import asyncio import pickle import traceback from datetime import datetime import aiofiles import discord from services.environment_service import EnvService class Pickler: def __init__( self, full_conversation_history, conversation_threads, conversation_thread_owners, ): self.full_conversation_history = full_conversation_history self.conversation_threads = conversation_threads self.conversation_thread_owners = conversation_thread_owners # This function will be called by the bot to process the message queue @staticmethod async def process_pickle_queue(pickle_queue, PROCESS_WAIT_TIME, EMPTY_WAIT_TIME): while True: try: # If the queue is empty, sleep for a short time before checking again if pickle_queue.empty(): await asyncio.sleep(EMPTY_WAIT_TIME) continue # Get the next object to pickle from the queue to_pickle = await pickle_queue.get() # Pickle all the objects inside to_pickle using aiofiles async with EnvService.save_path() / "pickles" / "full_conversation_history.pickle", "wb", ) as f: await f.write(pickle.dumps(to_pickle.full_conversation_history)) async with EnvService.save_path() / "pickles" / "conversation_threads.pickle", "wb", ) as f: await f.write(pickle.dumps(to_pickle.conversation_threads)) async with EnvService.save_path() / "pickles" / "conversation_thread_owners.pickle", "wb", ) as f: await f.write(pickle.dumps(to_pickle.conversation_thread_owners)) await asyncio.sleep(PROCESS_WAIT_TIME) except Exception: traceback.print_exc()