OPENAI_TOKEN = "<openai_api_token>"
DISCORD_TOKEN = "<discord_bot_token>"
DEBUG_GUILD = "974519864045756446"  # discord_server_id
DEBUG_CHANNEL = "977697652147892304"  # discord_chanel_id
ALLOWED_GUILDS = "971268468148166697,971268468148166697"

# People with the roles in ADMIN_ROLES can use admin commands like /clear-local, and etc
ADMIN_ROLES = "Admin,Owner"

# People with the roles in DALLE_ROLES can use commands like /dalle draw or /dalle imgoptimize
DALLE_ROLES = "Admin,Openai,Dalle,gpt"

# People with the roles in GPT_ROLES can use commands like /gpt ask or /gpt converse
GPT_ROLES = "openai,gpt"

WELCOME_MESSAGE = "Hi There! Welcome to our Discord server. We hope you'll enjoy our server and we look forward to engaging with you!"  # This is a fallback message if gpt3 fails to generate a welcome message.