import random
import re
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import aiohttp
from services . environment_service import EnvService
from services . usage_service import UsageService
class Search :
def __init__ ( self , gpt_model , pinecone_service ) :
self . model = gpt_model
self . pinecone_service = pinecone_service
self . google_search_api_key = EnvService . get_google_search_api_key ( )
self . google_search_engine_id = EnvService . get_google_search_engine_id ( )
async def get_links ( self , query ) :
""" Search the web for a query """
async with aiohttp . ClientSession ( ) as session :
async with session . get (
f " { self . google_search_api_key } &cx= { self . google_search_engine_id } &q= { query } "
) as response :
if response . status == 200 :
data = await response . json ( )
# Return a list of the top 5 links
return [ item [ " link " ] for item in data [ " items " ] [ : 5 ] ]
else :
return " An error occurred while searching. "
async def search ( self , query ) :
# Get the links for the query
links = await self . get_links ( query )
# For each link, crawl the page and get all the text that's not HTML garbage.
# Concatenate all the text for a given website into one string and save it into an array:
texts = [ ]
for link in links :
async with aiohttp . ClientSession ( ) as session :
async with session . get ( link , timeout = 5 ) as response :
if response . status == 200 :
soup = BeautifulSoup ( await response . read ( ) , " html.parser " )
# Find all the content between <p> tags and join them together and then append to texts
texts . append ( " " . join ( [ p . text for p in soup . find_all ( " p " ) ] ) )
else :
print ( " Finished retrieving text content from the links " )
# For each text in texts, split it up into 500 character chunks and create embeddings for it
# The pinecone service uses conversation_id, but we can use it here too to keep track of the "search", each
# conversation_id represents a unique search.
conversation_id = random . randint ( 0 , 100000000 )
for text in texts :
# Split the text into 150 character chunks without using re
chunks = [ text [ i : i + 500 ] for i in range ( 0 , len ( text ) , 500 ) ]
# Create embeddings for each chunk
for chunk in chunks :
# Create an embedding for the chunk
embedding = await self . model . send_embedding_request ( chunk )
# Upsert the embedding for the conversation ID
self . pinecone_service . upsert_conversation_embedding (
self . model , conversation_id , chunk , 0
print ( " Finished creating embeddings for the text " )
# Now that we have all the embeddings for the search, we can embed the query and then
# query pinecone for the top 5 results
query_embedding = await self . model . send_embedding_request ( query )
results = self . pinecone_service . get_n_similar (
conversation_id , query_embedding , n = 3
# Get only the first elements of each result
results = [ result [ 0 ] for result in results ]
# Construct a query for GPT3 to use these results to answer the query
GPT_QUERY = f " This is a search query. I want to know the answer to the query: { query } . Here are some results from the web: { [ str ( result ) for result in results ] } . \n \n Answer: "
# Generate the answer
# Use the tokenizer to determine token amount of the query
await self . model . send_request (
GPT_QUERY , UsageService . count_tokens_static ( GPT_QUERY )
print ( texts )