ChannelId, options.FilePath, options.ExportFormat, options.From, options.To).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); // Cleanup container Container.Cleanup(); Console.WriteLine("Export complete."); } } }