You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Security.Authentication;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using DiscordChatExporter.Core.Utils.Extensions;
using Polly;
using Polly.Retry;
namespace DiscordChatExporter.Core.Utils;
public static class Http
public static HttpClient Client { get; } = new();
private static bool IsRetryableStatusCode(HttpStatusCode statusCode) =>
statusCode is HttpStatusCode.TooManyRequests or HttpStatusCode.RequestTimeout
// Treat all server-side errors as retryable
(int)statusCode >= 500;
private static bool IsRetryableException(Exception exception) =>
ex =>
ex is TimeoutException or SocketException or AuthenticationException
|| ex is HttpRequestException hrex
&& IsRetryableStatusCode(hrex.StatusCode ?? HttpStatusCode.OK)
public static ResiliencePipeline ResiliencePipeline { get; } =
new ResiliencePipelineBuilder()
new RetryStrategyOptions
ShouldHandle = new PredicateBuilder().Handle<Exception>(IsRetryableException),
MaxRetryAttempts = 4,
BackoffType = DelayBackoffType.Exponential,
Delay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)
public static ResiliencePipeline<HttpResponseMessage> ResponseResiliencePipeline { get; } =
new ResiliencePipelineBuilder<HttpResponseMessage>()
new RetryStrategyOptions<HttpResponseMessage>
ShouldHandle = new PredicateBuilder<HttpResponseMessage>()
.HandleResult(m => IsRetryableStatusCode(m.StatusCode)),
MaxRetryAttempts = 8,
DelayGenerator = args =>
// If rate-limited, use retry-after header as the guide.
// The response can be null here if an exception was thrown.
if (args.Outcome.Result?.Headers.RetryAfter?.Delta is { } retryAfter)
// Add some buffer just in case
return ValueTask.FromResult<TimeSpan?>(
retryAfter + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)
return ValueTask.FromResult<TimeSpan?>(
TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Math.Pow(2, args.AttemptNumber) + 1)