Guide to Create an OpenAI Account and Generate an API Key ========================================================= Follow these simple steps to create an OpenAI account, generate a new API key, and copy it: 1\. Go to OpenAI at []( ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Visit the OpenAI API page by clicking [here]( 2\. Click on "Get Started" in the banner ---------------------------------------- On the OpenAI API page, find and click the "Get Started" button in the banner. ![image]( 3\. Register yourself a new account ----------------------------------- Follow the on-screen instructions to register a new account by providing the necessary details. ![image]( 4\. Access the OpenAI overview ------------------------------ After successful registration, you will be redirected to the OpenAI overview page. ![image]( 5\. Navigate to "Personal" -------------------------- Click on "Personal" in the top right corner of the OpenAI overview page. 6\. Click on "View API keys" in the dropdown menu ------------------------------------------------- From the "Personal" dropdown menu, select "View API keys." ![image]( 7\. Create a new secret key --------------------------- On the API keys page, click the "Create new secret key" button. ![image]( 8\. Copy the newly generated API key ------------------------------------ **IMPORTANT STEP!** After the key is generated, click on the green highlighted button to copy the API key. Make sure to store it in a safe place, as you won't be able to see it again. ![image](