The bot uses an environment file named `.env` to configure it. This file must be named exactly `.env` and placed in the same directory as ``. Within this file, you need to fill in your `OPENAI_TOKEN`, `DISCORD_TOKEN`, `DEBUG_SERVER`, and `DEBUG_CHANNEL`, and `ALLOWED_GUILDS` to get the bot to work. There are also many other configurable options, an example `.env` file is shown below.
OPENAI_TOKEN = "<openai_api_token>"
@ -40,7 +40,9 @@ USER_INPUT_API_KEYS="False" # If True, users must use their own API keys for Ope
# Moderations Service alert channel, this is where moderation alerts will be sent as a default if enabled
MODERATIONS_ALERT_CHANNEL = "977697652147892304"
# User API key db path configuration. This is where the user API keys will be stored.
USER_KEY_DB_PATH = "user_key_db.sqlite"
USER_KEY_DB_PATH = "user_key_db.sqlite"
# Determines if the bot responds to messages that start with a mention of it