Your ROOT_URL in app.ini is but you are visiting You should set ROOT_URL correctly, otherwise the web may not work correctly.

312 lines
11 KiB

import os
import sys
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Union
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from sqlitedict import SqliteDict
def app_root_path():
app_path = Path(sys.argv[0]).resolve()
if == "bin": # Installed in unixy hierachy
return app_path.parents[1]
except IndexError:
return app_path.parent
# None will let direnv do its' thing
env_paths = [Path(".env"), app_root_path() / "etc/environment", None]
for env_path in env_paths:
print("Loading environment from " + str(env_path))
class EnvService:
# To be expanded upon later!
def __init__(self):
self.env = {}
def environment_path_with_fallback(env_name, relative_fallback=None):
directory = os.getenv(env_name)
if directory is not None:
return Path(directory).resolve()
if relative_fallback:
app_relative = (app_root_path() / relative_fallback).resolve()
if app_relative.exists():
return app_relative
return Path.cwd()
def find_shared_file(file_name):
share_file_paths = []
share_dir = os.getenv("SHARE_DIR")
if share_dir is not None:
share_file_paths.append(Path(share_dir) / file_name)
app_root_path() / "share" / file_name,
app_root_path() / file_name,
for share_file_path in share_file_paths:
if share_file_path.exists():
return share_file_path.resolve()
raise ValueError(f"Unable to find shared data file {file_name}")
def get_allowed_guilds():
# ALLOWED_GUILDS is a comma separated list of guild ids
# It can also just be one guild ID
# Read these allowed guilds and return as a list of ints
allowed_guilds = os.getenv("ALLOWED_GUILDS")
except Exception:
allowed_guilds = None
if allowed_guilds is None:
raise ValueError(
"ALLOWED_GUILDS is not defined properly in the environment file!"
"Please copy your server's guild ID and put it into ALLOWED_GUILDS in the .env file."
'For example a line should look like: `ALLOWED_GUILDS="971268468148166697"`'
allowed_guilds = (
allowed_guilds.split(",") if "," in allowed_guilds else [allowed_guilds]
allowed_guilds = [int(guild) for guild in allowed_guilds]
return allowed_guilds
def get_admin_roles():
# ADMIN_ROLES is a comma separated list of string roles
# It can also just be one role
# Read these allowed roles and return as a list of strings
admin_roles = os.getenv("ADMIN_ROLES")
except Exception:
admin_roles = None
if admin_roles is None:
"ADMIN_ROLES is not defined properly in the environment file!"
"Please copy your server's role and put it into ADMIN_ROLES in the .env file."
'For example a line should look like: `ADMIN_ROLES="Admin"`'
print("Defaulting to allowing all users to use admin commands...")
return [None]
admin_roles = (
if "," in admin_roles
else [admin_roles.lower()]
return admin_roles
def get_dalle_roles():
# DALLE_ROLES is a comma separated list of string roles
# It can also just be one role
# Read these allowed roles and return as a list of strings
dalle_roles = os.getenv("DALLE_ROLES")
except Exception:
dalle_roles = None
if dalle_roles is None:
"DALLE_ROLES is not defined properly in the environment file!"
"Please copy your server's role and put it into DALLE_ROLES in the .env file."
'For example a line should look like: `DALLE_ROLES="Dalle"`'
print("Defaulting to allowing all users to use Dalle commands...")
return [None]
dalle_roles = (
if "," in dalle_roles
else [dalle_roles.lower()]
return dalle_roles
def get_translator_roles():
# DALLE_ROLES is a comma separated list of string roles
# It can also just be one role
# Read these allowed roles and return as a list of strings
translator_roles = os.getenv("TRANSLATOR_ROLES")
except Exception:
translator_roles = None
if translator_roles is None:
"TRANSLATOR_ROLES is not defined properly in the environment file!"
"Please copy your server's role and put it into TRANSLATOR in the .env file."
'For example a line should look like: `TRANSLATOR="Translate"`'
print("Defaulting to allowing all users to use Translator commands...")
return [None]
translator_roles = (
if "," in translator_roles
else [translator_roles.lower()]
return translator_roles
def get_gpt_roles():
# GPT_ROLES is a comma separated list of string roles
# It can also just be one role
# Read these allowed roles and return as a list of strings
gpt_roles = os.getenv("GPT_ROLES")
except Exception:
gpt_roles = None
if gpt_roles is None:
"GPT_ROLES is not defined properly in the environment file!"
"Please copy your server's role and put it into GPT_ROLES in the .env file."
'For example a line should look like: `GPT_ROLES="Gpt"`'
print("Defaulting to allowing all users to use GPT commands...")
return [None]
gpt_roles = (
if "," in gpt_roles
else [gpt_roles.lower()]
return gpt_roles
def get_welcome_message():
# WELCOME_MESSAGE is a default string used to welcome new members to the server if GPT3 is not available.
# The string can be blank but this is not advised. If a string cannot be found in the .env file, the below string is used.
# The string is DMd to the new server member as part of an embed.
welcome_message = os.getenv("WELCOME_MESSAGE")
except Exception:
welcome_message = "Hi there! Welcome to our Discord server!"
return welcome_message
def get_moderations_alert_channel():
# MODERATIONS_ALERT_CHANNEL is a channel id where moderation alerts are sent to
# The string can be blank but this is not advised. If a string cannot be found in the .env file, the below string is used.
moderations_alert_channel = os.getenv("MODERATIONS_ALERT_CHANNEL")
except Exception:
moderations_alert_channel = None
return moderations_alert_channel
def get_user_input_api_keys():
user_input_api_keys = os.getenv("USER_INPUT_API_KEYS")
if user_input_api_keys.lower().strip() == "true":
return True
return False
except Exception:
return False
def get_custom_bot_name():
custom_bot_name = os.getenv("CUSTOM_BOT_NAME") + ": "
return custom_bot_name
except Exception:
return "GPTie: "
def get_health_service_enabled():
user_input_api_keys = os.getenv("HEALTH_SERVICE_ENABLED")
if user_input_api_keys.lower().strip() == "true":
return True
return False
except Exception:
return False
def get_user_key_db_path() -> Union[Path, None]:
user_key_db_path = os.getenv("USER_KEY_DB_PATH")
if user_key_db_path is None:
return None
return Path(user_key_db_path)
except Exception:
return None
def get_api_db():
user_input_api_keys = EnvService.get_user_input_api_keys()
user_key_db = None
if user_input_api_keys:
"This server was configured to enforce user input API keys. Doing the required database setup now"
# Get user_key_db from environment variable
user_key_db_path = EnvService.get_user_key_db_path()
# Check if user_key_db_path is valid
if not user_key_db_path:
"No user key database path was provided. Defaulting to user_key_db.sqlite"
user_key_db_path = "user_key_db.sqlite"
# append "user_key_db.sqlite" to USER_KEY_DB_PATH if it doesn't already end with .sqlite
if not user_key_db_path.match("*.sqlite"):
# append "user_key_db.sqlite" to USER_KEY_DB_PATH
user_key_db_path = user_key_db_path / "user_key_db.sqlite"
user_key_db = SqliteDict(user_key_db_path)
print("Retrieved/created the user key database")
return user_key_db
return user_key_db
def get_bypass_roles():
# GPT_ROLES is a comma separated list of string roles
# It can also just be one role
# Read these allowed roles and return as a list of strings
bypass_roles = os.getenv("CHAT_BYPASS_ROLES")
except Exception:
bypass_roles = None
if bypass_roles is None:
"CHAT_BYPASS_ROLES is not defined properly in the environment file!"
"Please copy your server's role and put it into CHAT_BYPASS_ROLES in the .env file."
'For example a line should look like: `CHAT_BYPASS_ROLES="bypass"`'
print("Defaulting to allowing NO ONE to bypass chat moderation")
return [None]
bypass_roles = (
if "," in bypass_roles
else [bypass_roles.lower()]
return bypass_roles
def get_deepl_token():
deepl_token = os.getenv("DEEPL_TOKEN")
return deepl_token
except Exception:
return None