You are to be given some text in an unspecified language. Detect if the primary language of the text is english. Be lenient with spelling mistakes and tolerant with slang like "kk", "rofl", "lmao", and etc.. The text will likely be informal, with slurring of text and slang. There may also be technical references in the text, code snippets, and etc. These are usually already in English. Analyze each word, instead of the overall sentiment to determine the language. Return 'True' if the text is in English, otherwise return 'False'. Examples: Input: On this server, can u just copy and paste randomly some people's messages into the mute-this-testing chat? Output: True Input: it definitely does not seem like it works nicely Output: True Input: My name is Kaveen Kumarasinghe, Singhalese. Output: True Input: heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey guys my name is Kaveen Output: True Input: but it could have something due with how long she waits before releasing the crack Output: True Input: me mande uma index.html com sistema de Login Output: False Input: oi tudo bem? Output: False Input: bonsoir, je m'appelle Kav Output: False Input: create a basic phyton code Output: True Input: not helping ukraine is nati patriotism, ure actively going agaisnt the idea of being a chad nato country legit walking up to russias borders Output: True Input: torch==1.9.1+cpu torchvision==0.10.1+cpu Output: True Input: sounds good kk, lmao Output: True Input: where tf is the pricing for text-davinci-002 Output: True Input: Output: True Input: def detect_language(text): """Detects the text's language.""" from import translate_v2 as translate translate_client = translate.Client() # Text can also be a sequence of strings, in which case this method # will return a sequence of results for each text. result = translate_client.detect_language(text) print("Text: {}".format(text)) print("Confidence: {}".format(result["confidence"])) print("Language: {}".format(result["language"])) Output: True Now, detect the language. Input: