ARG PY_VERSION=3.9 # Build container FROM python:${PY_VERSION} as base FROM base as builder ARG PY_VERSION ARG TARGETPLATFORM COPY . . RUN mkdir /install /src WORKDIR /install RUN pip install --target="/install" --upgrade pip setuptools wheel RUN pip install --target="/install" --upgrade setuptools_rust # if empty run as usual, if amd64 do the same, if arm64 load an arm version of torch RUN if [ -z "{$TARGETPLATFORM}" ]; then pip install --target="/install" --upgrade torch==1.9.1+cpu torchvision==0.10.1+cpu -f ; fi RUN if [ "${TARGETPLATFORM}" = "linux/amd64" ]; then pip install --target="/install" --upgrade torch==1.9.1+cpu torchvision==0.10.1+cpu -f ; fi RUN if [ "${TARGETPLATFORM}" = "linux/arm64" ]; then pip install --target="/install" --upgrade torch==1.9.0 torchvision==0.10.0 -f -f ; fi RUN pip install --target="/install" --upgrade git+ COPY requirements.txt /install RUN pip install --target="/install" -r requirements.txt COPY /src COPY cogs /src/cogs COPY models /src/models COPY services /src/services COPY /src COPY pyproject.toml /src # For debugging + seeing that the modiles file layouts look correct ... RUN find /src RUN pip install --target="/install" /src # Copy minimal to main image (to keep as small as possible) FROM python:${PY_VERSION}-slim ARG PY_VERSION COPY . . COPY --from=builder /install /usr/local/lib/python${PY_VERSION}/site-packages RUN mkdir -p /opt/gpt3discord/etc COPY /opt/gpt3discord/bin/ COPY image_optimizer_pretext.txt conversation_starter_pretext.txt conversation_starter_pretext_minimal.txt /opt/gpt3discord/share/ COPY openers /opt/gpt3discord/share/openers CMD ["python3", "/opt/gpt3discord/bin/"]