You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

263 lines
10 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Net.Http.Headers;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using DiscordChatExporter.Core.Models;
using DiscordChatExporter.Core.Services.Exceptions;
using DiscordChatExporter.Core.Services.Internal;
using Failsafe;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using Tyrrrz.Extensions;
namespace DiscordChatExporter.Core.Services
public partial class DataService : IDisposable
private readonly HttpClient _httpClient = new HttpClient();
private async Task<JToken> GetApiResponseAsync(AuthToken token, string resource, string endpoint,
params string[] parameters)
// Create retry policy
var retry = Retry.Create()
.Catch<HttpErrorStatusCodeException>(false, e => (int) e.StatusCode >= 500)
.Catch<HttpErrorStatusCodeException>(false, e => (int) e.StatusCode == 429)
// Send request
return await retry.ExecuteAsync(async () =>
// Create request
const string apiRoot = "";
using (var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, $"{apiRoot}/{resource}/{endpoint}"))
// Set authorization header
request.Headers.Authorization = token.Type == AuthTokenType.Bot
? new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bot", token.Value)
: new AuthenticationHeaderValue(token.Value);
// Add parameters
foreach (var parameter in parameters)
var key = parameter.SubstringUntil("=");
var value = parameter.SubstringAfter("=");
// Skip empty values
if (value.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
request.RequestUri = request.RequestUri.SetQueryParameter(key, value);
// Get response
using (var response = await _httpClient.SendAsync(request))
// Check status code
// We throw our own exception here because default one doesn't have status code
if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
throw new HttpErrorStatusCodeException(response.StatusCode, response.ReasonPhrase);
// Get content
var raw = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
// Parse
using (var reader = new JsonTextReader(new StringReader(raw)))
reader.DateParseHandling = DateParseHandling.DateTimeOffset;
return JToken.Load(reader);
public async Task<Guild> GetGuildAsync(AuthToken token, string guildId)
// Special case for direct messages pseudo-guild
if (guildId == Guild.DirectMessages.Id)
return Guild.DirectMessages;
var response = await GetApiResponseAsync(token, "guilds", guildId);
var guild = ParseGuild(response);
return guild;
public async Task<Channel> GetChannelAsync(AuthToken token, string channelId)
var response = await GetApiResponseAsync(token, "channels", channelId);
var channel = ParseChannel(response);
return channel;
public async Task<IReadOnlyList<Guild>> GetUserGuildsAsync(AuthToken token)
var response = await GetApiResponseAsync(token, "users", "@me/guilds", "limit=100");
var guilds = response.Select(ParseGuild).ToArray();
return guilds;
public async Task<IReadOnlyList<Channel>> GetDirectMessageChannelsAsync(AuthToken token)
var response = await GetApiResponseAsync(token, "users", "@me/channels");
var channels = response.Select(ParseChannel).ToArray();
return channels;
public async Task<IReadOnlyList<Channel>> GetGuildChannelsAsync(AuthToken token, string guildId)
var response = await GetApiResponseAsync(token, "guilds", $"{guildId}/channels");
var channels = response.Select(ParseChannel).ToArray();
return channels;
public async Task<IReadOnlyList<Role>> GetGuildRolesAsync(AuthToken token, string guildId)
var response = await GetApiResponseAsync(token, "guilds", $"{guildId}/roles");
var roles = response.Select(ParseRole).ToArray();
return roles;
public async Task<IReadOnlyList<Message>> GetChannelMessagesAsync(AuthToken token, string channelId,
DateTimeOffset? after = null, DateTimeOffset? before = null, IProgress<double> progress = null)
var result = new List<Message>();
// Get the last message
var response = await GetApiResponseAsync(token, "channels", $"{channelId}/messages",
"limit=1", $"before={before?.ToSnowflake()}");
var lastMessage = response.Select(ParseMessage).FirstOrDefault();
// If the last message doesn't exist or it's outside of range - return
if (lastMessage == null || lastMessage.Timestamp < after)
return result;
// Get other messages
var offsetId = after?.ToSnowflake() ?? "0";
while (true)
// Get message batch
response = await GetApiResponseAsync(token, "channels", $"{channelId}/messages",
"limit=100", $"after={offsetId}");
// Parse
var messages = response
.Reverse() // reverse because messages appear newest first
// Break if there are no messages (can happen if messages are deleted during execution)
if (!messages.Any())
// Trim messages to range (until last message)
var messagesInRange = messages
.TakeWhile(m => m.Id != lastMessage.Id && m.Timestamp < lastMessage.Timestamp)
// Add to result
// Break if messages were trimmed (which means the last message was encountered)
if (messagesInRange.Length != messages.Length)
// Report progress (based on the time range of parsed messages compared to total)
progress?.Report((result.Last().Timestamp - result.First().Timestamp).TotalSeconds /
(lastMessage.Timestamp - result.First().Timestamp).TotalSeconds);
// Move offset
offsetId = result.Last().Id;
// Add last message
// Report progress
return result;
public async Task<Mentionables> GetMentionablesAsync(AuthToken token, string guildId,
IEnumerable<Message> messages)
// Get channels and roles
var channels = guildId != Guild.DirectMessages.Id
? await GetGuildChannelsAsync(token, guildId)
: Array.Empty<Channel>();
var roles = guildId != Guild.DirectMessages.Id
? await GetGuildRolesAsync(token, guildId)
: Array.Empty<Role>();
// Get users
var userMap = new Dictionary<string, User>();
foreach (var message in messages)
// Author
userMap[message.Author.Id] = message.Author;
// Mentioned users
foreach (var mentionedUser in message.MentionedUsers)
userMap[mentionedUser.Id] = mentionedUser;
var users = userMap.Values.ToArray();
return new Mentionables(users, channels, roles);
public async Task<ChatLog> GetChatLogAsync(AuthToken token, Guild guild, Channel channel,
DateTimeOffset? after = null, DateTimeOffset? before = null, IProgress<double> progress = null)
// Get messages
var messages = await GetChannelMessagesAsync(token, channel.Id, after, before, progress);
// Get mentionables
var mentionables = await GetMentionablesAsync(token, guild.Id, messages);
return new ChatLog(guild, channel, after, before, messages, mentionables);
public async Task<ChatLog> GetChatLogAsync(AuthToken token, Channel channel,
DateTimeOffset? after = null, DateTimeOffset? before = null, IProgress<double> progress = null)
// Get guild
var guild = channel.GuildId == Guild.DirectMessages.Id
? Guild.DirectMessages
: await GetGuildAsync(token, channel.GuildId);
// Get the chat log
return await GetChatLogAsync(token, guild, channel, after, before, progress);
public async Task<ChatLog> GetChatLogAsync(AuthToken token, string channelId,
DateTimeOffset? after = null, DateTimeOffset? before = null, IProgress<double> progress = null)
// Get channel
var channel = await GetChannelAsync(token, channelId);
// Get the chat log
return await GetChatLogAsync(token, channel, after, before, progress);
public void Dispose()