from dotenv import load_dotenv load_dotenv() import os class EnvService: # To be expanded upon later! def __init__(self): self.env = {} @staticmethod def get_allowed_guilds(): # ALLOWED_GUILDS is a comma separated list of guild ids # It can also just be one guild ID # Read these allowed guilds and return as a list of ints try: allowed_guilds = os.getenv("ALLOWED_GUILDS") except: allowed_guilds = None if allowed_guilds is None: raise ValueError( "ALLOWED_GUILDS is not defined properly in the environment file!" "Please copy your server's guild ID and put it into ALLOWED_GUILDS in the .env file." 'For example a line should look like: `ALLOWED_GUILDS="971268468148166697"`' ) allowed_guilds = ( allowed_guilds.split(",") if "," in allowed_guilds else [allowed_guilds] ) allowed_guilds = [int(guild) for guild in allowed_guilds] return allowed_guilds @staticmethod def get_allowed_roles(): # ALLOWED_ROLES is a comma separated list of string roles # It can also just be one role # Read these allowed roles and return as a list of strings try: allowed_roles = os.getenv("ALLOWED_ROLES") except: allowed_roles = None if allowed_roles is None: raise ValueError( "ALLOWED_ROLES is not defined properly in the environment file!" "Please copy your server's role and put it into ALLOWED_ROLES in the .env file." 'For example a line should look like: `ALLOWED_ROLES="Admin"`' ) allowed_roles = ( allowed_roles.split(",") if "," in allowed_roles else [allowed_roles] ) return allowed_roles