import datetime import os import re import tempfile import traceback import uuid from collections import defaultdict from io import BytesIO import discord from PIL import Image from discord.ext import commands from cogs.image_prompt_optimizer import ImgPromptOptimizer class RedoUser: def __init__(self, prompt, message, response_message): self.prompt = prompt self.message = message self.response_message = response_message redo_users = {} users_to_interactions = {} class DrawDallEService(commands.Cog, name="DrawDallEService"): def __init__(self, bot, usage_service, model, message_queue, deletion_queue, converser_cog): = bot self.usage_service = usage_service self.model = model self.message_queue = message_queue self.deletion_queue = deletion_queue self.converser_cog = converser_cog print("Draw service init") ImgPromptOptimizer(, self.usage_service, self.model, self.message_queue, self.deletion_queue, self.converser_cog, self, ) ) print(f"Image prompt optimizer was added") async def encapsulated_send(self, prompt, message, response_message=None, vary=None, draw_from_optimizer=None, user_id=None): # send the prompt to the model file, image_urls = self.model.send_image_request( prompt, vary=vary if not draw_from_optimizer else None ) # Start building an embed to send to the user with the results of the image generation embed = discord.Embed( title="Image Generation Results" if not vary else "Image Generation Results (Varying)" if not draw_from_optimizer else "Image Generation Results (Drawing from Optimizer)", description=f"{prompt}", color=0xC730C7, ) # Add the image file to the embed embed.set_image(url=f"attachment://{file.filename}") if not response_message: # Original generation case # Start an interaction with the user, we also want to send data embed=embed, file=file, view=SaveView(image_urls, self, self.converser_cog) result_message = await embed=embed, file=file, view=SaveView(image_urls, self, self.converser_cog) ) self.converser_cog.users_to_interactions[] = [] self.converser_cog.users_to_interactions[].append( redo_users[] = RedoUser( prompt, message, result_message ) else: if not vary: # Editing case message = await response_message.edit(embed=embed, file=file, view=SaveView(image_urls, self, self.converser_cog)) else: # Varying case if not draw_from_optimizer: result_message = await response_message.edit_original_response(content="Image variation completed!", embed=embed, file=file, view=SaveView(image_urls, self, self.converser_cog, True)) redo_users[] = RedoUser( prompt, message, result_message ) else: result_message = await response_message.edit_original_response( content="I've drawn the optimized prompt!", embed=embed, file=file, view=SaveView(image_urls, self, self.converser_cog)) redo_users[user_id] = RedoUser( prompt, message, result_message ) if (user_id): self.converser_cog.users_to_interactions[user_id].append( self.converser_cog.users_to_interactions[user_id].append( @commands.command() async def draw(self, ctx, *args): message = ctx.message if == return # Only allow the bot to be used by people who have the role "Admin" or "GPT" general_user = not any( role in set(self.converser_cog.DAVINCI_ROLES).union(set(self.converser_cog.CURIE_ROLES)) for role in ) admin_user = not any( role in self.converser_cog.DAVINCI_ROLES for role in ) if (not admin_user and not general_user): return try: # The image prompt is everything after the command prompt = " ".join(args) await self.encapsulated_send(prompt, message) except Exception as e: print(e) traceback.print_exc() await ctx.reply("Something went wrong. Please try again later.") await ctx.reply(e) @commands.command() async def local_size(self, ctx): # Get the size of the dall-e images folder that we have on the current system. # Check if admin user message = ctx.message admin_user = not any( role in self.converser_cog.DAVINCI_ROLES for role in ) if not admin_user: return image_path = self.model.IMAGE_SAVE_PATH total_size = 0 for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(image_path): for f in filenames: fp = os.path.join(dirpath, f) total_size += os.path.getsize(fp) # Format the size to be in MB and send. total_size = total_size / 1000000 await ctx.send(f"The size of the local images folder is {total_size} MB.") @commands.command() async def clear_local(self, ctx): message = ctx.message admin_user = not any( role in self.converser_cog.DAVINCI_ROLES for role in ) if not admin_user: return # Delete all the local images in the images folder. image_path = self.model.IMAGE_SAVE_PATH for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(image_path): for f in filenames: try: fp = os.path.join(dirpath, f) os.remove(fp) except Exception as e: print(e) await ctx.send("Local images cleared.") class SaveView(discord.ui.View): def __init__(self, image_urls, cog,converser_cog, no_retry=False): super().__init__() self.cog = cog self.converser_cog = converser_cog for x in range(1, len(image_urls)+1): self.add_item(SaveButton(x, image_urls[x-1])) self.add_item(VaryButton(x, image_urls[x-1], self.cog, converser_cog=self.converser_cog)) if not no_retry: self.add_item(RedoButton(self.cog, converser_cog=self.converser_cog)) class VaryButton(discord.ui.Button): def __init__(self, number, image_url, cog, converser_cog): super().__init__(style=discord.ButtonStyle.blurple, label='Vary ' + str(number)) self.number = number self.image_url = image_url self.cog = cog self.converser_cog = converser_cog async def callback(self, interaction: discord.Interaction): user_id = interaction_id = print(f"The interactions for the user is {self.converser_cog.users_to_interactions[user_id]}") print(f"The current interaction message id is {interaction_id}") print(f"The current interaction ID is {}") if (interaction_id not in self.converser_cog.users_to_interactions[user_id]): if len(self.converser_cog.users_to_interactions[user_id]) >= 2: interaction_id2 = if (interaction_id2 not in self.converser_cog.users_to_interactions[user_id]): await interaction.response.send_message( content="You can not vary images in someone else's chain!", ephemeral=True ) else: await interaction.response.send_message( content="You can only vary for images that you generated yourself!", ephemeral=True ) return if user_id in redo_users: response_message = await interaction.response.send_message( content="Varying image number " + str(self.number) + "..." ) self.converser_cog.users_to_interactions[user_id].append( self.converser_cog.users_to_interactions[user_id].append( prompt = redo_users[user_id].prompt await self.cog.encapsulated_send(prompt, interaction.message, response_message=response_message, vary=self.image_url, user_id=user_id) class SaveButton(discord.ui.Button['SaveView']): def __init__(self, number: int, image_url: str): super().__init__(style=discord.ButtonStyle.gray, label='Save ' + str(number)) self.number = number self.image_url = image_url async def callback(self, interaction: discord.Interaction): # If the image url doesn't start with "http", then we need to read the file from the URI, and then send the # file to the user as an attachment. try: if not self.image_url.startswith("http"): with open(self.image_url, "rb") as f: image = temp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".png") await interaction.response.send_message( content="Here is your image for download (open original and save)", file=discord.File(, ephemeral=True ) else: await interaction.response.send_message(f'You can directly download this image from {self.image_url}', ephemeral=True) except Exception as e: await interaction.response.send_message(f'Error: {e}', ephemeral=True) traceback.print_exc() class RedoButton(discord.ui.Button['SaveView']): def __init__(self, cog, converser_cog): super().__init__(style=discord.ButtonStyle.danger, label='Retry') self.cog = cog self.converser_cog = converser_cog async def callback(self, interaction: discord.Interaction): user_id = interaction_id = if (interaction_id not in self.converser_cog.users_to_interactions[user_id]): await interaction.response.send_message( content="You can only retry for prompts that you generated yourself!", ephemeral=True ) return # We have passed the intial check of if the interaction belongs to the user if user_id in redo_users: # Get the message and the prompt and call encapsulated_send message = redo_users[user_id].message prompt = redo_users[user_id].prompt response_message = redo_users[user_id].response_message message = await interaction.response.send_message( f'Regenerating the image for your original prompt, check the original message.', ephemeral=True) self.converser_cog.users_to_interactions[user_id].append( await self.cog.encapsulated_send(prompt, message, response_message)