import asyncio import traceback from functools import partial from pathlib import Path import aiohttp import discord from discord.ext import pages from pytube import YouTube from models.deepl_model import TranslationModel from models.embed_statics_model import EmbedStatics from services.environment_service import EnvService from services.text_service import TextService ALLOWED_GUILDS = EnvService.get_allowed_guilds() USER_INPUT_API_KEYS = EnvService.get_user_input_api_keys() USER_KEY_DB = EnvService.get_api_db() class TranscribeService(discord.Cog, name="TranscribeService"): """Cog containing translation commands and retrieval of transcribe services""" def __init__( self, bot, model, usage_service, ): super().__init__() = bot self.model = model self.usage_service = usage_service # Make the "audiotemp" folder if it doesn't exist, using pathlib Path("audiotemp").mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) async def transcribe_link_command( self, ctx: discord.ApplicationContext, link: str, temperature: float ): # Check if this discord file is an instance of mp3, mp4, mpeg, mpga, m4a, wav, or webm. await ctx.defer() user_api_key = None if USER_INPUT_API_KEYS: user_api_key = await TextService.get_user_api_key(, ctx, USER_KEY_DB ) if not user_api_key: return if "youtube" in link: # We need to download the youtube video and save it to a temporary file yt = YouTube(link) # Delete audiotemp/{str(}temp.mp3 if it already exists if Path("audiotemp/{}temp.mp3".format(str( Path("audiotemp/{}temp.mp3".format(str( print("before call") try: file_path = await asyncio.get_running_loop().run_in_executor( None, partial( yt.streams.filter().first().download, output_path="audiotemp", filename="{}temp".format(str(, ), ) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() await ctx.respond( "Failed to download youtube video. Please try again later. " + str(e) ) return print("after call the file path was" + file_path) else: await ctx.respond( "Please upload a valid youtube link. Other links are not implemented yet" ) return # Load the file object from the file_path file = discord.File(file_path) response_message = await ctx.respond( embed=EmbedStatics.build_transcribe_progress_embed() ) try: response = await self.model.send_transcription_request( file, temperature, user_api_key ) print(response) if len(response) > 4080: # Chunk the response into 2048 character chunks, each an embed page chunks = [response[i : i + 2048] for i in range(0, len(response), 2048)] embed_pages = [] for chunk in chunks: embed_pages.append( discord.Embed( title="Transcription Page {}".format(len(embed_pages) + 1), description=chunk, ) ) paginator = pages.Paginator( pages=embed_pages, timeout=None, author_check=False, ) await paginator.respond(ctx.interaction) await response_message.delete() return await response_message.edit(embed=EmbedStatics.build_transcribe_success_embed(response)) except Exception as e: await response_message.edit(embed=EmbedStatics.build_transcribe_failed_embed(str(e))) async def transcribe_file_command( self, ctx: discord.ApplicationContext, file: discord.Attachment, temperature: float, ): # Check if this discord file is an instance of mp3, mp4, mpeg, mpga, m4a, wav, or webm. await ctx.defer() user_api_key = None if USER_INPUT_API_KEYS: user_api_key = await TextService.get_user_api_key(, ctx, USER_KEY_DB ) if not user_api_key: return if not file.filename.endswith( (".mp3", ".mp4", ".mpeg", ".mpga", ".m4a", ".wav", ".webm") ): await ctx.respond("Please upload a valid audio/video file.") return # Also check the file metadata in case it is actually an audio/video file but with a weird ending if not file.content_type.startswith(("audio/", "video/")): await ctx.respond("Please upload a valid audio/video file.") return response_message = await ctx.respond( embed=EmbedStatics.build_transcribe_progress_embed() ) try: response = await self.model.send_transcription_request( file, temperature, user_api_key ) if len(response) > 4080: # Chunk the response into 2048 character chunks, each an embed page chunks = [response[i : i + 2048] for i in range(0, len(response), 2048)] embed_pages = [] for chunk in chunks: embed_pages.append( discord.Embed( title="Transcription Page {}".format(len(embed_pages) + 1), description=chunk, ) ) paginator = pages.Paginator( pages=embed_pages, timeout=None, author_check=False, ) await paginator.respond(ctx.interaction) await response_message.edit( embed=EmbedStatics.build_transcribe_success_embed(response) ) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() await response_message.edit( embed=EmbedStatics.build_transcribe_failed_embed(str(e)) )