import datetime import os import re import traceback import discord from discord.ext import commands from models.deletion_service import Deletion redo_users = {} class RedoUser: def __init__(self, prompt, message, response): self.prompt = prompt self.message = message self.response = response class ImgPromptOptimizer(commands.Cog, name="ImgPromptOptimizer"): _OPTIMIZER_PRETEXT = "Optimize the following text for DALL-E image generation to have the most detailed and realistic image possible. Prompt:" def __init__( self, bot, usage_service, model, message_queue, deletion_queue, converser_cog ): = bot self.usage_service = usage_service self.model = model self.message_queue = message_queue self.OPTIMIZER_PRETEXT = self._OPTIMIZER_PRETEXT self.converser_cog = converser_cog try: # Try to read the image optimizer pretext from # the file system with open("image_optimizer_pretext.txt", "r") as file: self.OPTIMIZER_PRETEXT = print("Loaded image optimizer pretext from file system") except: traceback.print_exc() self.OPTIMIZER_PRETEXT = self._OPTIMIZER_PRETEXT @commands.command() async def imgoptimize(self, ctx, *args): prompt = self.OPTIMIZER_PRETEXT # Add everything except the command to the prompt for arg in args: prompt += arg + " " print( f"Received an image optimization request for the following prompt: {prompt}" ) try: response = self.model.send_request( prompt, ctx.message, top_p_override=1.0, temp_override=0.9, presence_penalty_override=0.5, best_of_override=1, ) # THIS USES MORE TOKENS THAN A NORMAL REQUEST! This will use roughly 4000 tokens, and will repeat the query # twice because of the best_of_override=2 parameter. This is to ensure that the model does a lot of analysis, but is # also relatively cost-effective response_text = response["choices"][0]["text"] print(f"Received the following response: {response.__dict__}") if"<@!?\d+>|<@&\d+>|<#\d+>", response_text): await ctx.reply("I'm sorry, I can't mention users, roles, or channels.") return response_message = await ctx.reply(response_text) redo_users[] = RedoUser(prompt, ctx.message, response_message) = self.converser_cog await response_message.edit(view=RedoButtonView()) # Catch the value errors raised by the Model object except ValueError as e: await ctx.reply(e) return # Catch all other errors, we want this to keep going if it errors out. except Exception as e: await ctx.reply("Something went wrong, please try again later") await # print a stack trace traceback.print_exc() return class RedoButtonView( discord.ui.View ): # Create a class called MyView that subclasses discord.ui.View @discord.ui.button( label="", style=discord.ButtonStyle.primary, emoji="🔄" ) # Create a button with the label "😎 Click me!" with color Blurple async def button_callback(self, button, interaction): msg = await interaction.response.send_message( "Redoing your original request...", ephemeral=True ) # Put the message into the deletion queue with a timestamp of 10 seconds from now to be deleted deletion = Deletion( msg, ( + datetime.timedelta(seconds=10)).timestamp() ) await # Get the user user_id = if user_id in redo_users: # Get the message and the prompt and call encapsulated_send message = redo_users[user_id].message prompt = redo_users[user_id].prompt response_message = redo_users[user_id].response await, prompt, response_message)