@ -34,7 +34,6 @@ class TextService:
instruction = None ,
from_ask_command = False ,
from_edit_command = False ,
codex = False ,
model = None ,
user = None ,
custom_api_key = None ,
@ -59,7 +58,6 @@ class TextService:
instruction ( str , optional ) : Instruction for use with the edit endpoint . Defaults to None .
from_ask_command ( bool , optional ) : Called from the ask command . Defaults to False .
from_edit_command ( bool , optional ) : Called from the edit command . Defaults to False .
codex ( bool , optional ) : Pass along that we want to use a codex model . Defaults to False .
model ( str , optional ) : Which model to generate output with . Defaults to None .
user ( discord . User , optional ) : An user object that can be used to set the stop . Defaults to None .
custom_api_key ( str , optional ) : per - user api key . Defaults to None .
@ -317,7 +315,6 @@ class TextService:
instruction = instruction ,
temp_override = overrides . temperature ,
top_p_override = overrides . top_p ,
codex = codex ,
custom_api_key = custom_api_key ,
else :
@ -338,7 +335,7 @@ class TextService:
response_text = (
converser_cog . cleanse_response ( str ( response [ " choices " ] [ 0 ] [ " text " ] ) )
if not is_chatgpt_request and not is_chatgpt_conversation
if not is_chatgpt_request and not is_chatgpt_conversation or from_edit_command
else converser_cog . cleanse_response (
str ( response [ " choices " ] [ 0 ] [ " message " ] [ " content " ] )
@ -349,14 +346,13 @@ class TextService:
elif from_other_action :
response_text = f " *** { from_other_action } *** { response_text } "
elif from_ask_command or from_ask_action :
response_model = response [ " model " ]
if response_model in Models . GPT4_MODELS or response_model in Models . CHATGPT_MODELS :
response_text = f " \n \n { response_text } "
response_text = f " *** { prompt } *** { response_text } "
elif from_edit_command :
if codex :
response_text = response_text . strip ( )
response_text = f " ***Prompt: \n ` { prompt } `*** \n ***Instruction: \n ` { instruction } `*** \n \n ``` \n { response_text } \n ``` "
else :
response_text = response_text . strip ( )
response_text = f " ***Prompt: \n ` { prompt } `*** \n ***Instruction: \n ` { instruction } `*** \n \n { response_text } \n "
response_text = response_text . strip ( )
response_text = f " ***Prompt:*** \n { prompt } \n \n ***Instruction:*** \n { instruction } \n \n ***Response:*** \n { response_text } "
# If gpt3 tries writing a user mention try to replace it with their name
response_text = await converser_cog . mention_to_username ( ctx , response_text )
@ -437,7 +433,7 @@ class TextService:
else :
embed_pages = await converser_cog . paginate_embed (
response_text , codex , prompt , instruction
view = ConversationView (
ctx ,
@ -500,7 +496,6 @@ class TextService:
ctx = ctx ,
message = ctx ,
response = response_message ,
codex = codex ,
paginator = paginator ,
converser_cog . redo_users [ ctx . author . id ] . add_interaction (
@ -512,7 +507,7 @@ class TextService:
paginator = converser_cog . redo_users . get ( ctx . author . id ) . paginator
if isinstance ( paginator , pages . Paginator ) :
embed_pages = await converser_cog . paginate_embed (
response_text , codex , prompt , instruction
view = ConversationView (
ctx ,
@ -950,7 +945,6 @@ class RedoButton(discord.ui.Button["ConversationView"]):
instruction = self . converser_cog . redo_users [ user_id ] . instruction
ctx = self . converser_cog . redo_users [ user_id ] . ctx
response_message = self . converser_cog . redo_users [ user_id ] . response
codex = self . converser_cog . redo_users [ user_id ] . codex
await interaction . response . send_message (
" Retrying your original request... " , ephemeral = True , delete_after = 15
@ -965,7 +959,7 @@ class RedoButton(discord.ui.Button["ConversationView"]):
ctx = ctx ,
model = self . model ,
response_message = response_message ,
codex = codex ,
custom_api_key = self . custom_api_key ,
redo_request = True ,
from_ask_command = self . from_ask_command ,