@ -129,6 +129,18 @@ screen gpt3discord
screen -r
If the last few commands don't allow the bot to run `screen gpt3discord`, you can attempt to run the bot another way:
{Navigate to the folder where the project files are}
screen -dmS GPTBot bash -c 'python3.9 gpt3discord.py'
# Reattach to screen session
screen -x # will reattach if this is the only screen session, if there are multiple, it will show IDs
# If there are multiple IDs returned by screen -x:
screen -d -r {ID} # replace {ID} with the ID of the screen session you want to reattach to
## Docker Installation
We now have a `Dockerfile` in the repository. This will build / install all dependencies and put a `gpt3discord` binary (main.py) into path.